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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by OZZIE

  1. Unitl recently I would have posted very similar to you, that property was sticking, but the last two weeks in mid cornwall around the south coast they seem to be selling very quickly. It amazes me how quickly you can come up against people on this forum. My observations are just that- i'm not a troll either just discussing what I see. I also don't think that prices will rise forever, although if we want a crash I think those rates may need to rise a bit further. At the moment I see property stagnating after dropping last year a fraction. (unless of course rate rise, petrol gas etc keep rising and unemployment goes through the roof). Sentiment has not changed yet!!! Sorry I should have added IMOPO in the title thread. with added get out clause in my own local areas! so why let EA trolls bother you? never did get that about this site!
  3. More ANECDOTAL evidence. The property we are currently renting was for sale last year they have reduced it 10 % and we have had 4 couples and one wannabe 20 year old BTL view it. Im sorry everyone but around my area up north and my home town in Cornwall the buyers are back. I'm sorry if some posters do not like my observations- I dont like them either.
  4. AND THE DUBIOUS INTEPRETATION IS? What is this site if it is not to offer and discuss anecdotals from indivduals around the uk and the world.
  5. English and vocabulary were never my strong point!
  6. I got LUCKY. Devorce and one sale fell through!
  7. Yes im so sick off it! My friends where are they? They are all house mad. I hate it .
  8. THANKYOU FOR THE REPLYS. I can only offer my anecdotal evidence. Nothing was selling around my area for at least 18 months- I thought the end was nigh. It still may be ( although the CPI isn't promising is it!!). I stand by what I see and that is there are plenty more houses selling. We have been looking at houses for a while and put in very low offers most refused. These houses never budged on price and now some are selling. Yes there are still a lot that aren't. I never stated that all property was sold, but the thread reads spring bounce and IMO we are seeing a strong jump this year. After all it has been a long time since that rate change in either direction. And yes I did get 4.67%, they were available very recently, and if we are being pedantic I got a 18.76% reduction. I was and remainn a firm believer in HPC, however, there is still some time and monet to be spent yet. Unless the BOE do the smart thing and raise us a couple of points.
  9. Unfortunately ( ), my observations around the Eats Midlands and Cornwall are that houses are selling like hotcakes and I mean selling fast! My mother in law has been on the markey 2 years- sold for asking price yesterday. Friends council house sold over inflted obsurd price in 2 days. The madness is back and im afraid that, IMO, the only thing to stop this monster is a rise in rates. I STR in June 2004 and this felt right during the slowdown, however, our nextdoor neighbours sold their identical house at the end of march 2006 for 20000 more. I cannot wait any longer and am now buying after managing to grab a 10 year at 4.67% and a 20% reduction of the askign price. (Cant deal with the insecurity of renting anymore- had to move twice already in 2 years. not good for the family). I can add however, that after goign home recently to cornwall and seeing many friends i am still amazed by thier disregard of any risks. They are obssessed with houses. The IO was talked of on many occassions. Iv'e learn't now just smile and agree its the only way. there are still wannabe btletters out there and i just pray that those rates rise and bring some normality back, but God Help some of my freinds when they do. Although buying I remain a bear.
  10. HATE TO SAY IT! But things do also apear to be selling faster in my area.
  11. Absolute baloney, I am a mental health nurse whom has been qualified two years. My basic wage and and unsocial payment totals approx 24500. I work a lot of nights to get this sum. I don't think public sector workers are helping the boom. A Nurses wage increased by practicallly nothing when labour came to power. Agenda for change was a farce. They gave increases to one hand and took special pay from another. I was no better off. they changed our grading system and now it will take me around 5 years more, to get the same salary, as it would have done. Now management, thats where the money has gone they got phenominal pay rises. Far too many pen pushers and office workers. In fact my ward recently got cloased, why? Offices, more office space. Can I just add. Iv'e waited long enough and althoguh it goes against the hpc way, we are now going to buy. Had to move out of last rental property (they wanted it back to live in). I feel there is no security in renting. you can only wait so long befor eyou spend too much rent eh? (knock me down! Make me see sense!) It is just lucky i'm not first time buyer eh! I have been actively looking for a week and without a doubt the sellers im my area have had minimal viewings. Some only 1 or 2 in over year, and still they say 'i will not take any silly offers'. One said i bet your dissapointed you sold you missed the boom. we sold 18 months ago around june 04. His house he had bought, doem soem DIY put it back on market 35000 more. It didnt sell its been on the market 15 months. Yes I missed the boom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What does a nurse do! I know my role and it carries huge responsibility and requires considerable knowledge. I am not shocked by the level of naivity and lack of knowledge with regard to the job role of the 21st century nurse. I work as a mental health nurse, originally on a ward and now within the community. Believe me ensuring people maintain there autonomy wihtin the mental health setting is a challenge within itself. Trying to help people who often don't want your help, have no motivation, those who suffer with mental illnes is not an easy role. Try being a staff nurse, being in charge of a ward with 24 acutely ill individuals, some who can be violent. Your time is severely constrained. You are repsonsible for ensuring no one harms themselves, which some patients are actively trying to attempt. You are responsible for ensuring people maintain there rights. Then there are reports for tribunals, legal issues of the mental health act, dispensing potent drugs, undertaking risk assesments, offering therapeutic risk taking, physical restraint of patients who are harming themselves or attempting to harm you (very stressful), close observations, again very stressful. Advocating for a patient. Working in the community:- offering brief therapy, CBT, PSI, Cognitive therapy, Behaviour therapy, responsibility that a patient remains safe, doesn't harm themselves or others. Forty patients on a case load having to evidence precisely the inteventions you undertaking, proving there beneficial, researching the evidence base to support this. This job is not easy it takes years of experince and training. The role of the nurse has changed maybe for better maybe worse. But it has changed and in my job you need to be well trained and have a wide knolwedge base. I am now undertaking my second degree which will allow me to offer better psychological therapies and thus offer a better service to the people that access it. This benefits all of us!!! Could rant on more, but cannot be arsed.
