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Everything posted by THE MONKEY

  1. Finally the Monkey has come back with this: http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rg9Ciexo27u8G
  2. As the Monkey is the new Devil-incarnate, he obviously does have the power to spy on you at home and actually use mind-control to moderate your posts before you have even made them. Look into the Monkey's eyes. Not around the eyes. Into the Monkey's eyes. "A post involving boobs can never be a bad thing. Never let anyone tell you otherwise."
  3. Consa, the Monkey perferred Sarah Boobies.
  4. How about something like this to advertise the site? http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rgOzREHo4oBMW Unfortunately it will only last 14 days unless it is bought for $2.99 Many thanks to Giraffe Cat for introducing us to this concept.
  5. How about something like this to advertise the site? http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rgOzREHo4oBMW Unfortunately it will only last 14 days unless it is bought for $2.99 Many thanks to Giraffe Cat for introducing us to this concept.
  6. Giraffe Cat, how long do these things remain accessible for after being created - the Monkey thinks that there must be potential for a HPC advert here.
  7. Why not send this to landlords? http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rgriBEHo4oBMW
  8. Apolgies Giraffe Cat. As there was already a thread about these creations of yours on the main forum, the Monkey deleted his post and moved it there instead, along with a link to your p***-take of the Great One. The Monkey deleted the post almost immediately after posting- you must have been typing your message at the same time. The post said this: Giraffe Cat, if this wasn't so funny, the Monkey would drop the Most Electrifying Move in House Price Forums Today, the Monkey Elbow on your candy ass for using the Great One's catchphrases. http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rgQ2Oexo27u8G Now the Monkey will let you off with a warning this time jabroni, but nobody uses the Monkey's catchphrases from now on and gets away with their candy ass un-beaten.
  9. Are you clicking on the link, rather than copying and pasting it? The Monkey has just deleted all history and cookies and clicking on the link still works for him.
  10. Finally, the REAL MONKEY has come back to HPC: http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rg7Z7EHo4oBMW
  11. Consa, you are so 10 minutes ago jabroni.
  12. Giraffe Cat, if this wasn't so funny, the Monkey would drop the Most Electrifying Move in House Price Forums Today, the Monkey Elbow on your candy ass for using the Great One's catchphrases. http://saymail.sympatico.ca/service/Retrie...V2rgQ2Oexo27u8G Now the Monkey will let you off with a warning this time jabroni, but nobody uses the Monkey's catchphrases from now on and gets away with their candy ass un-beaten.
  13. It doesn't matter if it is OK with you jabroni!
  14. The Monkey is The Most Electrifying Ape in House Price Forums today and he is the Great One. The Monkey refers to himself in the 3rd person because he can! Is that OK with you?
  15. Consa, if the Monkey wasn't a moderator, he would call you a no-good jabroni!
  16. Finally the Monkey has come back to HPC. The Monkey says this: Do you think you could do Phil and Kirsty ones which would be funny enough to be shown on a general entertainment show, e.g. Grahame Norton? The Monkey doesn't think you would be able to include the website address in the "speech part" but maybe you could mention the site in an accompanying email / letter?
  17. Because it is a poll about HPC - therefore it belongs on the about HPC forum. The different forums are open to view by anyone - threads are not being deleted just moved to the most appropriate forum. Just like this thread.
  18. Mooseboy, The Monkey, like most people on this board, often edits his posts afterwards to correct spelling, grammar and perhaps word sentences more concisely and effectively. Please be assured that the Monkey would not attempt to grossly alter the meaning of his posts in an attempt to catch out a site member or make them look foolish. The Monkey is a big fan of this site and a big fan of humour. He is not attempting to stifle either. This site has forums called "the off-topic forum" and "about HPC" for a reason and as a moderator, the Monkey is trying to do his best to move topics there when appropriate. The Monkey does indeed lay the smackdown on people's candy asses but this does not make him a candy a** h*le.
  19. Personally, the Great one thinks that 2bit is a bear mocking a bull and has found his posts quite funny. However, the Monkey will let the powers that be know about this poll.
  20. Mooseboy, the Monkey is sorry that you feel that this was some ploy by the Monkey. Please let the Monkey assure you that this is not the case. The Monkey moved the poll to the "About HPC" forum because it is a poll about HPC. He moved it at 12:30 am when only a few members were online. Since it has been moved, 2 more members have voted in it. Members can still vote in this poll. The Monkey would welcome as many people voting in the poll as possible. But the poll, by its very nature, belongs on this forum and not the main board.
  21. The Monkey thanks Culpability Brown. The Monkey is trying to take his role as moderator seriously and gives due consideration to any moderation decison he makes.
  22. Mooseboy, the Monkey thinks you should chill. The Monkey has moved a few threads which were off-topic to the off-topic forum (e.g. about who to vote for in the general election) and threads about the website to the "About HPC forum" (problems with posting images). The Monkey has let threads about spoof posts on the expats forum, a spoof post from a pretend Buy-to-let "Millionaire" and even song lyrics from Right Freds Dead all remain on the main forum. Nobody is being censored. Nobody is being banned (well Negative Equity has but that is because he had 4 different user names he was using to troll the forum). If you want to discuss off-topic topics, you only have to click on the "off-topic forum". If you want to talk about anything remotely connected to house prices, you can do it on the main discussion forum. Topics about chavs belong in the off-topic forum. Topics about oil price do, of course, belong on the main forum. The Monkey will not move any topics related to the economy. The Monkey admits that he moved a thread about Rover to the off-topic forum because rather than discussing the impact of this on the economy, it was basically a discussion about party politics. The Monkey doesn't see what all the fuss is about.
  23. Listen jabroni, the Monkey is just trying to help keep the message of this site undiluted so that when visitors look at it, they know house prices are gonna come crashing down like a Monkey Elbow on Negative Equity's candy ass! It's not like the Monkey is deleting the threads, he is just moving them.
  24. As a moderator, the Monkey has to make a judgement call on issues like this. A thread about Rover rather than house prices is, techncally, off-topic. However, when large number of workers are made redundant, this obviously has economic implications and thus implications for house prices. The problem with the Rover thread is that it became another political thread with little attempt to discuss the relevance to house prices and so really did move off-topic. As such, the Monkey moved it to the off-topic forum. If a thread has disappeared and is not obviously offensive or a troll post, it will have moved to another forum. In most cases, this will be the Off Topic Forum or the About HPC forum. As this is a thread explaining about the moderation of HPC, the Monkey will now move this to the latter of these forums. The Monkey hopes that this has satisfactorily answered your questions. You can still debate the issues surrounding Rover but just not on the main forum which is reserved for discussion about house prices or at the very least, subjects related to house prices.
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