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Everything posted by Itssimple

  1. She's got form. http://www.yiannisgabriel.com/2017/06/the-absent-leader-why-theresa-may-may.html?m=1
  2. She's got form. http://www.yiannisgabriel.com/2017/06/the-absent-leader-why-theresa-may-may.html?m=1
  3. Italy Enjoying Macron mess up, Apparently Macrons promises will put France further away from eu fiscal rules than Italy.... Interesting to see how Brussels handle that one. Article on Macrons eu army dream, not quite what he hoped for. https://www.rt.com/op-ed/446058-macron-yellow-vests-european-army/
  4. Without putting folk into boxes, I would wager a bet that a lot more remain voters are registered with yougov. As such I'm surprised where the vote stands, certainly not positive enough to risk another ref for the remain camp.
  5. Call me cynical, but the two guys with the flag don't look right. Maybe they bought the exact same yellow jackets at the same time. Or they were issued to them by the powers to be...to serve their agenda. Bodie n Doyle french version. You decide.
  6. Europe politicians tit for tat? https://www.euronews.com/2018/12/07/hungary-accuses-eu-of-censorship-after-police-action-against-controversial-billboard Unbelievable antics really. Don't they realise buses work best.
  7. DBK getting hammered again. May playing for extra time. Labour itching to storm the pitch. Brussels, thought it was all over. Where's the French?
  8. May .. Guardian article from last June. https://amp.theguardian.com/science/brain-flapping/2017/jun/06/political-culture-shock-could-paris-syndrome-explain-theresa-mays-meltdowns
  9. Ok.. Why did the powers to be use fear tactics. Was it some ancient historical natural default that leaders use when they are fearful themselves. What is interesting is that they are still using fear, when I do believe it becomes more counterproductive the more it is used. I wonder how far they will go.
  10. Oh dear... they have no shame...if her present deal was good....am I missing something. I suppose I better hold my hands up and admit I voted Tory last time round.... never expected to see such a farce as May. ... well I suppose she has lasted longer than Brown. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/video/2018/sep/21/brexit-no-deal-is-better-than-a-bad-deal-says-theresa-may-video
  11. That's what the first ref was according DC. Plenty of leave means leave. Just Google it to remind yourself. Politicians... don't you just love em eh.
  12. That's a bit ott Fwiw, as an ordinary pleb in the UK, who whenever I have travelled throughout Europe I have thoroughly enjoyed the company of the locals. I've lived in marinas there, and hosted students here. It's the Brussels EU thing... which is going to screw up.
  13. Nothing to leave shortly. EU won't exist in any way as it currently does. Deflation will kill off the control freaks in Brussels.
  14. May in my view is toast. Tories also. Labour to be in power within 12months. Tories own fault... they were given a job to do by the electorate... And instead have hung themselves. Labour will be worse financially than a no deal within their term.....we'll go Greece, without the sunshine.
  15. This gdp thing that's all over the news and also been discussed here. What's the actual breakdown, by sector etc. And how much has the relentless rise in house prices skewed gdp to the positive side since the crash. Could it be that with the insane house price rises looking to turn negative, gdp would have slipped with or without brexit.
  16. Macron.. returning to form *anker Not so popular now. https://amp.dw.com/en/french-president-emmanuel-macrons-popularity-hits-record-low/a-45609995
  17. Add a share saver scheme can be quite good if timed correctly. Problem is that a lot of the staff lower down the pecking order who with either savings or tax credits that could be used to offset the drop in take home, don't understand it or can' be bothered. It took me a while to convince someone who had savings that the scheme was worth the risk in 2016 when the shares dipped. In total they will set aside 10800 over 3yrs, the cash in value currently stands at around 26000. Of course the shares may fall before 2019, but imo it was a no brainer, compared to savings rates. C
  18. Shocking. The greed of the financial system beggars belief. But because it' a high percentage of our economy, it is held in some divine light. This divine light has done more to lower living standards and stick two fingers up to generations who are priced out of joining society and thus creating future generations. The folks in Grimsby were correct in their vote, and morally provided a more honest service before they were cast to the rocks than the recent pirates in the smoke.
  19. If it ends up like gib, it can be time consuming, mainly when Spain chooses, which annoys the Spanish no end. Basically it depends on the powers to be on both sides.
  20. Just had a quick glance at the above pdf. I actually fail to see the point in the above report, as I read it, comparing the value of the industry to GDP, and what little effect it would have if it disappeared is rather meaningless. The fish wars and eu are the main culprits for the decline. I've berthed in Grimsby very close to the old ice houses, and visited the local museum. The area certainly lost out a lot. As a realist it is obvious it will not likely regain it's former glory, but it could be better, the main problem in my view is the London centric attitude to areas/industry outside their circle. And the press article further above regarding Grimsby/brexit is a case in point. Ta c
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