Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More power to europe……


''FEARS that Gordon Brown is secretly plotting to scrap the pound for the Euro were fuelled yesterday after the scale of the Government’s stealth plans were revealed.... It now appears that Gordon Brown and Lord Mandelson have a secret Whitehall agenda to exploit their appalling mismanagement of the public finances and use it as an excuse to join the Euro.''

Posted by hpwatcher @ 06:09 PM (1938 views)
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31 thoughts on “More power to europe……

  • Who on earth would believe this? And even if it were true, what’s the problem with the euro?

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  • Well I think that this has been part of their plan all along. Mandelson’s a very dangerous character and Brown was promised a seat at the last supper. They really hate us.

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  • montesquieu says:

    I thought for a minute this was the Daily Mash not the Express. OOps, I guess there isn’t much difference these days.

    The thought that this would even cross the mind of Broon, the weakest PM in living memory, in the middle of the expenses scandal, is just laughable.

    What a F**** comic the Express is these days (to say nothing of its brain dead readership).

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  • So Brown the Eurosceptic wants to join the Euro? The Express is truly a sad joke. WW2 bomber found on the moon anyone?

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  • tyrellcorporation says:

    don’t forget these freaks are always seaching for some kind of legacy. Browns is obviously the destruction of the uks finances but he most likely doesn’t see things as we do. I dare say he is maneouvering the uk towards euro entry as it’s possibly his most achievable legacy as it requires just him to sign the documents.

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  • Have no fear guy’s he’ll be out long before he can get his waterman pen on any such documents – Labour will be slaughtered in the forthcoming Euro elections and crash G will be forced to exit shortly thereafter.

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  • Your cheatin’ heart will make you weep
    You’ll cry and cry and try to sleep
    But slee-eep won’t come the whole night through
    Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you

    When tears come down like fallin’ rain
    You’ll toss around and call my name
    You’ll wa-alk the floor the way I do
    Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you

    Your chea-eatin’ heart will pine some day
    And crave the love you threw away
    The ti-ime will come when you’ll be blue
    Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you

    When tears come down like fallin’ rain
    You’ll toss around and call my name
    You’ll wa-alk the floor the way I do
    Your cheatin’ heart will tell on you

    Long live Hank Williams. Long live Sterling. Long live the Brown legacy,

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  • vindicated says:

    No newsflash there then……

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  • Have no fear guy’s he’ll be out long before he can get his waterman pen on any such documents – Labour will be slaughtered in the forthcoming Euro elections and crash G will be forced to exit shortly thereafter.

    I agree. After today’s performance, it can’t be that much longer now.

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  • gone-to-colombia says:

    Though I am no supporter of Brown I do support the eventual joining of the Euro.
    Britain’s place has to be as a firm and committed member of the EU.
    The EU has the potential of becoming the the primary world power. Far better this than China.
    Since WWII we have gained nothing by the transatlantic special relationship, in fact such has been this ‘relationship’ that it has
    been a kind of rape of power and wealth.
    Our historic role has been to form coalitions of the weak against stronger foes, there could be no better time than now to recognize
    that we are close to a hinge around which history will turn. The great financial crash we are witnessing will see the rise of China, a Communist dictatorship. We should put aside our petty concerns and attend to our duty and likely destiny.

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  • 8. gone-to-colombia ….. and that means we have to convert to the Euro and cannot hold on to our own currency.

    It would make the electronic cashless society con that much easier, I must say!

    Can you see an interest rate setting problem with this coalition? Please educate me!

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  • Good work by the Express, giving their readership what they want.

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  • North American Union may be a problem for you, but I personally ain’t ready to surrender what our soldiers gave their lives for.

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  • japanese uncle says:

    Watch Cameron for he could change his position at the 11th hr.

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  • gone-to-colombia says:

    Crunchy, the down side of joining is that we lose much of our ability to control the economic levers of our economy. Our interest rates would be set with the Euro zone. Having said this, our own masters have done a poor job at the levers in recent times. In fact, a poor job since the war. While the rest of the EU accepted that what was required was hard work and sensible policies our masters have been in a perpetual pursuit of an elusive fools gold of wealth generation. For example, the money supply experiments of Wilson and Heath, the disasterous Thatcher monetary period, and the great Blair property bubble. All have been will-o-the wisps.
    We are not a small country like Ireland on the edge of Europe, we are one of the great countries of the continent, our full commitment would bring great mutal benefit to all.

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  • gone-to-colombia says:

    Our soldiers gave their lives for a free Europe, a free world, in this they did not fight in vain.
    Europe is no less free than the UK.
    Consider the USA, a country that did not allow a large proportion of its own citizens equal rights for many years up until the sixties or seventies.
    I’ve lived for several years in the USA, theirs is an alien culture compared with Europe.
    Europe is a largely forward looking continent, the USA is dominated by fundamentalist religion, for example most Americans do not accept the theory of evolution.

