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Everything posted by msi

  1. The ERM crisis killed any notion of Tory Economic competence and they have never recovered it since. The Tories can't use economic competence and they've done well to steer clear of it. Your choice is TaxAndSpend Labour, or BorrowAndSpend Tories
  2. Whilst only you know The TrUtH from your tin foil hat to protect you.
  3. I read your posts and generally you seem a balanced and argue in good faith, so I'll take you at that and try to give my view and thoughts. Your view of Direct Democracy turns MPs into instruments of public policy execution, as decided by the people. Effectively an accountable point for the Civil Service. That could work for a more homogenous in education and intelligence populous, but falls flat on its face in the current Political Discourse we have. Right now equality is mistook for equivalence; the Village id*ot has the same impact as a Professor - just look at the C*vid threads. That's not a great example. The whole referendum was a farce in that Leave promised everything to everyone and glossed over any attempt at getting details, being on record supporting Norway+, Canada+, Customs Union, and WTO then promising untold wealth with 'oven ready' trade deals, immediate drops in migration, and 'Freedoms'. Any attempt at using the referendum to give details on how to leave were quashed by Leave to a simple In/Out, to prevent this discussion and to see what a 'True' outcome would be. Both the LibDems and Labour skirted with the idea of a 2nd referendum to decide what leave should look like - with the option of 'oh f*** it and stay', but guess who wailed and screamed GeT Br*XiT dOnE?? A better approach is to give people options to an outcome allowing folk to look at the pros and cons. Add that with a form of PR / Transferable vote means that people can rank options and still have an impact
  4. erm Portsmouth Water is creating a new reservoir in Hampshire to protect world-renowned chalk streams – the River Test and the River Itchen.
  5. EXCLUSIVE: Are Tories engaged in dirty tricks over postal votes? In the run up to May's local elections, the Tories are suspected of interfering with applications for postal votes and ‘data mining’.
  6. Direct Democracy is a Libertarian joke. Take every issue and boil it down to being simplistic to the absurd, with everyone wanting everyone else to pay. No, there are plenty of legal and political checks to make sure that isn't the case. What you have are certain groups (that tend to vote certain ways) becoming disenfranchised so become the focus of voter registration efforts. The incumbent party then cries foul and places more 'controls' that again become the focus of registration efforts. Eventually you get counties with a single polling station and armed 'observers' - more 3rd world
  7. Local elections: Lib Dem candidate wins two seats 160 miles apart
  8. It's a start. What you need is an accurate description of the Wealth and Income of the UK population and Organisations to create your tax supply, then model this to an accurate description of Government expenditure to get your demand. Then you can horse trade where you want to increase taxation to cover additional spending / reduce spending to afford taxation. Problem is that this area is flooded with VIs, Bad Faith Actors, and the usual loons
  9. Sounds like every loon here when you talk about the NHS and the Welfare State
  10. More or less nonsense than the Tories? IIRC McDonell adjusted is tax take to take into account behaviour changes.
  11. Yes, the irony hasn't been lost that the Tories that voted this in were also againt NuLabour's National ID scheme, even though it would've stopped benefit fraud in its tracks
  12. UK plans to widen list of valid voter photo ID amid concerns over turnout HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  13. The world already produces (unsustainably) enough food to feed the entire population 150%. Perhaps an AI could 'distribute' this more evenly?
  14. You mean the other rabidly populist party that is fingerpointing at 'others', putting is policies to supress voting, releasing contracts to their mates, and sh*gging / bullying anytihng that moves yeah?
  15. One in 18 applications for government voter IDs rejected by councils Imagine 5% of Br*xit Leave voters rejected....oh the wailing...
  16. Lets stop all migration. Across the border and across the Uterus. Free sexED, contraception, and abortion access. oh wait...
  17. No public registration drive. I'm disappointed that orgs like Liberty didn't run voter registration sessions to get people on the electoral roll and help them get voter id ready.
  18. Why not go the whole hog and stick your card into an automated voting machine and put in your fingerprint / PIN to register your vote. The tories can then 'validate' cards to make sure the 'right' votes can go yeah? Let's jump it to the 21st Century and have a Government voting 'app' that is 'registered' for voting.
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