Sunday, June 5, 2011

What about employing more people in house building

George Osborne plan isn't working, say top UK economists

Some of Britain's leading economists are warning the chancellor, George Osborne, that the economy is too fragile to withstand his drastic spending cuts and that he must draw up a plan B. Experts, including two former Whitehall advisers and two signatories of last year's high-profile letter backing the Tories' cuts, have told the Observer that they have profound concerns about the direction of Treasury policy.

Posted by quiet guy @ 09:56 AM (1845 views)
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12 thoughts on “What about employing more people in house building

  • Cornishtinmine says:

    To quote Sandi Toksvig: ‘It’s the Tories who have put the ‘n’ into cuts.’

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  • What we need is a revolutionary programme of negative real interest rates, money printing and tax breaks for the housing industry, which will stimulate the key driver of the UK economy.

    Oh, what was that? Er…we’ve already got it…ok right…

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  • holding out says:

    There doesn’t seem much point employing 2 people to write that article. Just pick up an old speech by Ed Balls and slap it in the paper.

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  • Sounds very much like ‘the cuts are too deep too fast.’ Is Ed Balls using a pseudonym?

    (A). What cuts? Spending is going up over the term; the debt will continue to grow.
    (B), Plan B – weren’t they a semi-successful band in 2010? Or we could just postpone the pain…

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  • Err, what cuts? Spending went up 3.7% from Labours last year in power (2009/10) to the first for the Coalition (2010/11), and will rise again this year(2011/12). Not by much but will rise. Its also entirely possible that it will end up rising more than they have predicted – April 2011 spending was 5% higher than April 2010.

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  • What about free plots of land for those prepared to have a house built.
    This would inject nice chunks of money into every local economy.

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  • mark wadsworth says:

    What Tinker and Gowerseque say. Some councils may be cutting service, but the government as a whole is not cutting spending, it is increasing it (albeit modestly).

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  • Building houses does not solve long-term economic problems as the productive effort required to build them is short term funded by long term debt. Investment would be better focussed into schemes that produce long term economic benefits first.

    If the economy cant produce the wealth and real term wage growth to fund the housing market we should let it fail and rebuild from there.

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  • Packed Full of Deluded comments from Labour Supporters, about the evils of Capitalism…… would cry if you didnt laugh.

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  • Do you get the feeling that George might be listening to the wrong type of advisers.

    I do.

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  • “What about employing more people in house building”

    Yes, we need more overseas skilled builders to move here. That’ll solve it. 😉

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  • Amusing bit on the Beeb just now..

    Guy being interviewed had taken the trouble to look up the credentials of these ‘top UK economists’ and found that many of the names had no economic qualifications at all..

    ..meanwhile, the IMF has come out in support of our George..

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