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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by burk

  1. That's the beauty of being a van dweller, I have all the time in the world. Must stock up on popcorn............
  2. Times have changed not least of all because the numbers coming here which has in my view put an intolerable strain on most councils finances. When I was a subcontracted carpenter at Poole Housing Partnership (Dorset HA) during dark lords reign in the mid 2000's we would move the tenant out, then gut the place back to brick in some cases and build them essentially a brand new house. New kitchen, bathroom, rewire, re decorate, new flooring, fully replumbed with new gas boiler, the lot - so inside was brand new. Would they look after it? Would they fuk! Most of the tenants were full time doley's so not only was the tax payer footing the bill for the new home we built them but were paying their rent too! The sense of entitlement with most of them was breathtaking, I say most, as the tenants that were my grandparents age were genuinely thankful for what we did. I felt sorry for them when they had younger neighbours who thought nothing of dumping sofas and dead cars out front next to an immaculately kept lawn and frontage. We christened the younger (under 60's) tenants 'Blair's children' such was their lack of emotional maturity & life skills coupled with olympic levels of laziness and obesity. The council weren't blameless as they enabled this behaviour and Poole council like many in this country were truly woeful at budget allocation and investing for the long-term as they got caught up with the fallout from investing in Icelandic banks in 2008. This ended up sinking the project but have to say earning £1500 to £2k a week 'job and knock' for a few years more than made up for it. Needless to say those days (and projects) disappeared with New Labour.......... #thegoldenblairyears
  3. As a potential cash buyer sat on the side I'm hoping it'll be a buyers mkt at some point. From my experience last year, sellers are are in complete denial, many still asking prices for land and property at 2021 levels. Also, "no offers", that's been something I've seen a lot of, so either incredibly dumb/stubborn or so far underwater with the mortgage they need 'x' amount to keep their shirt. #therewillbetears
  4. From my forays into land and houses for sale, it seems everyone's in denial where prices are concerned. Some places I've viewed last year had been on the mkt for over a year! I put it down to 20 years of people buying, doing nothing and selling at a ridiculous profit. If 2008 took 4 years to bottom out, I've a feeling this one may take longer. #sentiment
  5. What? Unemployment at a 50 year low and gdp climbing until COVID hit? Remind me, which countries did Trump invade again? #orangemanbadright?
  6. That's gonna age like milk. You remind me of several in my circle who attempt to convince me everything will be back to 'normal' (Zirp + minimal inflation) next year. They're upto their eyeballs in debt too............ Banks shed 60,000 jobs in 2023, and will continue into 2024 https://www.ft.com/content/cbc6e15d-3c63-49af-9f98-ef8f478431bd Then theres the absolute jobs bloodbath that is construction in the UK. https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/financial/administrations/construction-insolvencies-up-36-per-cent-on-pre-pandemic-levels-20-12-2023/ And that's before we take a close look at govt borrowing the last 14 years, I'm sure......... #itsgonnabefinehonest
  7. Simple, given London is 63% non white British, violent crime is up and has continued to rise under the present Mayor and the majority of the inner London resembles a 3rd world $hithole it must feel like a home from home for them. So Why would they leave? #homesweethome
  8. To your first point, ons stats now show us 40% of overseas students stay on and not the 3% quoted by govt, and as previously mentioned that excludes dependants. 2nd point, Absolutely, neither govt have built social housing in any kind of numbers since 80s rtb nor have private enterprise kept up so why flood the country with millions more people? Brits having too many kids, not true, UK birth rates have trended down from a high of 723k to 600k since 2011. The rest is rhetoric although to your point on expectations I will say it was only in the late nineties my elder brother bought an apartment in North Cheam by the station for £55k it'll now cost you £320k.......... If you grew up in an age like I did (gen x) of abundant, cheap (3x salary) housing, decent jobs and no doley 3rd worlders by the dozen in your town telling you you're the problem its easy to see where the problems lie and its origin. #ratsinacage
  9. You've lost me? I'm aware immigration is a racket, incentives/outcomes of everyone involved; migrants, govts (gdp, taxation, voter base) landlords, lawyers etc. My Point was your insinuation of racism towards @Insane #lesssherrymoresleep
  10. It has nothing to do with race & everything to do with culture. #importthethirdworldbecomethethirdworld #eatentoomuchturkey
  11. Yes you are, and is the number one reason for the housing crisis given the number of foreign students that came here in 20/21, 605,130! And that's before we get Into the thorny issue of dependents bought over using this visa scheme, that in some cases number in double digits from India and Pakistan and is partly responsible for the NHS crisis As I've said I've travelled extensively across this country over the last 12 months and the changes are myriad and manifold, and in such a short space of time. #collapsethencivilwar #ukisaninternationalponzischeme
  12. First point why would I when fptp exists Second point, I will thanks, currently in North Devon for Christmas, then back to the coast for a bit of paid work (£650 a day for overseeing idiots) then off to the Cairngorms for a couple of months... #everydaysaholiday...........
