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House Price Crash Forum

Country solicitor

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Everything posted by Country solicitor

  1. "Wandsworth, England" Clearly aimed at the International market -what more could your average City financier or Russian oligarch want! That staircase alone justifies the price-I'm surprised they have only included one shot of it. Note the "report a mistake" link-how about it being £300k overpriced.
  2. I don't think you can pin this one on Applegarth, he may have been making policy on the hoof but now he's gone to pastures new.
  3. He's not the only one-received a letter this morning from one of the national chains refusing to take a client's property on their books at the asking price he wanted! Many of the agents here have slashed their advertising in the local paper as almost nothing is shifting, so I'm expecting more of the same. It isn't worth them taking anything on that isn't priced to sell (whatever that might be in the current market!), their just adding to their overheads otherwise.
  4. Conveyancing instructions here down 60% in the 2nd quarter as against the same quarter last year. Estates can't sell the deceased's property so their administration is on hold-just lost another one, offer accepted at £40k below the asking price but the buyers now have pulled out for unspecified reasons!
  5. Lets hope they are y-o-y negative-it's good to see the table on the front page turning ever redder. Anyone any idea what is happening with the Prime Location figures which are still stuck back at April and therefore looking anomalously positive?
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7509538.stm Up one minute, down the next. Not that it will make a jot of difference to the overall picture I am sure but after weeks of relentlessly bearish news it is disappointing to see anything that could in any way be seen as positive for the housing market.
  7. "Priced for a quick sale!" £100k for that and they have the gall to say its priced for a quick sale. Try 50K and perhaps!
  8. General Motors shares at 30 year low! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7476269.stm
  9. Another milestone reached....! http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUST14048520080626
  10. Same here-I flicked back and forth through our local paper last week in disbelief. Normally we get a thick property section-this time 3 and a half pages and two of those were for one upmarket agent selling £1m plus homes. Everyone else has virtually given up. Imagine what that is doing to the advertising revenues at the paper! Nothing is moving here so the agents are looking to slash their costs and that is the easiest place to start.
  11. Indeed, and we have barely even started with the headline property price falls. 56% down in a year is staggering. As I've said before Stamp Duty is going to be a big player in all this. Anyone buying in a rising market could console themselves with the knowledge that the wodge of cash they were handing over to the Revenue would be "recouped" within months by an increase in the value of their new property. Now its a massive cost that they know is money straight down the pan so another huge disincentive and a factor that wasn't there to the same extent last time round when the rate was a flat 1%.
  12. I'm going for -3.5 m-o-m. Even three months ago such a figure would have seemed off the scale but given the collapse in property transactions we are seeing I'm expecting a big fall. Fionalulululululu-get-up-Early-for-my-monthly-attempt-to-shore-up-the-market-on-the-Today-programme has certainly got her work cut out now.
  13. I can well believe it-things have really fallen off a cliff in the NW. We have absolutely ludicrous prices by any measure and particulary when set against local pay levels. The estate agents have even stopped bothering to advertise in the local rag so sure are they that it is money down the drain.
  14. The flow of bad (ie good) news is non-stop. It's almost too much to take in. This really is going to be bigger and deeper than I had ever imagined, and I was pretty bearish!
  15. Dreadful! We can at least be confident that given the date this was filmed it was not possible to film many more like this as the credit crunch was just about to kick off.
  16. I've just booted out the scullery maid, and the footman will be next.
  17. It certainly is-do keep them coming. Every little bit helps a return to sanity and the constant drip drip drip effect of this day after day, week after week, will keep confidence in the market imploding. I understand yesterday's changes by the Nationwide and Woolwich made the six o'clock news on the radio.
  18. If they take another 100k off someone might. What a dump. I like the close up of the for sale sign-they must have been desperate for something to snap-perhaps it's now a permanent feature!
  19. £130,000 for that! They almost fell over the sofa on the way in
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