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House Price Crash Forum

Mike Mustard

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Everything posted by Mike Mustard

  1. Lloyds and RBS are not merged. If Scotlland was independent, the failures would have been allowed to happen. The banks would not have been bailed out. The knock on effect would have been bad for everyone in the UK but would not have bankrupt Scotland as Scotland would not own a private multinational company and would not be liable for its debts. The Scots are NOT trying to bring down England. There is no conspiracy. Some people at the top of Labour are Scottish. The Scots receive money via the Barnett formula and this formula is going to be changed either very soon or when the oil reserves in the North Sea are depeleted and England can free itself of its troublesome cousin. There is no need to feel personal hatred for English, Scots or Welsh or to delight in the prospect of them being plunged into poverty. There are some real sickos on this site. It was always the case but it used to be mixed with intelligent posts. It is a great shame.
  2. I would just like to point out that the English are blameless in this credit crunch thing. Scots should pay for all the debts of any multinational company that has its headquarters in Scotland or which has a Scottish person on the board and England gets to keep all the oil and Scotland abandons its national sports teams and merges with England. For me that is the only thing that will redeem them.
  3. Yes. It's the Jocks what done it. The Jocks in Northern Rock and Bradford and Bingley brought down the Britain. The Jocks in Halifax brought down the Bank of Scotland and Halifax. The Jocks in Lloyds brought down Lloyds. The Jocks in London created the housing bubble. The Jocks forced Blair to lead the Ooh Kay into war. The Jocks get 5 times the benefits of London. The Jocks is 2012 Olympics innit. Their fault. Is the Jocks wot coz the oil price. Yez we must kick them out and steal their water what done it. Bring back Thatch she wot innit show 'em.
  4. I was not inferring that but even if I was I do not think it is sick and juvenile although I bow to your superior intelligence in labelling it so. Having ready many of the debates I would have to say that many contributors, particularly on the AMMGW side do exhibit symptoms of NPD. There seems to be a rage inside some of these characters as they fumble around trying to find a theory that will allow them to feel OK. In their attempts they ignore the weight of scientific thinking and simpy dismiss it. They never come up with an alternative theory that stands up to the least criticism. This behaviour come across as a symptom of some underlying problem. We need to look at ourselves and work out why, when we can't possibly know for sure, we come down SO STRONGLY in favour of one side of an argument and end up insulting people.
  5. Ah right ... that is why GW is natural ... it is because I am 8.
  6. You sound as if you are really clever. That is great. Hope you make loads of money and have better things than most other people as a result.
  7. MMGW is probably true. CO2 and other gases do trap heat in the atmosphere. It has been known for years. I will believe this until a better theory is produced as to why global temperatures are increasing and the glaciers are melting. As soon as a better theory is introduced I will believe it immediately. I won't deny a theory just because I have angry feelings inside due to something that happened to me during my formative years which I cannot resolve and which leads me to think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy and that I know better than "experts" because of a funny feeling in my tummy.
  8. Good luck to him but Edinburgh houses were amongst the most ludicrously over valued in the history of Western Europe. Maybe first time buyers might have a chance soon.
  9. Your wish will surely be granted. I cannot see how we can have such a steep rally when the recession is only in its earliest stages. People in the 1930s got spanked by these rallies. There is money to be made in all this volatility of course, if you have luck, money and guts.
  10. Is it a stone built, older property? i.e. what period is it? I am a bit surprised at this. I know of concrete hovels with tiny gardens outside Edinburgh on the market for 200k last year! I thought that was a crazy asking price.
  11. The problem is that it is perceived as racist to complain if your job is going to India. If it had been France people would feel freer to object. I do not think people care about anything anymore. They just think that unless you let rich executives control where jobs go we will all perish. That is the ideology peddled by the far right parties in the UK (Labour, Tory and Liberal) and people seem to believe it. I want the Houses of Parliament to be off shored in support of Globalism.
  12. After government owned RBS announced swingeing job cuts in the UK, the following news went remarkably unnoticed. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/N...how/4357134.cms Is this the first time in history that a government has pursued a gloablist ideology which mandated them to transfer government jobs overseas in times of a depression? Most people seem OK with it. Are we the first people in history to demand that our taxes, our experience and jobs are sent overseas? Do most people think this is a good thing ultimately? Could this be the policy that secures Labour a win in the next General Election? What other government jobs could we send off shore to save ourselves a fortune?
