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Everything posted by Simhadri

  1. Exactly. I didn't vote Tory. I voted SNP. Still some idiots are celebrating his health problems and trying to score brownie points while CONVENIENTLY IGNORING the irresponsible mess CHINA has created under Mr Vinny The Poo. Blaming US/UK for mess originated from China is pretty childish.
  2. China silently burned many dead people. As usual, Chinese Xinhua gets orders from Vinny The Poo to report much less number. ?
  3. Ok. Mr Yang Yang, we believe that your name is Peter Hun and not some Yang. ?? and you're not on payroll of Vinny The Poo. ?
  4. Ha haha the virus was there months before WHO issued warning. But Xi tried to cover it up and it has blown on his face.
  5. Really ? Self serving CCP has hidden the info about virus for months.
  6. May be in China you've different system ?. But in UK, he fought general election and won unlike your beloved Vinny The Poo ?
  7. Trusting Chinese news ? Ok Mr Wang, we believe you ?
  8. ??? WHO issued Corona warning on 10th Jan 2020 but by then China has had this virus for nearly 3 months and NEVER reported it. China INTENTIONALLY kept Wuhan pandemic under wraps and allowed tourists to flow in and out of China. This is deliberately done and highly IRRESPONSIBLE behaviour from Vinny the Poo.
  9. +1 He is elected by people after all. He is not some beloved leader from communist shithole.
  10. Hiding information costing lives across planet : https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11335367/china-costing-lives-coronavirus-lies-claim/
  11. Sounds right. Stammer will be in few years time doing Blair 2.0. Seems a Brexiteer Boris sounds better than Stammer. I hope he recovers.
  12. Conspiracy Theory my friend saying: Some establishment who are upset with his Brexit success might be behind this plan to inject virus into him. Irrespective of those theories, I wish him full and speedy recovery with long life to be spent with Carrie and his children. Get well soon Mr Prime Minister. We want you back.
  13. He should change. Trusting a communist dictatorship which has zero concern for human health is a mistake. He should allow alternative options to Chinese 5G. People can't forgive him if he sticks to china once again. The scale of damage in terms of life, suffering, economy is huge. China MUST pay price. Starting with an official apology and can write off debts for all countries who owe money to China. Economies of these countries hot destroyed due to sheer incompetence and lack of proper action from China at earlier stages of this pandemic. FFS, Labour should raise these points even if they join crisis time coalition with Tories. Or else people may look for new parties. This crisis may put Tories out of power for many years as people lost their loved ones along with jobs. This crisis is PERSONAL. Its not just a recession.
  14. For not revealing about the risk of this virus until march. As usual they will deny it while burying the dead silently. This is the most lethal export from china. Manufactured in China. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DnPRkZbGvRsg&ved=2ahUKEwjHrLXTlc_oAhV-URUIHZppBCEQFjABegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw0fCvclMyvHsJWSOB6kG5M1
  15. Will be interesting if Chinese govt has any sense of regret.
  16. Most of small businesses gone bust will have dogs chance in hell to reopen. USA is going beyond insane level of damage. It will take 5 years to even feel normal. The economy will have reorganise and some sectors of business will not see much revival like tourism, hotels, even sports. More govt surveillance will become norm of society and we may see immunity passports and dozens of new vaccines being made mandatory.
  17. Will interest rates go up ? Heard worst news in 28 years. US economy to contract very badly before bouncing in 4th quarter. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-economy-entering-deepest-recession-on-record-172304066.html “We now believe that there will be three consecutive quarters of GDP contraction with the US economy shrinking 7% in 1Q, 30% in 2Q and 1% in 3Q. We expect this to be followed by a pop in growth in 4Q. We forecast the cumulative decline in GDP to be 10.4% and this will be the deepest recession on record, nearly five times more severe than the post-war average.” (Emphasis added.) Will Trump offer any kind of help like UK chancellor promised ? 10.4% down YoY and it may take 3-4 years to get back to Feb 2020 level of economy size. With UK being much slower than other countries testing and controlling the virus spread, we may see longer period of lockdown.
  18. Perfect. Agreed 100%. But if you say above things on public domain, they will accuse you as racist, bigot, anti-social element.
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