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  • “They include explaining to the public how the move would affect their council tax and business-rate bills and how the BBC would pay for

    the £10 million cost of changing the TV licence fee to Euros.”

    Patronising gits, and what about every ATM every parking metre of all types, every cigarette machine, every shopping cash register, and

    so on. This will cost a fortune. Hold on wait a minute, if we could use our mobiles as cashless electronic devises it would all be much

    cheaper and easier. Yeah, and we could charge you for everywhere you go in your car and all those nasty anti ozone footprints you leave;

    because you will be on our grid. Oh did we not tell you we will be able to track you via your mobile and therefor know everything we need

    to further enslave you. Ring, ring…. Why has my money mobile ceased to function? Robotic voice…

    You have not payed your BBC licence and your car will be crushed if you cannot pay your car tax. >”No excuses.”< TV speaker......Do you need a loan.........Robotic voice. If anybody attacks me for this, FU!

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  • . gone-to-colombia said…”Our soldiers gave their lives for a free Europe, a free world,”

    That is the only part I agree with. Long may it be that way. We owe it to them and us.

    The pursuit of freedom requires a watchful eye and a suspicious mind!

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  • Bear Necessities says:

    “every parking metre”

    You must have a very short car then!

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  • japanese uncle says:

    Not a few of ‘our soldiers’ were actually killed by the bullets and shells made by Vickers, while many German soldiers were slaughtered by the shells made by Krupp. Millions of ordinary men had to kill each other without any good reason but war being the greatest money-making opportunity for some. I have little doubt those that fell during the wars must be gnashing their teeth (if any) in hell or heaven, saying ‘we were all had’

    Liberating Europe from the barbaric evil sounds lovely, but who first of all placed them in power by providing billions of finance for election campaign. Exactly the same with Sadam’s Iraq.

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  • 17. japanese uncle

    …….and who set up the Euro currency.

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  • Let’s open our mind. Loans made in euros backed by a big Union of countries combined with UK experience in finances it could result in a huge success.

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  • 19. mander said… Let’s open our mind.

    Yes, but let’s think even BIGGER! We’ll have a GLOBAL currency and we can call it the AMERO and it could result in a huge success and … aw shucks, somebody’s already thought of it….


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  • montesquieu says:

    I’m surprised to see this being seriously discussed. It’s the usual Express scare the demential patients into voting UKIP story for election week. So transparent it’s laughable. How can anyone take this rot seriously?

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  • 21. Ireland thinks that too. Go figure!

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  • Freewheelin Franklin says:

    Are you guys seriously wasting time discussing an Express story cooked up in the newsroom? The Express? The paper that had to pay out for slandering the McCanns, sister publication to Asian Babes?

    Ask yourselves this: if Labour MPs were whispering about a plot to scrap the pound do you really think they’d go talk to a hack on the Express?

    Get a life….

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  • george monsoon says:

    I’m with Crunchy on this, all the way.

    The Euro, may look like a nice idea at first, in much the same way as the Millennium dome.!

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  • Norman Lamont agrees too.

    How soon we forget! Shafted.

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  • Isolated Entity says:

    There is absolutely no way the UK will drop the Pound for the Euro; it doesn’t even begin to meet the convergence criteria.

    This is typical Daily Sexpest rubbish – Make a wild claim and put words like “secret” and “sources close to” in to keep it nice and believable.

    If there is indeed any sort of plan to swap to the Euro it’s probably just the sort of thing any sensible finance ministry will be asking itselt. “What would happen if we had to change to a bigger currency and the Japanese Yen and the US dollar won’t have us?”.

    I am not saying that joining the Euro is right or wrong. Better people than myself haven’t worked this one out yet. What I do know is wrong is to believe ANYTHING written on the front of the Di-aly Excess.

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  • Planning4acrash says:

    I was harking on about this for a couple of years.

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  • gone-to-colombia: No!

    Any forced move to the Euro, is probably just another (indirect) corporatist (Fascist) plot, to further enslave, and impoverish, us.

    You conveniently ignore how just expensive it would be to replace the vast amount of equipment, systems, and paperwork, which only supports Sterling, the data migration and update costs, and the probably significant price mark-ups, to cover the migration costs, and opportunistic greed. I bet many small business would go bust, because they could ill afford the transition costs.

    It could be better for most people, if the government (state to local) was seriously shrunk, and Sterling was instead converted from a fiat currency, back to a genuine value backed currency (e.g. valuable commodities), to prevent state criminals from further devaluing Sterling, via allowance of Fractional Reserve Banking and Usury (at insane multiples and compound interest rates), and fraudulent “Quantative Easing”.

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