Sunday, May 25, 2008

The absurdity of New Labour

Jail staff 'fear Muslim inmates'

Labour's obsession with human/equall rights has completely prevented them taking the tough decisions ti address Law & Order, this is a classic example:- ''...A review of Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire found staff were fearful of doing the wrong thing, "shifting the power dynamic towards prisoners"...''

Posted by hpwatcher @ 10:33 PM (1106 views)
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13 thoughts on “The absurdity of New Labour

  • Mytimeisnigh says:

    What are human rights like in India, China or Russia? Or any where else for that matter (in europe even), like Latvia or potentially Romania. They don’t exist, or seemingly not. What are they they like here? They’ve taken over good sense. Please can we have a return to normality. A happy, sensible medium would be nice, whatever that may be in these days and times.

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  • ..i and many friends agree!!…….

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  • Everyone I know thinks there has been far too much immigration over the last 30 years. It’s becoming a massive problem, and thanks to the nutty values of this Labour government ‘the elephant in the room’.

    As time moves forward, and the recession continues to bite, things are going to get very, very difficult.

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  • These are obviously not practicing Muslims or they wouldn’t be in jail, they are just your common or garden low life.

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  • Charlie Brooker says:

    When prison staff are held hostage to the sophistry of foreign convicts you know something’s gone horribly wrong.

    The Law Lords should make a statement making it very clear that not only do prison staff going about their duties under the spirit of law not only their full backing, but that any prisoner wilfully threatening to obstruct those duties may have their jail terms extended.

    In other words, such vindictive, malicious behaviour on the part of a prisoner should be considered a refusal to serve their term remorsefully and an obstruction of the law and punished appropriately.

    Just a thought.

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  • Mind controlled fools.. Christians actively destroyed paganism – our native Celtic belief system – created false images of our gods and burnt “witches” at the stake and subjected “heretics” to inquisition. The transition was bloody but we forget this. I’m no more a christian than a muslim, it’s all state control. As soon as we see religion as a tool to hijack the minds of people the better. “Give your land to the church and go to heaven….” [Blackadder]

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  • Why does being a muslim mean they have to be treated differently to any other criminal. Do they have different rights? Would I go to Iran and bleat about chrisianity and expect them to give a sh1t?

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  • larry pickleman says:

    Again I see the parallels with what I grew up with in Northern Ireland, except the prisoners there had to go through all manner of protest before they were given segregation. Political extremists will take advantage of anything that furthers their end game of polarized division, but the real problem and the real reason as to why this could spiral out of control, is that the overwhelming majority of “decent” people, are to way stupefied and pacified to do anything about it. The 3 monkeys are rife, and pointing the finger at the government, or the media, or the “others” will do absolutely f**k all to move us forward. If you see a fight, intervene. If you have a twatty neighbour, don’t call the police, call on your other neighbours and then knock on their door…etc etc

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  • LP absolutely. PC was seen as the height of intellectualism when it was re-invented/resurrected in the 90s. Instead this beast has turned us into bleating cripples, unable to intellectually navigate political situations for fear of being a racist / nazi / intellectually below par.

    ‘Qur’an 9:5 “Fight and kill the disbelievers wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war.”

    Why should we tolerate fools who act verbatim upon the above? Because it’s from a religious book? Why does PC ask people to remove their native intelligence and subjugate us to become a gaggle of simpering idiots.

    Those who sought to be sensitive intellectuals have turned into gagged and bound fools – still shouting ‘racist’ at others looking for serious and neccessary action.

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  • shipbuilder says:

    The amount of cr*p talked about ‘political correctness’ is rubbish – you would think we live in East Berlin from the way people talk about it. Political correctness is an excuse, not the reason to do nothing. It is just another scapegoat thrown up by the media. The real reason is the collapse of community, rampant materialism and rampant individualism pushed by successive Tory and then New Labour governments since the 80’s.

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  • shipbuilder – pc goes to the very heart of many government institutions and has become a form of social dementia. Michael Howard actually made a good speech on it, and the various guises it has manifested in 2004:

    Your points are valid as to how we got here, but not why we [as a nation] are scared to do anything.

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  • shipbuilder says:

    Pendulum – I still think it’s a convenient excuse for people who really don’t give a hoot about anyone else. It’s funny how we go on about how useless politicians are, yet constantly credit them with mass brainwashing and other dastardly schemes. Employment law, health and safety law and so on are always used as an excuse either to go overboard or do nothing by people who would have done either anyway.

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