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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by mrlegend123

  1. open pointless statement. carry on insulting people on their views having a 'coherent point' . you either insult because you don't know how to reply or don't understand the person's view.
  2. left winger's comeback 'calling someone a idiot'...just debate and not insult people on their views. .
  3. Just remember there is no such thing as 'what you are willing to pay for the property and what you think it is worth'. I have seen this said on the forum many times and it makes me chuckle (there is a lot more to it behind the scenes). At the end of the day, central bankers control how much house prices (assets) are 'worth' through issue of credit (debt) to ensure the wealth effect and living standards of the baby boomers are maintained at the expense of the younger generation. Wages and house prices were disconnected in 1998 (left wing cannot moan about high house prices caused by Tony Blair and his policies! ). Now there is a divide of wealth between the rich and poor, young and old, working class and upper class (middle class being slowly wiped out). Simple formula to understand, being: House prices = household income + mortgage rates + supply/demand Household income likely not to change much due to covid. Public sector having pay freezes and heavy job losses and no or low rises in the private sector. Also, the threat of tax increases to pay for covid and baby boomers pensions. Mortgage rates (base rate plus risk premium) are manipulated by the central bankers as they have reduced the base rate to 0.1% and reduce the lenders risk (premium) by buying mortgage backed bonds (lenders offloading the riskier bonds to central bankers). Will we see the base rate go negative? Will we see central bankers buy even more riskier mortgage backed securities and hold them on their balance sheets? Supply/demand - It is well known there is a under supply of housing coupled with high demand (no stamp duty at mo and baby boomers buying up first time buyers properties for BTL resulting in major price increases at the other end of the housing scale). Also, in my area, baby boomers are blocking all housing developments further restricting supply and they moan that the younger generation has been 'social cleansed' out of the area and their children are now living 50-100 miles away - I wonder why?......Demand will remain high and supply restricted. We will likely see build to rent sector overtake houses for sale sector. Government are slowly setting to scene 'build back better', 'global reset', 'UN agenda 2030' whatever you want to call it 'you own nothing and be happy' - the new business model is the rental model. Some well known companies offer furniture for rent now for passive income! The new property business model will be build to rent fully supported by the Government. The government does not care about the small BTLer retail investor. Over the last couple of years, there has been alot of institutional investors (pension funds etc) registering as Social Landlords (rents will be controlled) for build to rent instead of local authorities as they can not afford to fund and build. Pension funds need to find income from somewhere as the bond market is effectively 'dead' and stocks are risky (globals market having the highest P/E ratio in its history). Passive income from renting will pay for future pensions coupled tax from the employed (rich or the lucky 1s who will have a job in the future!). As stated by the Bank of England (2019), 1% increase in 'real' interest rates will cause 20% drop in house prices. With the increase in the money supply (due to money printing), holders with high value mortgages will not have to keep a eye on inflation but we all know Interest rates will never go up as there is too much debt in the system (common sense). Central bankers will target unemployment rate and not inflation. The system reset is the rental model (property and EV cars etc) and the use of MMT with tax controlling inflation and not by interest rates. Interest rates will never go up. State pensions must likely be replaced by workplace pensions and universal basic income paid to all (paid for by money printing and recovered by taxes). The Bank of England will join the HM treasury so no more government borrowing, just money printing (the are effectively doing that now). Just look at the main market indicators now and it provides the evidence that the system is close to the end. The end game is near but when? Do you want to be the last person to the party? Do you want to keep dancing at the party until the music stops? IMO, keep dancing because the music will not stop just yet but when it does it will be sudden. Buy a house now as it will be one of your only chances these coming years and blame baby boomers and left wing policies on the forced move towards socialism and eventually communism which we once feared many years ago. Free market capitalism has been dead for a while.
  4. people should of known the risks of help to buy (help the bank scam) no bailouts, make it a lessons learnt!
  5. you will find the opposite. nocoiners agrue when it's in a bubble and scuttle back when the price falls. Protectors of uneducated investors.
  6. buy bitcoin and make the bubble bigger Buy Buy Buy Markyh will be happy
  7. nothing to lose nowadays, the system is beyond repair...... tax payers have deep pockets so we are told. works wonders
  8. I time the market by moving asset classes as there is always a bull market somewhere. but I can't see the next bull market.... any ideas. **** it go all it on Bitcoin....
  9. Work from home and pay rent into your own workplace pension via btr winner. Rent EV cars when needed. 'own nothing and be happy'
  10. yes I moved to aggressive mixed assets during COVID and made decent gains which I want to protect. using checklist of asset classes, I can't see any safe assets.....UK shares are in stagflation.
  11. get bank of England to 'print' some money and give it to the homeless for a deposit...... Job done JC style.
  12. I was new to investing and invested in 100% shares GFC. Nowadays I invest into just funds and shift between them depending on the climate. currently sat in mixed assets....wondering what to do. Moving between asset classes been good in the bull market. I prefer funds than single shares.
  13. could be a future battle between build to rent sector and house builders (for buying).....
  14. true, I have been to trying work out a exit strategy (just in case). Best to stay close to the exit. I was burnt in the last crash with lessons learnt. This time, it looks worse.
  15. IMO, house prices will remain high to keep out first time buyers and build to rent to increase - the new business model to ensure the life of pension funds. By 2040, 90% of people will be renters with the rent being reinvested into pension funds. Welcome to UN 2030.
  16. Best thing is for London to fall....best in the long run. Casino London
  17. 35% increase in house prices coming this year but global currencies down 35%.....
  18. lizard people don't invest in unregulated markets. look at the alarm bells thread, the graph is predicting the fall of bitcoin - wear your tin hat not for mind control!
  19. *mad. All the indicators are flashing red. nothing has moved. most be the money printing (m1 supply) working at the mo.
  20. I stay in mixed assets, but once the bear market is confirmed, Im moving to short term money market until the floor is found (central bankers printing like bad to prevent the markets dropping 80%)
  21. best to exit after the first big drop....looking at the graph. bear market will last years.
  22. China has spent the last 40 years using US dollars to fund their projects.....US (70% services) buys goods from China in US dollars. China uses dollars to buy US debt. China gets richer and US poorer - good business model. China sold alot of Ts in 2016 and the rise of bitcoin. Bitcoiners are making China great again MCGA!
  23. lol you are mad. who ever holds the bulk of the bitcoin (China?) want the little man (sucker) to buy more.... as least you are funding bridge building in China. add this to your list - funding productive projects abroad (new foreign aid)
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