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Self Employed Youth

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Everything posted by Self Employed Youth

  1. With places in the SW having averages 11*income. A 70% fall wouldn't be unreasonable down there.
  2. It very much depends on the area. The delayed eviction scheme is actively being used in some places whilst council accommodation can be found or tenancies converted. Many of the properties belong to the council and are let to an agency so they often convert the tenancy back to 'council', so the people granted asylum need not move (this is what many people will refer to as 'jumping the list'). Not much of this information is published, and it is often published by accident in council minutes etc. such information being exempt from publication as it contains information listed in schedule 12A of the local government act 1972. The coming year will be a very interesting one, as the amount of homeless people increases, the demand for social housing will increase, a lot of places are already housing people for well over a year in b&b's etc., due to a lack of housing and that is after years of decline in the amount of homeless.
  3. I suggest you read this link http://cmis.derby.gov.uk/CMISWebPublic/Binary.ashx?Document=10818<br /><br />
  4. Council houses are transferred to a quango housing association, asylum seekers are housed in them and given vouchers (some cities have buildings where these can be exchanged for cash), securing a tenancy straight away. When their claim is approved, the house is transferred back to the council, the now legal tenants remain in the house. They are supplied with information on how to claim benefits and help to claim benefits.
  5. We have guaranteed minimums. A lot of people won't work for minimum wage as they get more in benefits (We can invite A8 nationals and deny them benefits for a period of one year, but after the year is up---). Houses have a minimum value as there is a rate of housing benefit which determines a rental yield, combined with interest rates and a 10-25 year mortgage, one arrives at the minimum possible value (one where the buyer can make a profit by purchasing) and using it as state funded BTL HMO council housing.
  6. Silly cow wants to live within her means. Walk to supermarket before closing time, buy the reduced items, cheap bread and beans. Reduce use of water, gas and electric, only have the heating on if its below freezing and you have a young child or elderly person in the house. Sell possessions and get rid off insurance. Even if you live in a high crime area you can leave your door open, you have nothing worth nicking!
  7. Many countries are offering bonuses for having children, whilst we are reducing child benefit and increasing taxes. Time to emigrate!
  8. 100%+ I will stop claiming all benefits, begin working and pay income tax again. I ask that working tax credits are open to single people under 25. To not have to pay income tax on levels lower than the level of benefits I'm legally entitled to. And for an allowance to be made for travel to work costs and a few beers.
  9. Work and get less than benefits. Not the best incentive for work. Look at youth unemployment.
  10. £8pw increased to 5.93*40 (237.20). 2865% surely? Nice if you can get it....
  11. And with the lack of work, and unemployment being so high the prisoners are going to be competing with a lot of people, most of them will be signing onto the dole, claiming incapacity and disability living allowance, child tax credit, those lucky enough to get a job will be putting in for working tax credit (unless its youth detention).
  12. That's what he could be claiming though. Effectively a tax.
  13. No tribe, communal or species loyalty for the future population? 0 tax, 0 benefits, anarchy perhaps?
  14. Againgst £15k benefit (London housing benefit)? Only 50p in the £1 better off. Better than 4p when theres only 15000 to be earned though!!
  15. To encourage financially a better and fairer society, where there is always an incentive to work, and so people don't starve, particularly in next generation.
  16. With arbitrary figures based on income and not ratios or figures based on the number of adults, number of children and relationship status of the adults, they might aswell not bother!
  17. We need to value the couple, we need to value the adult, we need to value the child. Ratios and £X. Let each person in a couple earn 1.1times what they could if they were single, 1.15 if married, before being taxed that is, an extra .5 per child. Benefit of £5k an adult, £2,5k a child. Problem solved!
  18. What do you want to study? Having just left university, I personally wouldn't advise it. You can study far more effectively on your own, to your own taste, you need only an internet connection, computer and electricity. Facebook is surprisingly useful to source literature, along with specialised forums (by that I mean finding people who can access and share for free what would otherwise be expensive data and journals). Do you want study to learn or for a PhD?
  19. You could buy two houses outright and live of the income. One for yourself and one to let. You wouldn't be bothered with the value of the house, just the rent. Maybe work a minimum wage job to pass the time.
  20. I really should be claiming, I've drank practically everyday since been 13. I've even been arrested under the mental health act a few times. I thin I'm perfectly sane though, most of the time that is.
  21. They spend more than 10 times as much as us on unemployment benefit.
  22. Give me bread else I rob you. Simples. 3% growth, 5% increase for those at the top and unemployment and bread for me(n). I can't afford to travel to rob the rich to buy bread so I have to settle for your meagre possessions. I don't want to rob another poor man like yourself, but what can I do?
  23. As % of GDP NMW (48hour work week) is less than 1931 unemployment benefit after it was cut! (Even after today's NMW increase)
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