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Everything posted by ralphmalph

  1. Perhaps the ball is starting to roll. So called billionaire property developers arrested over Kaupthing.
  2. Laughable, because you keep on about "Ideological cuts" and the educational budget is frozen. You really are a complete fool.
  3. Tell us why it is not immoral to make our kids and grand kids pay for out lifestyle is we can not afford it?
  4. So Brown was not incompetant he was just "Scottish." So in your world are all Scottish people incompetant and the English the master race?
  5. If you are then post his "Gordon Brown was incompetent." Because we believe you think the sun shines out of his ****.
  6. When losing argument stock response try to change the discussion. Pathetic really pathetic. 140 billion quid a year borrowing has nothing to do with previous govts before brown.
  7. It takes an awful lot of work to rectify 13 years of pure incompetance. Seeing as every year we have to borrow 140billion quid to pay for McRuins decisions then personally I think the coalition should focus on the big numbers first. Also saying this chap can only earn 25K does not dent the deficit one little bit because he is not paid out of current govt borrowing. Wake up and smell the coffee.
  8. You are not being harsh. There was an article on Labourlist by Lisa Nandy MP which was about the issues raised on the doorstep by people she was meeting when out knocking on doors in the north west. The number one issue raised was why are people on benefits better off than us that are working. It is the number one issue in the country today.
  9. It is being held off until 2013 to get the computer systems right. Thank god the coalition have learnt that you can not annouce a policy for implementation until the IT systems work.
  10. http://blogs.ft.com/westminster/2011/03/a-startling-welfare-statistic/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+ft/westminster+(Westminster+Blog) The good news is the confirmation that max benefits capped at 26K as opposed to about 100K now. Also 1/3rd hit are single parents with 5 or more kids. It would be interesting to know the actual total number it must be large. Also going to be an awful lot of landlords that are going to see the HB gravy train come to an end which is good as well.
  11. Why will new debt be created? We may have entered a period where people, business and govt fund what they want out of cashflow. Anyway the real point about the cuts is that it is immoral for a govt to run up massive debts to pay for the lifestyle that people want to day, of which a lot are luxuries and send the bill to the children and grandchildren of the future when these children and grandchildren will be lucky to receive 25% of what we get. There is a lot of complaint on here about how the baby boomers have stolen the wealth of the current 20 to 25 year old generation by arranging high house prices to transfer wealth. There is no difference in a govt doing it by leaving massive debts for the next generation(s) to pay. Edit: Also what do you mean the cuts wont work. Will there be no cuts?
  12. In the case of Greece, Ireland and maybe Portugal it is not the bankers forcing more debt on them, it is the EU. What they have been doing is disgraceful, Ireland before and Portugal now are/were saying they did not want an EU bailout and then the EU politicians start making comments like no way can they not take a bailout, discussions are taking place, etc, etc. In effect forcing Ireland and Portugal to go to the EU for a bailout. Why? the EU wants control. Greece, Portugal, Ireland will never ever in the future be allowed control over their economies because the EU does not trust them to not put the existance of the Euro at question ever again and that means Germany running the economies of these countries.
  13. The article states that the major holders of Irish bonds are Irish public sector pension funds. This is the point of the article. If haircuts are applied it is the nurses, social workers, etc that will suffer through reduced pensions.
  14. That chart is very specifically Bank Bond debt. It is not goverment debt or total bank debt (ie lending to the economy). The reason the total Bank bond debt has declinded is the Irish govt have put cash into the banks and the holders of Irish bank bonds have asked for there cash back and got it.
  15. They did not get it all in one go it is phased with criteria having to be met to get the next tranche, etc. What they have done is borrowed loads of the ECB that they have got there hands on.
  16. http://www.finfacts.ie/irishfinancenews/article_1021662.shtml Here is another article. Irish bank bonds held by Irish public sector pension funds, quelle surprise. Also it seems the Irish govt has plough cash into the banks and all they have done is repay foriegn bond holders. Good money after bad.
  17. http://www.finfacts.ie/irishfinancenews/article_1021762.shtml I do not think this is helpful to the Enda Kelly we will default the banks bonds if you are not nice to us. Because at the bottom of the article is a view from Cork Uni that half the Irish bank bonds are held by Republic of Ireland people. Looks like it would make a bad situation much worse.
  18. http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/Is-cheaper-buy-rent-house-tele-853205890.html?x=0 I suppose they are trying to point out where is more overpriced than the general overprices stuff.
  19. Interesting. Also I think in London there is also a lot of non traditional FTB's as well. Rich foreigners are distorting the market aided by the weak pound, but again for how long.
  20. Thatcher tried to rebalance the books and got elected three times, Major one another election whilst reducing government borrowing and then Blair one the first election on keeping to the austerity spending plans. The British people will accept austere times if the economy is bad but obviously want spending back when the economy is enjoying good times. All the surveys in the UK at the moment show that more of the public support the spending cuts than do not. The anger is that they think the govt is cutting the wrong things i.e keeping international aid whilst sacking servicemen. Also the mid term elections in the US showed that there is a lot of public support there to cut spending.
  21. I have often wondered if the low volumes of transactions we are seeing is the result of the people whose kids have fled the nest having got a shock in 2008 when prices fell deciding to realise some cash and downsizing so that the traditional chain including a first time buyer is not needed. The chain is basically all home owners, one downsizing the rest buying larger houses. If it is the question is "is it sustainable?" and how long will it keep prices at the level they are. Also it frees up cash to be used as the bank of mum and dad from a generation that believes without question that property ownership is a good thing.
  22. I have said this a few times on here that high oil prices mean that it is economic to produce lightweight, bulky items , low value here as opposed to china. Whereas producing high value compact items (ipods, etc) will still remain in China. We are going to see the reverse of the last 10 years low value simple items made here instead of China and high value expensive (cars, planes, etc) made in China not the west. Interesting times ahead.
  23. I knew the boss of Netscape in the UK back in the 90's, when netscape released its first browser and the free downloads started the Netscape UK phone system went into meltdown as shedloads of people called in for support.
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