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The XYY Man

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Everything posted by The XYY Man

  1. He did return - unfortunately his TARDIS was out of warranty and landed him in 19th Century Hartlepool. Explanation if you don't understand why I said that 14 minutes to Pazza, and counting...
  2. So is half the food in my fridge, if I believe ASDA and Tesco's sell-by dates that is... Your sig indicates you're a German-speaking Dalek (I absolutely loved that in Dr Who) so just think Herr Parry and it should work fine. Das XYY Herren
  3. He says he got sick of the miserable people on hpc.co.uk He's got a point. 24 minutes folks... "Mr P, Mr P, Mr P..."
  4. Oops, sorry - careless use of the formatting tools, now corrected on my original post. Please don't think size 3 at midnight though - it's Mr Parry we want back, not Lina Zavarone... XYY
  5. Can you hold that thought for another 32 minutes...??? X Y Y
  6. On Doctor Who, the entire human race was taught to think the word "DOCTOR" at a specific time, in order to bring back the Doctor so he could defeat the forces of evil - well, "The Master" anyway... LINK to a clip on YouTube Or if you prefer a synopsis of the episode... (scroll down about half way) So now that we all understand the theory of getting a hero back to aid us fight the bad guys - ie collectively thinking his name at a specific time - anyone wish to join me at midnight tonight (11 Jan 2009) and see if it works on housepricecrash.co.uk..??? You do? Excellent - join me in just under an hour, where we will think his name aloud at midnight and re-energise him for his triumphant return. Your help is crucial, for if we fail, we will be overun by the miserable b@stards for ever, and this forum will drop into the depths of despair known as taking itself too seriously and will never be able to remove it's head from it's own @rse. So let's all make it happen - at 11:59:59 tonight, let's think MISTER PARRY back to our beloved forum. Thank you friends... XYY
  7. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt - but "women are great" might work better than "girls are great". Having said that, if Mandelson ever fancies a pop-career and offers you the songwriting duties, then your first single "boys are great" will be huge. Especially if you get Jonathan King to produce... XYY
  8. You're the lyricist for Gary Glitter's new comeback album and I claim my five Vietnamese Dongs... XYY
  9. Ah yes, a physical reminder of a dead business from one's past that provokes feelings of both nostalgia and mild paranoia, coupled with hysterical laughter. A clear example of what psychiatrists call WCBS. Woolworth's Carrier-Bag Syndrome X Y Y
  10. Dunno who the tightest person is, but they'd surely be fans of "Top Tips" in Viz - though obviously reading someone else's copy... Here's three thrifty tips... Cant afford contact lenses? Simply cut out small circles of cling film and press them into your eyes. D. Stokes, Middlesex. Stop bread from drying out by keeping it in a bucket of water. P.J. Ruddock, London. Save money on expensive personalised car number plates by simply changing your name to match your existing plate. Mr KVL 74IY, Lincoln. And if you Google "Top Tips" and "Viz" and you'll find plenty more - for FREE !!! XYY
  11. Er, I'm a bit confused Lozza. You refer to these thieving bast@rds as "good" Please tell me that you don't actually think that this is a good thing... But if you actually do think this is good, then please explain - preferably without blaming Gordon Brown - the logic behind your belief. Cheers, XYY X Y Y
  12. Only managed an "O" level so far. I am at night school though - it's a practical course leading to a Clitty & Guilds... XYY
  13. Shame, you probably missed out on a few Perl necklaces... X Y Y
  14. Mincing screaming turd-burgling nancy-boy poof = Lord Mandelson
  15. This kind of comment is becoming fairly typical on a lot of threads, and for a good reason - it is 100% correct. But by speaking in this manner, the message you invariably send out is that you are exactly the same as those you decry - i.e. you don't actually do anything about it, or come up with a workable solution, you just scoff, feel superior and carry on playing on your Wii or watching BBC4. You may be intelligent, you may be successful, but you have got that same government that the "people" (i.e. YOU) deserve and all you can do is post your indignation on a shitty house price website. We - the people - need to change this crap once and for all for something better and it must be inclusive of all, no matter whether they watch Big Brother or listen to Radio 4. We can all put the world to rights on here or down the pub, but I'm looking for the person who can do it for real - and I don't think it's you or me my friend. Will the real Slim Shady please stand up... X Y Y
  16. I would suspect it is already quite common right now, and worse is to come. Sadly, people on our website spewing nasty, scornful comments at those affected by this madness is also very common. These people have done exactly what everyone has been told to do. They've followed the "British Dream" and now - perhaps too late - they've figured out it's actually a fookin mightmare. And there, but for the grace of god, go most of the rest of us... X Y Y
  17. May all your posts be as accurate, and as naughty as that one Mr McT... X Y Y
  18. Dirty rug...??? Luxury. We had a damp beer-mat... XYY
  19. There is "Celebrity Big Brother" though... X Y Y
  20. Swansea??? Methinks it is somewhere much closer to my heart that offers the true eye of the property hurricane Link to anti-Swansea propaganda X Y Y
  21. WOW!!! - All this carnage and death. And this all started because of Gaza...? Were the plastic tits offensive to Muslims...? Or did Jimmy "Five-Bellies" sneak in the front of the mosque ten minutes after Adhan, and nick all of their shoes...??? X Y Y
  22. Explains why the "eye-ties" have been running the other way ever since.... X Y Y
  23. I can think of one. The Labour Party Industry... X Y Y
  24. "Now let's see yer get over that, ya Scottish b@stards" Hadrian, 122 AD
  25. Nothing new there Injun - their parents were bribed in a similar way with an "inducement" that matched their wants and aspirations at that time - Own your own council house anyone...? And I have no doubt their parent's parents were offered a similar carrot with an equally cunning and mischeviously disguised stick. The NHS, or State Pensions perhaps...??? The facts are that we are where we are, however we got here. And blaming our parents is the start of a very slippery-slope towards making the same mistake yet again. I'm not yet too old or fat to change the world, but I will be soon. My Mam and Dad are most certainly both already. But they did what they thought was best for me. And I love and forgive them for their mistakes, for they knew no better. Thanks to this website - WE DO !!! So let's stop blaming people and put the fooker right, eh...??? X Y Y
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