  13. This website appears to be very out of date. My starting salary two year ago as a mental health nurse was 17500. Last year I earnt 25,000, which isnt fantastic, however for my part of the uk is very good. I believe the starting salary is now 18690 with a pay rise of a grand in the first year. Depsite this I believe I am still underpaid for the quantity of work and responsibility I undertake.
  14. I make very few posts on here, however, I have been studying this site and housing boom since April 2004 (I think that date is right). I was very bearish and had many debates (ARGUEMENTS) with family members and friends. However, I firmly believe (I think) that the uk will not experience a housing crash untill the BoE raises those rates. There are no forced sellers and IMO this is what is needed. Around my area I have witnessed numerous property flooding the market this spring and summer. Some properties have been there for over a year. I thought this 'was it the crash is upon us'. Alas, some asking prices have reduced, by a fraction, not many reduce quickly. The excellent property is selling and the rest just linger on unsold. In fact, some of these have now started selling (SSTC!). If they don't sell it appears vendors are just taking them off the market. Relatively Low Interest Rates = No forced sellers = very slow HP deflation/levelling off. (I'M AWARE OF THE HIGH DEBT COUNTER ARGUEMENT) (Last point) To my horror I have also noticed inexperienced agents increasing asking prices, in my area this October, by obscene amounts. I'm talking 15% in 6 months. Funnily some people are buying them. I'm not happy. CANNOT BELIEVE I HAVE POSTED A BULL ARGUEMENT.
  15. Looks good to me, I have had my eye on this one for a while. Don't knock a good deal when you see one.
  16. The letting agents have told us we cannot use the last months rent as means to reimburse our deposit. They state this is in our contract. Where do we stand legally if we were to do this?
  17. I have recently been refused the virgin credit card. This has never happened before, and I do not have huge debts, I have however, been stoozing amounts for 2 years also. luckily RBS have issued me one for 9 months.
  18. Cheers, for the reply. This is what I thought, we will see what they say eh!
  19. Hi all, our 12 month tenancy has finsihed. The letting agents are asking us to sign for another 6 months and, of course, pay a £100 fee for the privelage. Can we remain on a month to month basis or do we have no choice but sign? Any comments?
  20. Around here (North Nottingham area) our Asda has run dry for the second day in a row, I have tried Jet but that was also shut. Huge queues at Morrisons, and Esso I didn't bother waiting! Yesterday the police had to move traffic along as they were blocking the entrance to our main hopsital while waiting in line to grab there petrol. Madness!
  21. Asda North Nottinghamshire, out of unleaded. Big queues starting to form at Esso.
  22. Good old Frank Innes, my friend!
  23. Anecdotal: The wife and I STR last June having recieved over the asking price for our property. We have been happily renting since then, but decided to visit the local estate agents to check out the talk on the ground. To my surprise, the estate agent was very helpful and claimed that the market was very tough compared to when we sold last year (she dealt with our sale). Furthermore, she claimed prices had dropped approx. 10% since 2004. My delight didn't stop there as she showed me a variety of properties and then proceeded to state that she knew which ones I could get at a considerable reduction and by how much! It seems the estate agents are interested in at least getting a sale and not how much they can get for that sale. Athough anecdotal I thought it was very interesting to see the change in sentiment from an EA.
  24. Likewise I have noticed a huge amount of for sale board in snozzel and surrounding areas. Houses are definately not selling here. Some relatives of mine had there house on the market for 6 months and not one viewing. They would not reduce the price and they are convinced that property prices wont fall as 'they wont allow it'- 'they' being Nu Labour. Also freinds of mine in this area who have been adamant that property wont crash, are now claiming that 'apparently theres a slowdown on, but I'm sure snozzel will be fine as they have a new town being built (ie demolished buildings and f*** all else at present), a new village (ie cramped housing estate with a shop at the centre), and the superb Eden Poject. They just dont get it, even in snozzel a council house (2 bed) are on the market at 140,000. Of course none of these freinds can answer the question who is going to buy these places and could they afford to if they were first time buyers now with an answer to suggest this madness will carry on. Hey but who knows perhaps Nu Labour wont let it happen!
  25. Without a doubt in my area it sure as hell looks like a spring bounce is happening. Properties are selling all over and I can't believe it! furthermore, this last week has seen the pace quickening. sh*t.
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