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Nulabour And Inquiry Into Second Donor Scandal

South Lorne

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The Campaign Against Herr Braun

I can't stand the lying scumbag as much as anyone, but the current campaign culminating in the scandal over a mere £5,000 donation to Harriet Harman's election campaign has a fishy smell.

Under Bliar, we had the cash for honours scandal where Bliar's own notes incriminated this US lickspittle. Yet Bliar wasn't even charged.

Previously a rigged Guardian poll suggested Kenneth Clarke was less popular than Herr Braun despite all straw polls showing Clarke was a very clear favourite with the voter. Then the Guardian gave David Cameron the thumbs up telling us that he was more popular with us than Herr Braun despite the fact that none of us at that time had ever heard of David Cameron.

It is very obvious that we, the voters, have no say in who gets elected as the administrator who does the bidding of our rulers.

First past the post guarantees that only the main parties have any chance of getting seats in the House of Commons.

The constituencies have always been biased in favour of Labour even when the Tories had 17 years in power.

This is before we even consider the postal vote gerrymandering that "would shame a banana republic".

It is also clear that the recent scandal was an inside job just as the deposing of Charles Kennedy from the Lib-Dems was an inside job.

The lewrockwell.com website notes that Kennedy's potential successors had their offices raided in Watergate style, yet none of the UK papers mentioned this when the scandals about rent boys broke. Maggie's exit was also engineered within her own party despite never having lost an election. So much for democracy. This also makes a mockery of the Lord Hutton BS that it isn't his job to depose the government by revealing Bliar's war crimes.

What the inside job reveals is that Labour, the Tories and the Lib-Dems are all but factions of the same party and that "whoever you vote for the government always gets in". The media too, are all in cahoots with the government. They're offered free on the internet and one Independent writer wrote that except for the Telegraph they had all made "consistent losses" over the past 15 years and the only reason they were acquired was for the influence.

Ken Clarke was rejected because he favoured the euro and Michael Howards comment that the Tories would have found a better excuse for invading Iraq shows that we're not ruled from Whitehall but Washington. Further evidence is the worthless Rummyflu we've bought, the "super casinos", George Soros who is linked to John Major via the Carlyle Group, the one-way extradition treaty, the access to ALL YOUR INTERNET TRANSACTIONS by the US Federal government, Irwin Stelzer of the Times who has the ear of No.10 and Janet Daly of the Telegraph . . . and many more.

It is clear that they've already chosen David Cameron as the next administrator to do their bidding. Perhaps that's why he has no policies. If Cameron was a prostitute, he'd have a wardrobe full of costumes and his line would be "what would you like me to be?"

Perhaps Herr Braun, as chancellor, realised we need to join the euro. Perhaps Cameron as PM would let his chief confiscator get it in the neck for the policies which would keep us out of the euro whilst wrecking the economy.

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