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Everything posted by Ace

  1. For many years a certain white whale and a tiny herring had been inseparable friends. Wherever the white whale roamed in search of food, the herring was sure to be swimming right along beside him. One fine spring day the herring turned up off the coast of Norway without his companion. Naturally all the other fish were curious, and an octopus finally asked the herring what happened to his whale friend. "How should I know?" the herring replied. "Am I my blubber's kipper?"
  2. How could the dolphin afford to buy a house? He prawned everything! What lives in the ocean, is grouchy and hates neighbours? A hermit crab 1st kipper: 'Smoking's bad for you' 2nd kipper: 'It's OK, I've been cured' How do you post a fish? You send it COD ... or first bass mail What does a fish say when it swims into a wall? Dam! Two fish in a tank. One says to the other: "How do you drive this thing?"
  3. But what about my Craberet act (I finished now, no pun intended)
  4. Edited by ACE:- Loan Shark > Ocean Finance
  5. All these crazy celebs just bought adding to the Rapid Fish Property Bubble:- Cod Stewart Prawn Connery Mussel Crowe Pikel Jackson Skate Moss Prawn Bean Shrimp Biscuit Pike Lee Heidi Clam Shiley Bassey David Ducodney Nicole Squidman Squid Rock Kylie Minnow Finnie Driver MC Hammerhead Sole Campbell But the tide is turning so stay in your rented house and watch these great movies:- Marlin Rouge Jurassic Carp The Blair Fish Project Pulp Fishin’ Silence of the Lemmings The Codfather Cast Away O Batter, where art Thou? Titanic Home Abalone Forrest Gubby The Full Manta Ray (The Full Monty) Jaws Pearl Harbour Final Fintasy Mullet (An Australian current (sic) release) Waterworld Happy Gilmore Just to end Sea Eeled With A Kiss
  6. Wide view lens (to get all the fat fecker in) and full colour option. You could even shout "Smile"
  7. Its always the same the young guppie with his gill-friend comes round take a look around the plaice falls in love with their heart and sole, go and see a loan shark. Becareful of the FHPC, Make sure you have a Plan(kton) Don't Coi For Me Argen-tuna. I Need Kelp Ace
  8. I was posting when it went down.
  9. From what I have read Scuffy, It looks like you have just purchased and are a bit scared of your choice. You feel you have a good deal with your house but the little voices inside (Gut Feeling) is that they will fall further. So what will be difficult for you is purchasing now and knowing about the impending HPC. You have made your decision, and I respect you for it. My choice is to wait. Regards Ace
  10. Reverse troll:- http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...37entry166437
  11. "If something is worth doing then it is a case of In for a penny, in for a pound, which means that when gambling or taking a chance, you might as well go the whole way and take all the risks, not just some." Is it just me? I work hard and save up for eveything I purchase whereas others (many of my friends) use credit cards and have a large amount of debt? I always used to think that this (saving) was the best way other views? I have a good job and deposit saved. but I belive that there is something wrong with house prices ( I can't see them going up, but they have a long way to fall ) so I am waiting. But if I was the type of credit using person above, my thinking would be to get as much money as possible to buy a house (rather than what I can afford!) Are we in the time now when the realisation is kicking in and people see that they cannot afford to continue like this (or ingnorance is bliss). It just a waiting game now. So hopefully The best things come to those who wait
  12. Car is spot on as long as its not an earl one:- The S54B32 is a high-performance version of the M54, done in cast iron rather than aluminum. It is a 3.2 L (3246 cc) engine; bore is 87 mm and stroke is 91 mm. Power output is 333 hp (248 kW) at 7900 RPM with 262 ft.lbf (355 Nm) of torque at 4900 RPM with an 8000 RPM redline. This engine has the second-highest specific output of any production naturally aspirated piston engine. The S54 won the International Engine of the Year award overall for 2001, and also claimed the "Best New Engine" that year as well as winning the 3-4 L category for four straight years from 2001 through 2004. The S54 was also on the Ward's 10 Best Engines list for 2002 through 2004. The S54 is also known as the Engine of Damocles because of the tendency of early production M3s to explode spectacularly at elevated engine speeds as a result of oiling issues. BMW attempted to blame vehicle owners for the failures early on but eventually started replacing rod bearings, oil pumps, and whole engines under warranty.
  13. The other lady sounded like sandi toksvig. There was more than one comedian in that interview though.
  14. Where did Gordon find a pot of cash (He is skint), more liklely to see how his new council tax band system is working. Robbing T3at
  15. Horace you just created my "chip". Perhaps you have that effect on everyone you meet?. We give you Charlotte Church and this is how you stereotype a complete nation.
  16. Hello Please could someone explain why rightmove is showing big data changes for Wales even between this month and last?
  17. Welcome Scruffy. I am usually the first to shout awooga when spotting a troll, I was just being consistant.
  18. From this day forward Awooga for bulls Agoowa for bears
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