  13. Read a book called 'when money dies' you may be surprised what happens and how quickly it occurs.
  14. So if I've got you right I don't have a right to live in this country I was born and bred in, spent 30 plus years paying vast amounts of income tax and NI starting and running businesses because I had enough brains to retire in my late 40's? You commie/ WEF types really are quite bitter aren't you? And with regard to it'll-never-happen-because.....you had better hope so, from what ive seen up and down the country, especially Wales and parts of the North I've visited many are more than a little pissed about what's going on...........
  15. You're really quoting the IAS, a body of immigration solicitors that find immigration a benefit? Really?! You're arguing from a false premise. Do you and others ever stop to ask yourself why the NHS is struggling? Or why we need more: Housing Food Water Schools etc Do you think it might be something to do with the 10 million people that have come here since 2004................? We no more need to build more houses than we do import people to staff the NHS, you halt the influx and begin deporting. We also need to remove benefits from the majority of 5.5m born and bred lazy *****s also sucking the life out of this country and force them back to work. Means testing for NHS use would cause a revolution unless the third worlders and EE's that seek to remain also pay. That's what's at the heart of this festering wound that's now 20 years old, the lack of fair play towards people that have spent a lifetime paying into the system I now look at the 90's as a golden age before my country was invaded and taken over. #merrychristmas
  16. And why is that? Nothing to do with the 10 million addition migrants since 2004? And again to echo the point both insane and I make, the job vacancies in the NHS aren't getting filled in any number relative to the influx of migrants coming here? So Brits won't do the job and neither will the 3rd worlders? So what's your solution? I have one, an immediate cessation of all migration into this country for 5 years along with forced deportations for the majority that have come here in the last 5 years. #fuktheechr
  17. I was being subtle so as not to get the thread pushed into long grass again.......
  18. I was being rhetorical. I have two aunts that were nurses back in the day. So I'm well aware of how high the bar is set for our own and how low it's set for overseas imports. The point being, like everything in this country; it's a race to the bottom.
  19. +1 I'll never understand how it's cheaper to import a nurse from overseas with a handful of dependents than to use our own.........
  20. "It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre."
  21. Yeah It's the same as the joke about Owen Jones with regard to the lefts tin ear/cognitive dissonance on such issues, that he'd still be waving the queers for Palestine flags as he's being thrown from the roof...... Many simply refuse to see what's staring them in the face.
  22. As to the effect on housing, it would appear there's no room in Ireland as the Irish govt figures out how to house all these 'doctors', 'lawyers' and 'engineers'. Also good to see the who-will-do-these-jobs argument still doing the heavy lifting in such discussions despite a freeze on hiring almost everywhere, falling GDP and a recession. #merrychristmas
  23. I used to sail with a bloke many years ago who was a BBC freelancer, amongst his many gigs was working on Radio 4' woman's hour back in the day. Reckons it was very anti white and anti male back then and this was late 80's early 90's. One of his anecdotes was the frequency with which they had a subject where there were no female experts in said subject so got the actual expert in (bloke) to explain to a female member of staff who would then be the broadcast 'expert' when going to air. Also told me many higher-ups were aware of the rumours about Saville but Aunties rep was more important.
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