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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by yelims

  1. nothing intelligent to say so? at least the EU done more good for the country than our previous British overlords
  2. look if yee in the UK want to leave the EU fine, off yee go thats your choice but stop sending your UKIP dogs and their steaming shit here, people dont like xenophobic fascists from other countries interfering in their internal affairs? ok?? do you understand our anger?? as for the eurozone market 1. last i checked my savings are still worth more in euro than they would have been if i put them in pounds where they would have been raped by Gordon and still being raped by ongoing quantative easing money printing excercise 2. the UK kept its currency yet yee did not manage to avoid a property bubble and your rates didnt rise (As they should have) for that matter looking at the top right of this site i can still see the UK rates are lower than Euro ones 3. its much easier and cheaper for my company to do business with euro countries, i cringe everytime i get an invoice in pounds (or worse the currency is not mentioned and i have to ring up to confirm that they want payment in pounds) 4, i can go on holidays/business and know exactly how much im being ripped off at home pot meet black kettle once again blaming the crisis here on low rates while ignoring the absolute stupidity and greed of the sheeple is very one sided Ireland is not UK, if stayed out of euro the place would have ended up worse than Iceland and them east European countries speaking of Iceland, having own currency and rates didnt not prevent the place from imploding under the weight of greed and stupidity please put the blame squarely where it belongs, the dipshits who bought into the whole property pyramid scheme /
  3. thats like acussing a man become fat from eating in a cheap mcdonalds fastfood joint is it mcdonalds fault for making him fat when he could have eaten wisely on a balanced diet and saved his money for a bad day or even invested the money wisely like other euro countries done (and are now out of recessions) all the cheap money (like in UK and US btw) was wasted on property instead of doing the right thing and investing in industry and renewables like they did in Germany as for being touchy yes I am, tell your UKIP fascist scumbags to feck off we dont want them here and to stop ******ing sending racist leaflets how would yee feel if our homegrown scum (Sinn Fein) were to send leaflets to all UK homes with rubbish in it, and then appear daily on radio and tv making fun of the locals |
  4. exactly people went absolutely crazy on property i think at one stage they were building as many house here as in uk :0 on the bright side there are some great bargains to be had now for anyone who rented and kept a straight head on especially if you want some agricultural land and peaceful surroundings (them empty shoebox apartments on outskirts of cities will never sell)
  5. you gonna teach me in economics of own country? which part of "******ing mind your own business" you dont understand? the property bubble here was down to greed greed greed and brown envelopes passed between bankers, developers and politicians hey not so different from UK HPC |
  6. How about you shut the ****** up, if you dont know what your talking about dont speak, bad enough we have UKIP scumbags interfering in our internal affairs and likes of Ganley who is pumping millions of euro into a NO campaign from US military (he has on his companies board of directors General Myers of starting Iraq war fame) if you didnt know Lisbon makes it easier for any country to leave the EU by setting out exactly how it can be done be ******ing happy if Ireland votes YES, then UK can easily withdraw from EU(if them nutjobs in UKIP have their way) and rot on its own with your remaining businesses decimated whats your address ill make sure to send you a few more boxes of tinfoil and btw were can i send back the racist pile of manure and lies send to us by your UKIP fascist scumbags | as for the thread in hand, seriously the grass is always greener on other side they say, like ireland your have a ******ed up government, but that will change soon here, dont worry UK has alot going for it (As seen from here) and im surprised no one mentioned your soccer industry |
  7. as i said ive been a member here for a while, and lurking for even longer i taught ill post so maybe other people can confirm i havent (or have?) gone crazy, and maybe to discuss the crazy banking/property situation in ireland im not a bear or crazy property speculator, i sat out the whole celtic tiger craziness decade and saved and worked hard, never got into any debts, dont own anything to anyone and dont ever intend to, i value land as grandparents lived of it and its possible to leave a healthy life in tough times with a small plot, i never bought gold or even stocks and hate gambling seems like it still for sale? http://www.daft.ie/1464256 creggs is quite some distance from anywhere and alot of houses there for sale > http://*******.com/lognmd there are parts of north galway, mayo and roscommon that are quite relatively cheap nowadays, but thats for a reason, the roads are bad and you are pretty isolated, tho land is still sort of expensive anything from 50 to 100k for an acre with planing permission, 20-30 acres agricultural only is about a million
