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Everything posted by pete.hpc

  1. He created another bubble And it's still possible he will stay on as PM We're officially in la-la land now
  2. The bloke who collared Cameron yesterday was just ******ing rude. Talking loudly over Cameron, deliberately misinterpreting his policies, whilst insinuating he didn't care about the guys retarded son sitting there in a wheelchair, despite Cameron losing a disabled son just this year, I would imagine it was pretty distressing for the bloke yet he had to pay lip service to the loud twit in front of him And he didn't lose it once Brown couldn't even last 5 minutes with a normal person
  3. This is great watching this, they're now playing the actual recording of what he said Transcribed is one thing, a recording is something entirely different! She just said "he did good things as chancellor" then went on to say "but it's all collapsed now" So er, he didn't do good things then did he But I can forgive her for being a blind, idiotic Labour loyalist for what she's given us here today
  4. "It started in America" "No-on could've predicted it" This is beyond parody now
  5. Maybe, but she did go off on one about "kids in hoody's" and being "scared to walk the streets" to the BBC reporter She was ringing alarm bells, that's for sure Anyway, that's besides the point, Brown has screwed up royally
  6. It is indeed true He's at the Beeb for a Radio 2 interview I can just see him and Malcolm Tucker in the corridor at the Beeb having a swearing match now "Thick of It" style
  7. Seriously? I did think that as well though when she started ranting about Rochdale looking like a "third world town"
  8. Arsewipe word bingo ! "Global" "Tories" "ÂŁ6 billion" "the right things"
  9. That interview was hilarious, she had no fecking idea what she was talking about journo: "so who will you vote for?" old bag: "Labour" journo: <incredulous> "WHY???" Wake me up when this nightmare is over
  10. I was going to try and get a question worded here about his pride at the news there aren't enough houses in the UK for everyone, thus keeping prices unaffordable But whats the point? he hasn't answered a single question honestly ever Besides, as some have said, he's an irrelevance. Labour have been beaten into 3rd and he will be gone on May 7th Worst possible case scenario is him coming 2nd to the Cons, which would give Labour the most seats, and ensure he probably stays on despite never winning an election How depressing would that be? another 5 years of that loathsome, lying turd
  11. You sound equally biased, so stop sneering at everyone else as though you're some completely impartial demigod. In fact, you're starting to sound a little worried about May 6th
  12. Cameron was good tonight, Yougov saying he won Brown is finished now, no matter what the outcome Looking like a hung parliament which should finish him off with the LibDems surge
  13. Bless, you two look sweet together It's not about him building houses, it's about him trumpeting that as a good thing, like any retarded BTL spiv in a shiny suit. It confirms what we've long suspected, he's shafted all of us hard in the **** with his horrible rancid ****, he didn't bother to lube, and he smiled like a lunatic the whole time.
  14. This has to be a priority, PricedOut need to go to town with this, and anyone who has any sort of platform who is sympathetic to our cause needs to know about it But first we need a full transcript or video
  15. Here it is guys and gals; http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-04-21/brown-says-u-k-house-prices-to-stabilize-on-pent-up-demand.html
  16. What we need is this interview either officially transcribed or the video to confirm what was said Then we need PricedOut to be all over it like a rash, trying to get some media coverage
  17. This should be an absolutely momentus moment in the election campaign. He's put his big hairy foot right in his gob, confirmed it's been all about high prices and not about providing affordable housing for all. It confirms our thoughts on why he de-regulated the banks, made the FSA impotent, encouraged risk taking, fiddled with the CPI, slashed rates in 2005 and 2008, we should be screaming this from the roof tops, it's the smoking gun, HousingGate, the cretin is finished...... LOL CAMERON GOT EGGED LOL
  18. Just in case we were in any doubt, McRuin there showing he is the Prime Minister of intentionally unaffordable house prices Make him pay on the 6th, comrades
  19. breaking.... surprise surprise BofE still expecting it to come down Interest rates expect to be kept on hold House prices unaffordable at anything more than 0.5% interest rates
  20. Well, for what it's worth I've sent the following. Seems pointless really, housing hasn't been mentioned at all in this campaign so far, and there doesn't appear to be a debate on domestic issues for question two, although there is one on foreign affairs and the environment
  21. Doesn't the 160k refer to one of the Haliwide indexes? Rightmove doesn't account for 100% of the market, and may have a South East bias
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