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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by corran

  1. How about a cyber protest? We could, en-masse, send e-mails outlining why we oppose this plan to every MP who supports it. A little electronic help could multiply the volume by a factor by a few million or so. An easy way for us to get the message out to the sheeple and cause some pain to ponzi brown and his henchmen...
  2. link on sky news website now.. although there is no content there yet... http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Business/..._HBOS_Collapses
  3. the slump has just started.... loooooong way to go IMO. I'm looking to buy there (I'm a kiwi and looking to move back someday) in about 5 years time.
  4. "Be Warned! Be Prepared! And Do What Exactly?" Great topic OP! I've spent hundreds of hours mulling this over and still aren't sure! In the middle of last year I decided on the following strategy and so far I've stuck with it although had many wavering moments: -- 1/3 in euros in an on-call account (I live in Holland hence the reason all my cash is in euros). -- 1/3 went to pay off a small house we own in Italy (it's our place to escape to if the s*** really hits the fan. I rent my main residence). -- 1/3 is in shares spread over the following sectors: oil, gold, uranium, agriculture. Pleased with the cash and paying off house decisions. The shares have taken a battering recently even though gold and oil are at record highs. I reckon my shares are going to face a lot more pain to come in the next few months but because I'm mostly invested in small caps (in New Zealand where I'm from) it's very hard to sell any volume when the market's like this.
  5. Apparently the US bond markets are closed but equity markets are open
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