  13. Yea. Roll over and let them tickle yer stomach like a good little dog. Revolution is coming ya bas.
  14. That may be so but I am arguing that it is unwise for it to happen too quickly and in a disorderly fashion. History shows that if you force them to starve for a generation until we are at slum level people will respond and take control of the market and install an alternative system. There is no need to give up all control to corporations. Applying some wisdom to the situation shows that a degree of protectionism is, on balance, a good thing to stop people either dying or killing others. What about child labour? Is that a good thing too? Sending kids up chimneys? Massive divides between rich and poor? That is all that happens in a free market. We tried it in Victorian times. It was rubbish.
  15. What are you talking about? Do you live in the UK? What do you do for a living? Would you like to take a drop in wages or are you one of the "Masters of the Universe" and therefore immune to the psychotic vagaries of Global Corporatism?
  16. I'm not. Which parties advocate abandoning immigration control?
  17. Are you iin favour of abandoning the Work Visa system? Yes or No?
  18. "Protectionism is not the answer." This has been wheeled out over and over again as the latest groundless, mantra that it is forbidden to challenge. SOME protectionism is OF COURSE the answer. What evidence is there that a totally free labour market leads to the best outcome for all? None. This fundamentalist, evangelical free market "philosophy" is an irrational belief system. Is Crispndry suggesting we abandon the need for a visa to work in Britain? Surely visas are protectionist? And how do all these Indians get visas anyway when they are here on the handover period? (Geography is irrelevant now. These guys in Bangalore are attached to the UK by an invisible wire.)
  19. The government and private business (often sponsored by the tax payer) are very keen to off shore work to India. I will lose my job soon because of it. There is a fundamental belief amongst New Labour that the only force for good is the "free market". In their opinion it must be allowed to "take its course". There are other forces at work however and the populace will become violent. I do not advocate this as a solution but I would not be surprised if we see some politicians and captains of industry physically attacked before the end of 2012 when people realise they cannot feed their kids.
  20. You are right. Let us look at what it means for the market to be "free". It is "free" when companies (now owned by the government) offshore all the work to India because that is what the market says must happen? It is free when all the construction workers have to go on the dole because a better bid came in from Italy? It is free when the directors do not offshore their own jobs to India because "they" are different. They are masters of the Universe and the shareholders agree? After all the shareholders voted freely to give the bankers their bonuses. Oh ... hold on the market is "freer" for the ones with more shares. They get more votes. The ones with wealth decide what happens and this is great because it is "free". That is root of the corruption.
  21. 50% of people having degrees was one of the most ludicrous policies ever to have been implemented. Because they wanted everyone to have equal rights they tried to force nature into making everyone equally, academically, intelligent This was a silly thing to attempt. It devalues the degrees and leaves many young people more suited to an apprenticeship with unneccessary and pointless qualifications. Academia is essential but entrance into it should be based on merit, on evidence that the entrant has the aptitudes to succeed in an academic environment. We should have the most capable people (academically) funded to research and study important subjects. There are many types of cleverness and intelligence and someone with a trade should have equal status with an academic but we should have a horses for courses approach. P.S. Apparently Amanda was trying to force Tony that 53% was the true figure during a dinner party but Tony overruled him and said that the voters only understod round numbers. The rest is history.
  22. The whole situation is unbelievable. We are witnessing the crumbling of an extreme and untested political philosophy which views the free market as the only force of good in the world. It has now been shown to have failed. They have no ideas to replace their old ones. The politicians and bankers do not know what they are doing. They are on the psychopathic end of the personality scale. They will probably never accept responsibility for anything other than paying themselves outrageous fortunes for failure. We need wise people in power and more of "the wisdom of Solomon" rather than a zealous pursuit of very extreme philosophies.
  23. I wonder what the site says today? "I got it wrong because I am ill in the head" might do.
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