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brassed off brit

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Everything posted by brassed off brit

  1. Would you eat that pastie? seen the blood on his fingers? you would get some horrible squirrell flu or summit...Wash ya mits after handling meat ya filthy fecker!
  2. Wait a minute...this is faked! he's got him by the head, if it were really a giant squirrel it would have gone for his nuts!!!!! this is incitement to squirrell hatred.
  3. Ahh..this site has lacked a funny side for a while, good to see it return.
  4. I knew those little grey b,stards were an invasion force...first the indigonous red squirrell then the indigonous people, where is my airgun?
  5. Until something concrete is posted I shall simply believe that an Mp has flipped his second home and is moving out! after all why hire a van when a chinook can be put on expenses! the police are there simply to stop passers by throwing shoes, bricks , bottles in incredulation at the troughing!
  6. I wonder how many people emptied their giant bells whisky bottle of change, spent two hours fruitlessly looking for one, only to get that saturday night lottery sinking feeling.
  7. LOL.... Maybe chucking all those twenty pences with no date on!
  8. Who is this someone you say saw giant chipmunks eating police in london?
  9. LOL..we have probably all spelled it wrong
  10. Oh! a chenook...no idea what one of those would be doing in London, unless they are lifting in troops or heavy equipment!!!!! interesting,if true.
  11. At the moment we are at the stage king canute was when he was shouting at the tide to retreat, even though it was lapping at his ankles. This is how it is, world leaders still think they are holding back the economic waters...in reality they are kknee deep and getting deeper. It cant be held back forever, and the lifeguards have been laid off!
  12. If this were the Uk it would be like bailing out the banks then turning to a county council who have lost all to icelandic banks then saying" feck em! close all old peoples homes, shut the schools, stop collecting rubbish and turn out the streetlights.....feckin scary times....unless you are a banker ofcourse!
  13. I am not normally I person who believes in conspiracies, although they do happen!... however what were to happen if lots of fake notes and bonds were to be found all at once? Surely the countriy involved would be able to say " right we don't know how much real money is about so we are bringing out a new currency and all those old dollars are now worthless!" Overnight the US defaults and blames forgers!...or is this too far?
  14. With balls at the treasury broon will( if he hangs on!) try and buy a snap election by promising everyone everthing!
  15. Class.....can't wait for the election results,I bet they are apalling for liebour.. shame there is no coverage tonight I was up for an all nighter, have to make do with question time! This is car crash TV at it's best, f^ck big brother.....
  16. Broon is an arrogant twit and will hang on, even if everyone around him resigned he'd just say" from now on I will be solely running all departments, furthermore it is the right thing to do for the sake of my premiership.
  17. The summer would have been sh*t..AGAIN. Gordon still hangin on to his job and still repeating "it's the right thing to do" even after his party is demolished into fourth place in the glasgow east by-election New law bieng considered to ban humour, humourmongers to face up to four years detention without trial watching a clip show of gordons best known one liners! Trial of two police officers who tazered then beat to death a protester in the now notorious expensegate riots halted, due to it not being in the public interest.
  18. It really is a case now of one out all out! these miserable wretches are not going to "moved" if broon get's to keep his job! Imagine the conversation" yes! yes! I know we were all caught with are fingers in the till but someone has to be seen to be sacrificed or I will get more sh*t. So as prime minister i'm asking you to take one for the team Hazel...PWEEEEEEASE!" Reply.."f*ck you and your mother too!
  19. Just because people live in "social housing" does not mean they are automatically on benefits, when I lived in "social housing" I was working! but could not afford to buy!
  20. Starting to realise that you are a pawn? the public think your great, the govt think your expendible assets.
  21. Don't give in to the fearmongering! the powers that be want you to think that they are the only answer and that voting them out would lead to hitler MII. they atre trying to limit the damage by saying" we are the best of a bad bunch". there is a better way, just have faith and go for it, the sooner the big parties are destroyed the sooner we will have real democracy.
  22. So this is MP's new wheeze! "I had to get the house painted and garden done on expenses to negate the effects of a heatwave"...."Spank a little harder please!"
  23. Yeah I saw that too....how dare journo's lampoon us mp's we are above reproach and demand respect. who does he think he is?..oh! thats right he's a patr of a labour party who want to know everything about us and us to know nothing about them!
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