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Robert F Kennedy Jr

Maghull Mike

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Forget the nukes, the real 'threat' since post ww2 was the hidden hand the west (the US) could just cripple your economy overnight via the dominance of the dollar.

For good measure any minnow who threatened it simply got bombed out of existence by overwhelming air power. 

They threw the kitchen sink (sanctions, stole the dollar bank reserves) at Russia for daring to go off script and they've survived that salvo. Someone has faced down this 'threat' and survived.  

It also helps that Russia also has capable anti air. 

The floodgates are now open, the blueprint for the ROW to go their own way is now established.  

The wests big mistake was shooting their bolt on the dollar front, if you're going to eventually show you're ultimate Trump card it has to be seen to actually work....it didn't. 

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It seems a time where those in charge don't see their interests are the same as their countries interests, more like the opposite, they are raping their own nations. Its all about filling their own pockets while they can. With enough money it won't matter to them if their country sinks. So they invest in companies that the money their nation prints and borrows will be spent on at their direction. War industry, medical/pharma industry, climate hoax solutions industry. 

That's the neocon strategy and it is working for them. Its a short-termist strategy, so looking at the long term picture for the west it looks like its failing but thats the wrong way to look at it. Long term its failing for me and you, but short term its working for them. 

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16 minutes ago, athom said:

It seems a time where those in charge don't see their interests are the same as their countries interests, more like the opposite, they are raping their own nations. Its all about filling their own pockets while they can. With enough money it won't matter to them if their country sinks. So they invest in companies that the money their nation prints and borrows will be spent on at their direction. War industry, medical/pharma industry, climate hoax solutions industry. 

Unfortunately yes, it's gotten to the point where it's become too big to manage for anyone entity such as a 'president' or 'congress' to manage.

Arguably what Eisenhower was warning about. 

Our elected leaders are now company men, you don't get in without being one and anyone not on the right script simply gets stabbed in the back by other company men. 

Trump attempted to tame the beast and he just got drowned out by corporate media. 

The machine was desperate from him to go fully in on Syria and again they hated him for failing to do so. He was the first president in decades where no new wars happened under his tenure. Needless to say the machine couldn't afford him for another 4 years. 

But....Kennedy alludes to you eventually run out of road when your system is designed to bomb it's way around the world for profit with impunity. There was no grand strategy to much of it past profit which is where we became unstuck in Afghanistan. 

The UK is in a very similar predicament. No one's big enough to tell the machine, the gigs up. It's like trying to turn a tanker, especially when those with the power sit away up in the clouds in Davos. 

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9 minutes ago, Casual-observer said:

Trump attempted to tame the beast and he just got drowned out by corporate media. 

The machine was desperate from him to go fully in on Syria and again they hated him for failing to do so. He was the first president in decades where no new wars happened under his tenure. Needless to say the machine couldn't afford him for another 4 years. 

100% agree on trump. Its a shame he has a few traits that make him fairly easy to portray in a bad light. Overall he's surely the best one in my lifetime with the most integrity and sincerity to the job of working for what's best for the average Americans. 

12 minutes ago, Casual-observer said:

But....Kennedy alludes to you eventually run out of road when your system is designed to bomb it's way around the world for profit with impunity. There was no grand strategy to much of it past profit which is where we became unstuck in Afghanistan. 

The UK is in a very similar predicament. No one's big enough to tell the machine, the gigs up. It's like trying to turn a tanker, especially when those with the power sit away up in the clouds in Davos. 

Like I say its short term goals for the ones that get in power for a term or 2. Fill their pockets before the road runs out, and the road is going to run out anyway. I think its inevitable with the democratic system. After the industry was exported to where the slavery still existed (china), and once our labour laws made our workforce unattractive even if it was competitively priced, national decline was baked in. Average voters don't understand the reality of our predicament and just vote for less tax and more spending every time. Its impossible to lead a declining nation sensibly, as we would if our personal finances declined we'd cut back and accept a lower standard of living. But no the voter wants more for less. In the end the politicians must know the ship is sinking and are just wanting to fill their pockets to make their escape. 


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3 minutes ago, athom said:

100% agree on trump. Its a shame he has a few traits that make him fairly easy to portray in a bad light. Overall he's surely the best one in my lifetime with the most integrity and sincerity to the job of working for what's best for the average Americans. 

Like I say its short term goals for the ones that get in power for a term or 2. Fill their pockets before the road runs out, and the road is going to run out anyway. I think its inevitable with the democratic system. After the industry was exported to where the slavery still existed (china), and once our labour laws made our workforce unattractive even if it was competitively priced, national decline was baked in. Average voters don't understand the reality of our predicament and just vote for less tax and more spending every time. Its impossible to lead a declining nation sensibly, as we would if our personal finances declined we'd cut back and accept a lower standard of living. But no the voter wants more for less. In the end the politicians must know the ship is sinking and are just wanting to fill their pockets to make their escape. 


The voter won't wake up until reality smacks him in the face and that reality is when the welfare state runs out of money which seems very likely within the next 5 years I'd say. 

I look at the UK and it's effectively being run like a corporation to a degree hence the other thread where people are talking about having a family as if it's a luxury...and it is. 

For a lot of people they can't afford kids hence the over reliance on the welfare state. That's because the UK is run as if it's a corporation and not a national entity that is run for the welfare of it's electorate. 

The corporate/state machine is in charge and it wants profit...that means expensive housing, it means demanding wife and husband both have to work, it means piling in foreign workers to keep the plates spinning yet saying anything of this apparently makes you a small minded Brexit bigot. 

Any attempt to even try and reign in any of it makes you faaaaaaar right. The whole things out of control and I can't predict how it will go between managed decline or an epic collapse for the west.  

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Problem i see with China being a global currency is its a vile corrupt state and their govt can be trusted far less than western govts, hence why its wealthy do all they can to get their money out of there.

Iran and Saudi are even worse.

In addition if China has a strong currency, their manufacturing jobs will go elsewhere which the decimates their economy.

Though you would think this would be a wake up call to Europe, to start digging and drilling for energy ASAP, instead of getting the Arabs to make us windturbines out of cheap subsidised Chinese steel.

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