  8. 25km east of galway city, in athenry area i dont need to commute so doesn't really bother me, only requirement is internet unfortunately in mid90s i had other things to worry about like college, and then the whole bubble grew out of all proportions, only a year ago i would not have imagined such a deal (a year ago they wanted €170k for same place, no joke) definitely there will continue to be falls, as such it doesnt bother me as im not getting into a mortgage and need a place to work out of and grow a family, with some land in case of anything my main worry are savings disappearing, if theres a run on banks the government has no way in hell of honoring its crazy blanket guarantee, and no i dont want to buy into gold dublin is a terrible place to live, i lived in south dublin at peak, the place an old georgian crap house was for sale for 3million, i swear i couldnt believe it considering the state of the place and no sight of gold bricks in the walls yes one, 10 mins on train to school in galway, 10mins drive to train station, theres school 2km from house will need to look into it
  9. Well after sitting on the fence and working hard + saving for years Just spotted a new built bungalow (300sq m) here in west of Ireland with a few acres of land (and option to buy more) on top of a hill asking price €135k (i be offering embarrassingly less) and a few builders i spoke to quote circa 70k to complete i think its a steal with a new motorway being completed nearby and existing railways station, broadband available, and prices in the area are ridiculously high, smaller property next door asking for 450k i work from home so this could be a nice opportunity to extend my home office and triple mine and herselfs living space and im very worried about the banks here, as yee all know they are dodgy as hell, i dont want to wake up one day to find the digits on my bank account disappear and nothing physical to show for it this could be my chance to get a large house and not having to worry about a mortgage or getting into debt all while im young have i gone mad? what would you do in my shoes?? should be interesting discussion
  10. Irish figures are overly inflated due to the amount of MNC washing money thru here Public Sector / Government debt % is less than UK and EU average (but increasing rapidly and then theres NAMA of a terrible joke) Credit card debt is a problem, i dont have figures, but doesnt affect me as some people remained sensible
  11. thanks thats what i was looking for yea ive no intention of buying unless i know i can live in a place (no ifs or buts) rents are looking very cheap over there too now ive no problems moving every few months, feck it may as well see the world while relatively young and things are cheap
  12. both of you misunderstand i am not looking for job or want to work for anyone i already have a well paying job at own company that i started several years ago thats related to IT services, and that is not tied to my current location, hence i can continue making money anywhere in world with internet and electricity thats why im asking about florida since its so cheap and i dont mind working/living in a warmer/cheaper place
  13. Does anyone how does someone from EU goes about living in USA for long periods im irish and can work anywhere in world since my job is in IT, tho i would need to travel alot back here and other places in US and EU florida seems very cheap now one wouldnt buy a shed in ireland for the price one can get a mansion in Florida (no joke!) despite the recession business so to summarize how does one move to Florida (renting initially of course)
  14. no wonder the eCONomy is in such a mess theres an sucker born every minute http://www.independent.ie/world-news/europ...nd-1831206.html
  15. uhm they do theres this border town which has more dole claimants than the population, so that started ringing bells fairplay to them http://www.independent.ie/national-news/cr...em-1622965.html http://www.tribune.ie/archive/article/2006...der-dole-fraud/ http://www.welfare.ie/EN/Press/PressReleas...s/pr060309.aspx
  16. one way or another i dont know how this can continue it will end up badly for everyone borrowing 400million euro a week to keep up the show at high interest and all, taxpayers are screwed for next few decades ... and then there is NAMA and banks, but thats another subject
  17. the last emergency budget barely scratched welfare but raised taxes for the still employed they are getting rid of the extra weeks payment at xmas! i dont even get a ******ing xmas bonus at work! there were riots about how unfair that is from all the spongers! as for busting my balls, i had to work all of last year no holidays often weekends at nights to get €33K wage salary (€25K after all taxes), and im after learning i could have got more just by sitting at home can you see why i am so ticked off :angry:
  18. they cant raise taxes (already done in last few budgets) see my article before your post, it already makes more sense to stay on dole than get minimum wage job anymore and people would just give up i have 0 will to work this morning after reading the papers why am i busting my balls working and paying taxes when someone else gets better paid for doing nothing?
  19. http://www.independent.ie/national-news/it...se-1826386.html holy ****** :angry:
  20. relax i was only being sarcastic, no hard feelings, you do sound like a decent fella me appologies
  21. sigh my taxes paying for other peoples mortgages and kids maybe i should get myself one of each then come autumn with the lisbon treaty result and new budget and i might start looking at them nice offshore islands to relax for a while i worked to hard for last few years for a bunch of politician cowboys to continue pouring my blood money into black holes of welfare,ps and banks as for the article you were referring to this once, the figures are abit suspect i remember a thread on boards.ie, the conclusion is it more or less adds up http://www.independent.ie/opinion/letters/...rk-1708412.html
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