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Everything posted by justthisbloke

  1. Without going back through the thread forensically, I'm not sure there is much "misogyny" (even allowing for the contemporary abuse of the word). Remember that the article was itself was about the problem as a woman's problem. Strangely ignoring or invisibilising men. Or, worse, it actually slightly demonised them for the crime of getting old. It's something we increasingly see in the media - I think I commented here about a BBC article on declining life expectancy of US women as a female issue. Don't misunderstand me - when it comes for recognition in divorce for years spent child-rearing and home making, I'm right there. Society has suffered massively because the state fails to value these essential roles. Finally, I've become very wary of/sensitive to the recent tendency to shut down discussion with a cry of "Misogyny!" and a pointed finger. If there are unfounded arguments or irrational lines of thought, then challenge them for what they are - and don't just wave the banner of RightThink.
  2. Equity release to pay down IO mortgage? You need mega HPI to make that viable. Assuming you regard a lifetime in debt as viable in the first place.
  3. I was wondering if some of the separations came about in part due to financial pressure as a lifetime of borrow, borrow, and borrow again came home to roost. Maybe hubbie's "boringness" was brought on by a sudden "feck me, I'm the only one earning here, we have debts and no pensions - so we'd better lay off the city breaks, cava and new PCP car deals" realisation.
  4. According to that article women divorce their husbands on the grounds that he's become "boring" and "old before his time". Divorce is presented as a reasonable response to a husband getting older.
  5. I'm struggling to see an arrangement by which you swap an old house for a new one with Barratts at no cost to yourself. Barratts bid/offer prices will ensure this. Whatever you decide, the overriding aim should be to reduce debt and increase assets. Unless you're downsizing and liberating capital / paying down debt, I can't see any justification for moving. Certainly not from a financial perspective and, as you've done the snagging and made the place your own, not even from a soft issues viewpoint.
  6. I dislike the practice of editing quotes - even with coloured text. It becomes confusing as to who posted what. You can split posts by changing into code edit mode (by clicking the "switch" in the top left of the editor) and entering a few " "s and then switching back to WYSIWYG mode. It's a bit of a pain but it does work and is better, IMO, than doctoring someone else's post.
  7. I like both your positive attitude to life's learning processes and the fact that you've put aside savings to cover the Barratt's Funny Money Loan (BFML). A few Qs: - is the mortgage repayment or IO? - does the BFML charge interest? - when you say "move", do you mean upsize of like-for-like cost?
  8. When I lived in a (London) flat, we had a cupboard just outside the "front door". You put your rubbish in there and a man would take it away. IIRC, there were four cupboards - one for rubbish out, one for parcels in, and one for milk bottles (full in, empty out). No idea what the fourth one was for. Maybe if I'd put my shoes in it in the evening, they'd have been taken away and returned, cleaned and polished by morning. The place was also built like a the proverbial brick outhouse - and utterly soundproof. As this was my only experience of apartment living, I been a little disappointed with more modern offerings!
  9. Quite. The quote in the OP talks of "standard of living" - which is not at all the same as "quality of life". The former broadly translates into "you own more stuff", and the latter into "you own more time". I know which definition of "better" my life decisions target.
  10. Who needs a rubbish chute when you've a whole picture telling you you'll get HTB? BTW, just looked at the location and map and a question struck me: "how many fckin railway stations does Worthing need?" Now I like a nice train journey as much as the next man - but five stations? I'll bet 4 of 'em get one service a day.
  11. Do you remember the Olympic opening ceremony? I thought it was remarkably accurate. It opened with a nation conquering the world with industry and scientific discovery and concluded with a celebration of Twitter and government jobs.
  12. £60k, eh? I'm sure that'll be enough to take a government to court and pursue possibly decades of legal fight. Not.
  13. The people of the West can no longer sustain the illusion that they are special snowflakes in the world. Once we, collectively, did earn our rich position in global inequality: we led the world with innovation and industry. But since then, we've just been brushing reality under the carpet with debt, stateism, and mental inertia.
  14. Their effort will get nowhere of course. Which creates a dilemma for me. We're just watching a transfer of money from one pocket to another with no legal ramifications whatsoever. The question is, do I prefer to see the money in Cherie's pocket or a landlord's pocket? Hmm.
  15. <trigger warning> I feel this post may be a little too sick. Sorry. It's black humour, that's all.</trigger warning> Disability is not just physical - and dolls should represent this honestly. I'm thinking of bringing out a line of children's toys to meet this market: Anorexic Annie (comes with real scales), Self-Harming Sue (bleeds actual blood), and Suicide Sam (teaches your child ropework and knots).
  16. Don't diss dividends - it's what "puts food on my table"! Not hugely different from unleveraged landlording. Although, if like me, you hate and fear debt, you need to keep an eye on balance sheets.
  17. Hmm. Last week, rather than buy a box of chocs for a pressie, I had a go at making chocolate truffles at home. Bloody hell that was a time consuming, extremely messy, and not at all cheap exercise. I didn't even get to the stage of hand-crafting a dinky little, lovingly designed "gift box" - they went in a tupperware tub instead. 300g of 80% dark choc, 150ml double cream, an orange, and misc "coatings" (crushed nuts, (more) crushed choc, cocoa powder, and icing sugar). Probably £4. Box of Maltesers, for comparison, a quid.
  18. One of the reasons I've stayed clear of P2P is that so much of their lending seems be for property.
  19. Well, brilliant. To go with worry about voids, maintenance, legislation, etc, etc, I also get to stay awake at night worrying about debt, interest rates, central bank policy, etc, etc. As you can tell, I've not got the right attitude for this BTL lark.
  20. I doubt you'll see much more questioning of The Great Leader on 118 as he owns the forum and runs a very tight ship. I don't think members can start threads; they can only "suggest" a topic for discussion. I also recall that there's no PM function - and he prevents members swapping email addresses on the boards.
  21. FWIW, I've just read the entire mumsnet thread. What a bunch of nasty, bad mannered people.
  22. Well, the shares I bought around 2009[1] have given me lots of capital growth as well. And in the interim, I've been collecting my divis in my bank account whilst sitting on the beach, riding my bike, or minding my garden. No tenant selecting, rent chasing, boiler fixing, void fearing for me. [1] Yeah, I know. I picked the timescale for effect. But the point remains.
  23. I make that something like 3.1% gross yield (if we're going on asking prices/rent). As the difference between gross and net yields is significant, and the difference in net yield between active management and passive investment is yet more significant, I simply don't understand why anyone does it.
  24. How the bloody hell do you follow conversations on twitter? But looking at his twitter page I see a linked "poster" (or "twitterer", "twit", "twit, or whatever), "hmolandlady": https://twitter.com/hmolandlady Includes posts such as "I'm offering a tenant free to a good home" (about a person with various mental disabilities). Nice.
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