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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by house123

  1. Thats odd. With an increase in sales, you would have expected this figure to jump. Who's buying then?
  2. Sorry Rinoa.... They are slow to react???? You are suggesting they do not bother looking at the current situation when setting policy? So let’s say for example that swap rates went up massively today after a few week of going down, you are saying they would just completely ignore today’s figures and bring fixed rates down. Is that how it works Rinoa, you know this do you Rinoa.
  3. Why are the major lenders raising fixed rates then Rinoa, if they can see the swap rate falling?
  4. Think about it. Final salary pensions where a giant pyramid scheme.
  5. When it’s all said and done, the people at either end of the scale will be wrong.
  6. I have noticed this in some areas. However, the lack of decent supply maybe the cause. In fact this is almost certainly what is behind the resent price rise data. It would appear if a good one comes on the market it gets set upon, and this type of activity will always drive prices up. What I have noticed to is that the people who are missing out on the nice ones are panicking and just buying anything, fearing they will miss out, as supply disappears What will be interesting is if supply only drips on to the market. This may hold or even increase prices, in turn more 'would-be' sellers move away from the fear of negative equity, a few more houses are introduced to the market and you have the beginning of a functioning growing market again and this will in turn encourage lenders and the rest is the future. Only my thoughts.
  7. Yes, but the laws of economics have never seen QE at such an early stage in a downturn before. Japan used QE far to late and suffered. Only time will tell with this one.
  8. It’s another attempt at a self fulfilling prophecy. But as sad as it sounds, reports like this are certainly having a positve effect on the market, so expect a million more. Labours policy is to prop up the whole economy until growth can be achieved again. You would have to agree that this is exactly what’s happening. The economic data at the moment is absolutely tragic, however, almost everything and everyone is covered in Teflon (QE).
  9. I am not down with all the complicated whys and where for’s about whether or not the house price crash has reached the bottom or not. However, sometimes the answer can be staring right at you.
  10. Sorry.. Am I the only one who thinks releasing this on a Saturday is odd? I seem to remember that all their recent positive data was always carefully positioned during the week for maximum effect.
  11. Was this rightmove report released today?
  12. I am assuming you are the HPC Zsar then? Anyway what am I still doing here.
  13. Shame... It could be so much more. I think it's time we united the clans. "They can take our money, but they can never take OUR FREEDOM!" ID Cards, CCTV and over cellist anti terrorist policy. Sh*t, yes they can. Don’t worry the kilts gone back in the wardrobe.
  14. There are loads of great posts and contributors here. I am just a little concerned that without balanced views, then this site will be tagged as just a bunch of doomers having a rant. Sorry, I am perhaps ranting myself. I am off now
  15. But that’s relevant to the type of opinions of the people that use this forum and whether there point will be answered with balanced views. Otherwise, as you say "what people put in" is squed into a certain biased.
  16. That’s true to a degree, but I think forums like this actually carry a lot of power. People, just like me use forums to get a second opinion on what they hear in the media. Sorry, to use MSE as an example, but its forum often resembles a mini citizen’s advice bureau (I don't just mean about the HPC).
  17. I find this site useful and do not want to fall out with anyone. However, they have gone to other forums (MSE) not the hills. I have not been coming here long enough to understand why that is, but this site needs to contain balance as people will dismiss what you are saying as biased and the rampers will pull in even more suckers.
  18. Yes Yes. Its in the name, however, the crash is on, it’s a done deal, I just think this site would benefit from a little more balance now. I suspect a lot of people who visit here are people wanting/waiting to buy. I just hope this site, WHEN THE INDICATORS ARE THERE, will call time.
  19. Sorry, I am probably going to be barred. But you tend to get a more equal spread of bulls and bears on MSE. This forum can be pretty biased towards a crash. Maybe that’s the idea? Just my opinion.
  20. Avoiding the Mumbo Jumbo is probably the best advice I have ever read on a forum. I am not going to by the vacuum. I am going to keep the money with the rest to buy a home for me and my family when the right house for the right price comes along. Then to celebrate, I am going to buy a top of the range Dyson at twice the price, look after it and keep it for twice as long. Thank you and good night.
  21. OK. I will cut to the chase. I have, what is to me, a lot of money saved to hopefully buy a HOME in twelve months. Does printy printy (I love that) affect that type of purchase with my savings?
  22. I use both sites a lot and you would not believe how often I find the same posts on both sites. LOL. Forum Protectionism, love it.
  23. OK.. I am with you. So... Lets say I have £100 saved to buy a new vacuum (sorry, all I could think of), which yesterday cost £100. Today (or some time in the future) it will cost £200, therefore the value of my savings have halfed because the thing I want to buy has doubled in value.
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