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Everything posted by schmunk

  1. Something not yet mentioned is that at least the top two of the people named in this list are their company's founder. I can assure you that any one of them who is a US citizen will be paying serious amounts of tax on their income, no matter where they live.
  2. I challenge you to find us such a flat... I'm currently paying £800pcm for a house worth at least £280k, even taking into account a 20% fall from peak - Zoopla estimates £320k. There's no way I could afford to buy this house..!
  3. If the value of your contract is greater than the SDLT threshold, then you would be liable to pay SDLT, as it applies to any transaction in land, not just freehold sales. I work with senior execs who come to the UK for 2-3 years, with their employers renting v. expensive London properties for the duration. A recently-closed 'loophole' made it income tax efficient to pay the full amount upfront - this would usually make the transaction subject to SDLT.
  4. I'm of the "professional working set" (in central London) and I get a (virtually) free lunch every day from my employer - I spend less than 50p a day. Ker-ching!
  5. If you die between now and 5 April 2010, the first £325,000 of value distributed will be tax free, and 40% tax thereafter.
  6. Capital Gains Tax - No Inheritance Tax - Yes, but it is a Potentially Exempt Transfer. If the giftor lives for 7 years after the date of the gift, there is no tax due. If the giftor dies within 3 years of the gift, tax is due at 40% on the full amount (subject to any of it being within the IHT nil rate band). Between 3 and 7 years the portion taxed scales from 100% to 0% - I forget exactly how.
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