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Everything posted by Fishfinger

  1. Yup I remember going to firework displays when the ground was rock hard the air was frosty and your feet were frozen...
  2. Russian GDP for 2022 was $2.2TR List of countries by GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia🙄 So effectively the war is already over? Can we keep these clownish comments on the Russia thread and not pollute others please?
  3. 😁😁 That's rich given your "contributions" on the Russia thread. I see Mr Putin is still in power and Russia hasn't collapsed despite losing 1m men by Xmas 2022. However back on point. The whole financial system is based on the double entry book keeping system is it not? And going back to the original post about banks conjuring money out of thin air, the bank will be able to prove that they credited your bank account with the funds but can they prove the debit side i.e. their ledger where the funds were debited from? If the money is conjured out of thin air then the answer is no they can't and therefore they can't prove their loss and add any associated interest on top. For the record I spent a decade in the finance/debt collection industry and have repo'ed cars, houses, boats and god know what else. I must have been as Court at least 50 times over that period dealing with debtors defending and counter claiming over their lack of payments. Most of the time they lost.
  4. They do when you put your defence in asking them to prove their financial loss. Show me on the bank side of the ledger that they transferred the money to you and therefore have made a loss. They can't as the money was conjured out of thin air..
  5. So in that case take a mortgage out, default on it and ask the bank to prove it's loss. They wont be able to because it's conjured out of thin air?
  6. ....and not the ones about overthrowing the Mongol Yoke, checking Swedish expansionism at the battle of Poltava, being in Paris post Borodino (how did they get there?😁), how they ended up at the Black Sea (Ottoman Turks you're our bitch!), how they ended up south of the Causcauses & in Central Asia. Oh and Operation Bagration where in 3 weeks 300,000 German troops disappeared off the map (and the Earth) whilst we and the Yanks were dicking about in privet hedges in Normandy. As you say an onmishambles😁😁🙄
  7. But if you’re paying rent you’re indirectly paying for these costs on behalf of the landlord which improves their asset. I’ve been mortgage free for 17 years and need to replace the boiler. That boiler will not cost me 17 years of rental payments!
  8. So no Ukrainians have fled to Poland then? No Russian speakers have fled to Russia? And the current Ukrainian govt estimates there are 23million in the country🙄
  9. Ukraine’s population was 50 million in 1990. The latest estimate by the current administration is 23 million. Obviously they’ve learnt from the Russians🙄
  10. Also some “highly desirable” Victorian houses around today were built for the labouring classes and would have been viewed as slums at the time. Oh the irony!
  11. That’s was when our empire was also becoming unprofitable. if we didn’t have the proceeds of that it would be interesting to see how good our Victorian and Georgian houses would have been…
  12. That's why I want to do when I retire, instead of charging around doing chores & DIY I want to be able to take the whole day doing them perfectly..
  13. I see - this is from a Ukrainian source and thus needs to be treated with scepticism. Any independent (i.e. non Ukranian) sources can corroborate these figures? I get the submarine figure but the troop losses are those KIA or KIA/MIA/WIA combined? And what's Ukraine's losses?
  14. Go on I'll bite- how is the great Ukrainian offensive going? It started at the beginning of June and is still no where near the Sea of Azov or the Crimea. How many (10s) of thousands of ill trained Ukrainians have been led to the slaughter there? The frightening thing is that the offensive has for the most part not even got to the first line of the Surovikin defence line.
  15. Thanks - luck has not been factored into my decisions in any way at all but I won't turn it down either😁
  16. I'm well up even in a manipulated market. The BRICS are leading the dedollarisation which means only one thing - there's a gold standard on its way which means all countries will eventually (in the BRICS or not) have to peg their own currencies as well. In a malfunctioning economy Gold will always be king. Checkout Germany during their 1920's hyperinflation and see what gold could buy there.
  17. Russian peacekeepers are there protecting the Armenians fleeing as the Armenian govt is not doing it! The Armenian PM is West leaning not Russia friendly so make of that what you will...
  18. The false wall is not to be bolted to the existing wall as the sound travels along that as well! You bolt to the up and lower joists and to the side walls The air gap only needs to a cm or 2 so no stuffing clothes there 😁 I will lose about 17cms or so (6-7 inches) off the walls an acceptable trade off as I'm losing the chimney breasts.
  19. According to the BBC & Guardian Biden has approved a small number of ATACMS but no time frame given. So who knows when these will turn up (if at all)? If only a small number I don't think this will be war winner. I suspect the Russians will keep a beady eye on their arrival. Heavens forbid the Russians may lob the odd cruise/hypersonic missile their way...
  20. To paraphrase a certain post on this thread - You do not provide proof, evidence quotes or sources. You may as well be describing life in heaven, because there is nothing whatsoever to backup your claims, other than faith in the Holy Tzar (or should that be Zelensky in your case?)😁
  21. And of course absolutely no one on this thread does exactly the same either?😁😁
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