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Everything posted by the_duke_of_hazzard

  1. Hold on, Sir Thomas, utopia hasn't arrived yet. http://www.housepricecrash.co.uk/forum/ind...ndpost&p=240195
  2. I suspect mortgage calculators are generally kept low because they don't want it to be taken as an offer of a mortgage. I suspect any mortgage broker in an Abbey branch would add 100K to that without too much prodding.
  3. You might be surprised... it might depend on what they are professors of ;-) There's a story about some intellectuals who tried to get James Joyce and Proust together for a dinner. As they all sat around waiting for the breathtaking table talk they were disappointed to hear only the exchange of pleasantries concerning the loveliness of Belgian chocolates.
  4. ...if you're using it in the same ISP session. If you don't have broadband, and do have dial-up, then you are assigned an IP address from a range owned by the ISP. But if you're both using the site at the same time then, yes, it will appear to be the same IP address. Anybody using AOL as a service provider always appears to come from the same IP address. Or at least it used to. Makes it quite tricky to determine whether someone's betting from America or not
  5. Some statements thrown at London Landlady, whoever he/she is: "Moronic 'London Parasite Landlady'" ... "spambrain" ... "awful excuse for a human being." "you are an idiot." "a bit of a turd as a human being" I can't see any abuse from LL to anyone else, certainly nothing remotely questionable before abuse was thrown at LL. So apparently LL lied and mislead about posting under other names. After being branded a troll. So what if (s)he was a BTL trying to offload property while ramping it? Why is it OK to be abusive on here if you are not a bull? If someone wants to adopt a different persona on here, then what's wrong with that, as long as they are not abusive? If you think someone has views that are beneath debate, then don't respond. I wouldn't mind all this if the rules on branding others as trolls were made clear.
  6. Now there's a troll... And criticising others for not being able to spell's a bit rich, isn't it? And another thing... if having more than one login is enough to get you branded a troll, then a certain Very Popular Poster here did that a while ago.
  7. Weren't those set up after LL was branded a troll? So it really begs the question.
  8. Quite. I haven't seen any evidence that LL is a troll, as opposed to a bull.
  9. Would a mod be able to let us know why LL has been branded a troll? I'm finding the bullying of LL on here distateful in the extreme.
  10. Thanks for that. Bye then. Oh, still here? Why?
  11. If you've been outside today, you might notice that it's very very cold.
  12. I've looked through London Landlady's posts. IMO CrashIsUnderWay got abusive first. I don't really understand why LL is branded a troll, it seems most unfair to me, and a bit disturbing, frankly.
  13. Alpha. A brilliant essay - you might want to send it to The Economist/Spectator/New Statement or similar. Do you have any evidence for this? It's an interesting point, but without evidence it's a bit unconvincing. Couldn't they have increased the money supply?
  14. GB may be a con artist, politically ambitious, disingenuous etc, but having a low IQ is certainly something you can't accuse him of.
  15. Irrational exuberance can last for longer than is rational. It's the dotcom boom all over again. How long can this madness last? Not forever, that's how long.
  16. More expensive dollars = more expensive oil = inflation = rising interest rates
  17. I think Clark pitied the defenceless. When in court on a charge of driving through a police cordon, he gave a fiver to a beggar to prevent him going to jail. He's a classic noblesse oblige aristo in attitude, who believes it's his duty to protect the "weak" while he gets all the benefits. I find Clark fascinating. An utter git, but dead clever, incredibly articulate and ludicrously open. How he got into politics at all, never mind getting the Kensington & Chelsea constituency is mind-boggling. Bank OT, Orwell went "down and out" partly to try and find a classless society, but discovered hierarchies and deference and oppression even there. Apes have social hierarchies too. It's pretty hard to avoid, it seems.
  18. It was an allusion to Alan Clark's put-down of Michael Heseltine. Of course, Clark himself was an arriviste since his money was from the industrial revolution. The de Spencers brought down Edward II - now that's proper class! Bit of an obscure reference, I know. Sorry. Edit: that de Spencers as in Lady Di. None of your imported German royal family nonsense.
  19. You sound like the kind of person who buys their own furniture.
  20. I was paid 2.85/hour when I was a student to carry stuff around for barristers (1994). Happy days. I was then told by some public school c0ck the same age as me that "the bar is the ultimate meritocracy".
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