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Everything posted by Sourman

  1. What absolute tripe!! Do you really think that people think Boris is daft because they misunderstand his upper class tomfoolery?? Churchill was an absolute a*se when he was a young man, so yes very much like Churchill then. It was only in his twilight years did his character, a decrepid remnant of empire days come to the fore in an time when the country needed him. Of course immediately following the war he was discarded like an oily rag, I suppose there are similarities there then!
  2. Hmm.. I wonder how they'll effect things in the GLA?? Boris and the BNP, it's a recipe for something or other.
  3. Excellent. Boris Johnson gets to make a fool of everyone of us in the eyes of the world, when he suggests that athletes take the No. 23 bus to the stadiums to save on balloning infrastructure costs. "And housing them in caravans on Hackney downs will save us a bundle I'll tell you.." Boris Johnson January 2011
  4. This should be GB's wake up call to do something to really help those at the bottom of the pile... not FTB's, but those nowhere near the bottom of the property ladder. Things can't get much worse for Brown I agree, so why not use that opportunity to do something once in a generation to really really help! Massive taxes on the very rich, multiple property taxes, empty property tax, window tax, immigrant tax!, whatever it takes to redress the imbalances we currently have in our society.
  5. To even suggest that that HPI is a "Red Socialist" agenda is just soo stupid I am at a loss for words... What a fool!! I can see you're no fan of Labour politics but please let's keep it at least within the realms of reality. You sound like Ronald Reagan!!!
  6. I think this will be said lots more now that Boris is here!! I am apprehensive to say the least. Ken was not perfect, but he did seem to get things, unpopular things at times, done! The bendy buses were a disaster, he does try too hard to be everyones friend, minorities did seem to have too much sway but he did bring in the CG, great in my opinion, and LU would be far worse off if Ken didn't get involved. So we have a few people compaining that the lines are closed at weekends... so what! something has to be done to stop them breaking down in the tunnels at 9am on Monday morning!! Grow up. Now we have Boris, and well I suspect you will all get what you deserve if you voted for him, much to my dismay. I do like his "speak before you think" style though, at least he can put a smile on your face, so I will sit back and watch the spectacle unfurl ready to smile at funny old Boris, the most powerful man in London... how scary is that?
  7. A great show... really fantastic!! It surely is about what you can do, given the time and hard work with the same money as you would pay for a 2 bed ex council flat in Clapham! Very few of the properties featured cost more to build than £350K, and they are just incredible... so why oh why would any idiot spend the same on 40sqm of ex LA crap??? It is just beyonfd me!! And esentially these are all (well almost) family homes, built by people for themselves not for flipping!!
  8. A bad night for Labour indeed... but maybe this will be what it takes to stop Brown from mincing around his office fretting, things can't get much worse so he might as well take control and start making real decisions. I think 2 years before the GE is just enough time for all the new Tory councils to royally mess up, especially if that complete ninny Boris Johnson wins in London. In fact as far as Boris goes, before the end of the year will see people disowning him and regretting they voted for him... he will screw things up so badly so quickly.... I can't wait to see it!
  9. I believe they are based on data provided by Experian, the credit agency.
  10. I read in the London Lite tonight ( not the best I know!) that estate agents in Fulham were recommending sellers especially BTL in the £400K-£650K bracket to drop sale prices by £100K if they wanted a sale!! Hilarious!
  11. Yes Hull people are stubborn... and they often go against the grain so to speak, but this is just crazy behaviour. I can't get my head round it, do they not get it... at all?? It seems the new flagship development on the east side of the river hulll is still progressing though at a much reduced pace, I'm waiting for the time when even they face up to the future and grind to a halt. And the marina development "Freedom Quay" which sold out to much fanfare last year, has it seems ran into trouble as almost every unit is still listed at Riverside Property as "sold subject to contract" ha ha ha!!
  12. No offence taken... I didn't do a degree in physics, but not knowing the mathematics behind something, shouldn't stop us from attempting to understand why certain things happen. The thing that shocked me was that Lorentz discarded the heaviside energies because they didn't fit his equations. Much like Einsteins cosmological constant in the way that mathematicians add or take away things which upset their equations ( not forgetting that now it seems there is more interest in this after all!) But the point stands I think
  13. I'm intrigued, looked into this today, (so I must be an expert!!) and found some great stuff. I'm amazed just how much bad science there has been over the years, discounting tons of extra information for the sake of a balanced formula. Scientists really can be so narrow minded it's scary. Take for instance the difference in energies between Poynting & Heaviside flows. I smell a rat!!
  14. Excellent.. just the one to tell us all then... How exactly does a magnet work?? Otherwise no ROFLMAO!! OK
  15. And it gets better Same building as before...
  16. We have movement... have been monitoring the shoeboxes in HU1 for a couple of weeks, and while there have been a few small reductions, prices have proved remarkably resilient. Though I suspect that as most are BTL properties, the owners are just gonna hang on at any cost, but if this is the first of many.. then Hoorah! that's a healthy 21% drop! When they reach sub £100k I'll be happy...
  17. I've said it before but there just isn't the impetus to exploit alternative energy sources while economies thrive on the exploitation of a finite resource. Not having an oil based economy scares the bejesus out of dimwitted economists and politicians, if you can't control the didtribution of energy a large portion of your political power is mitigated. Thanks for the links very interesting stuff. I have never heard of overunity engines before, the concept seems plausible but it wouldn't be free energy just an extremely efficient use of the energy put into it. But even so the whole area should be explored more I would have thought. As does the area of deep water thermal sinks.
  18. I think more and more people are thinking the same thing. I'm not old by any means but even in my working life things have gone so bad so quickly it's hard getting through to younger people who have just joined the workforce, how much better things were before when we had some sort of union support to fight for thr rights of working men and women. Employers have gotten away with murder the past 15 years or so, safety standards have lapsed and work practices such as actually having a "lunch hour" an actual whole hour away from work that is! have long since disappeared. This together with the attitude that wages "never go up", has left the British workforce the most overworked and unhappiest in Europe. Something has to change it really does and I agree that 70's style unions are a thing of the past, but there has to be somewhere in the middle ground for a modern day union. So good for the teachers for having the balls to stand up and be counted!
  19. A gold star for you!!! How many parents take an interest in their childs development once they've reached the age of 5 and are packed off to school? Crap parents = crap kids!! The teachers just do not have the time or resources to deal with the inadequacies of poor parenting. The truth hurts, I know! Suck it up!
  20. Stop being so damned sensible.... the people here are on one!!
  21. I know you're being sarcastic, and I can see that you have a vested interest, but really it's much closer to the truth than you can ever imagine..
  22. No.. that would be the tax revenue of everyone I suspect. Maybe even some from people who actually do some physical work now and then. You'll never get me to agree that people who work in offices do anything demanding... never!
  23. where are these figures coming from?? £34K, £45K as an "average" salary?? The main pay scale for teachers starts at £19K so how is this possible?? Perhaps someone from the commercial world could explain this to me!!
  24. Is there any evidence to the contrary?? The commercial world is populated by the mediocre, plain and simple (as most of them are!).
  25. I've done lots of "real world jobs" too, many much harder that all the paper shuffling jobs you seem to think is work!! But... teaching in this country is something I would not want to do. They have my respect, and that doesn't come easily.
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