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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Sourman

  1. something has been very wrong for a while, surely we all know it. 52 wk high: 14,279.96 52Wk Low: 7,882.51 Overvalued to the nth degree.
  2. There are a few things you need to know: 1. Everything we are exposed to in our daily lives is there for a purpose 2. The purpose of your life is to be a happy and productive drone 3. To make you happy, "they" invented consumerism 4. If you think money is the answer you will always be trapped 5. Being aware that you are constantly being manipulated allows you some freedom 6. Being a part of "society" means you are part of the global game of social engineering 7. There are long games and short games, decide for yourself which one you will play in 8. I like lists!
  3. Amazing news on my local TV station... the crapometer index rose sharply this morning across the globe. I've never read so much crap in one session, I need a break from you all
  4. " the sky's falling down, the sky's falling down.." Pathetic!!!
  5. You really are the silliest bear I have ever met. Now everything that happens while Labour is in government is Gordon Browns fault? Mrs. Chapmans cat was run over last week by a bus... must be GB's fault eh? Oh and did you know... pathetic!!!!
  6. I always thought the only reason indexes went up or down was relative to the stockbrokers feeling if they could play the system to make obscene amounts of money.
  7. To break said contract simply follow these basic rules: 1. Smoke lots of dope* 2. Let your hair grow long 3. Watch lots of daytime TV 4. Claim benefits your whole life Freedom is a state of mind ( please see 1) * don't do drugs!
  8. Those f8ckersat the credit ratings agencies Experian and Equifax are IMHO culpable for much that is happening at the moment on the personal debt front. If it wasn't for these crappy little agencies, banks would still have a structure which meant that you as a customer were treated as a person and not data in a system. If you wanted a loan, bank managers would assess you on the basis of employment and history with the bank. If you wanted a credit card they would do the same. But now thanks to Experian etc any f*ckwit can do a credit search on you and decide you are eligible for £10,000 of credit. Ergo credit becomes a commodity to be sold on the high street like everything else. And here we are!
  9. Well put. Can't say I disagree with any of it. Thank god there are so many guns in America today. It will be war on Wall St.
  10. Cameron is a mere puff of smoke, he is so insubstantial as a politician, nothing he says means anything, it's all so vanilla.
  11. Thanks for the link. Whatever your opinions are on somebody regarding their weight, Michael Moore says it as it is. I think he hit the nail on the head when he said About sums it up for me
  12. So when labour took over they were handed the economy on a silver plate, but if the tory government won you'd say they have to spend the first four years cleaning up after the previous administration and the next year seeking re-election. It couldn't possibly be the same for both parties could it?
  13. I don't know which is worse... the sheep on here or the plebs. I think I'll go with plebs.
  14. This is good news. At last those in the city may have some inkling as to how bad things already are on the ground, and the only thing they can do is bail out as quickly as possible, shifting all their clients portfolios of "desirable" executive apartments as they go. I couldn't care less if London prices kept climbing for another 10 years, more fool them that choose to stay there, so long as normality returns to the shire.
  15. At the very least we should stop allowing foreign credit providers trading on our high streets. The competition to provide credit should be severely regulated to the point where it becomes less attractive to provide it so easily. But then we're back to the days where you only bought things you actually needed when you needed them, and as i said before that has now changed from needing to wanting, and therein lies the road to cheap credit. No government would allow that to happen.
  16. I'm afraid the majority on here and in the country it would seem, do not like the idea of social housing because they do not like the idea of governments and themselves through income tax supporting people less well off than they are.
  17. What we need is a cultural revolution, there is no way to replace the current monetary system until that happens, we will again get onto the same slippery slope of debt and consumerism. The explanation is not as straightforward as you may imagine so stay with me. In general terms, monetary systems reflect the needs of current society. And modern society post the last great depression, was created by one man, his name was Edward Bernays. Edward Bernays invented PR, he showed how governments could control the masses by distracting them with consumerism. None of the things we are currently experiencing would have come about if it wasn't for PR ( propaganda ) and it's devil spawn advertising ( more propaganda). All of which has been used to great effect to keep us all docile and obedient little automatons, happily going through life reaching for our desires, happy to let governments and corporations, run everything. Everybody should watch this!! Until now we all went along with the big PR machine of Wall St, and we were happy as nations to have our monetary systems debt based more and more. It won't take much for the clever PR men ( presidents and prime ministers) to distract us with something "more important", and then "normality" will be restored onto an otherwise unsuspecting public.
  18. Yikes.. it's dropping quicker than an Essex girls knickers on pay day!
  19. The Dow collapse and vote as it happened link AIG prompted the big fall, not the vote.
  20. This has to be the most pathetic thread ever!!
  21. left wing fascists.. you aren't very bright are you?
  22. reuters and ap reporting no! Come on down... george Bush!
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