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Everything posted by Downtraded

  1. How about the proof that your punctuation is poor. Nah mate, just the result of my superior wit and your poor education.
  2. A picture is worth a thousand words? Very wise - see previous comment.
  3. How about the proof that your punctuation is poor - as well as your rambling argument. I just looked outside - looks nice today - might go out for some toast - Mmmmm
  4. Funny that Injin, how you assume the post was directed to you when it was in response to Uncle Roji. As always, Injin ignore facts - like the fact he doesn't know what one is
  5. You can't prove me wrong. You have no debating skill or the ability to reason otherwise - That is a fact.
  6. There is ample proof that "the world is continuing" - just look around you.
  7. Do keep up Injin. Fiction and opinions are something but fact has to be proved. Presenting an insult as fact without proof proves the following: What you consider as your greatest asset has failed you at the first hurdle.
  8. Injin, pontificating about fact and fiction as usual and fails to see the irony. Your greatest asset has failed you.
  9. Uuuh - that's your greatest asset? The insult was funny though - it describes you really well
  10. touched a raw nerve with you. Don't get so upset - enjoy your toast (on your own because she took you to the cleaners)
  11. Nope, the world is going to be just fine! Most will be OK and you Injin, will stilll be without equity - no assets, no skills. OK maybe you do have something to trade - your tinfoil hat, a hill of beans and an air gun
  12. OK, I could be wrong. Shes's your Girlfriend and you have no kids? - I mean genetically yours - not someone elses. Maybe she earns less than you too. No wonder she's keen to get her joint name on the deeds. The law looks kindly on separated mothers with kids, she can't lose. If you don't have or want kids with this women right now, this is a really bad move. Ahhh. - you're "in love" arn't you
  13. Why is it that people think the "end of the fiat banking is nigh"? By proxy, tax payers are taking on the losses of banks through the government of the day. The task of government will be to establish more "value" to justify the debt takeon. How will it do this? - one way will be by "taxing/owning" more of you and me, the other is aquisition of commodity rich land by means other than war (though war will be used as a last resort - probably not - distroys value). So, it will be done by having to pay for things that we are used to being free. Its already started with education (easy target). Expect incremental increases in cost of health, housing, food and fuel. (not the fault of bank collapse is it?) Consider that In 100 years, people won't leave university in debt, they'll leave the womb in debt. Naah, there's a lot more "value" to be owned yet. Who knows? instead of inheritance, we may see a parent's debt having to be paid for by the child. Before you start thinking this isn't possible, think of lifetime mortgages. This won't be considered a nightmare scenario, it will be considered "normal". It doesn't really bother me. Its just best to get on and prepare to deal with it
  14. I think some context should be put in this thread. For some reason, there are a lot of bitter computer contractors posting on this board (on the bench?) IMO, these guys make for the worst kind of husband. The sad part is, they are unaware of why and probably never will know why. The inescapable fact is that if a woman is happy, they will not leave their man. OK, back to the thread. I've met a LOT of men who've neglected what their wife says and learnt the hard way that divorce is not only financially ruinous but emotionally damaging. (see previous posters) If you're in the happy position of renting and your wife says "buy a house", she doesn't mean "buy a house", she''s saying "I want security" These are big danger signals. The best way out of this is to say to your partner. "OK, we'll buy, but it has to be with a very little mortgage". If she can't go for that, consider separating now. Most women will be happy with that and you'll realsie that the financial "cost" isn't too bad when you reckon it out over 10 years. In the end, its a pipe dream to think "I'll buy my dream house" unless you already have over £750K. So my advice is get real, live your life with a happy wife. That is far more important and in the end, cheaper.
  15. If its financial advice? Sit tight and move in 4 years time. If personal (kids)? consider the following: These days, kids don't play in their own gardens like we did, so many other distractions (TV,computers). Before we downtraded, we had a superdooper garden. We moved to it for similar reasons to yourself. The garden was impressive and there was one area just for kids stuff and we packed it with activity/adventure toys. We put all sorts of things in the garden for the kids but in the end, we noticed something. They bored with them after a while. The reason why they got bored? No other kids to play with. Not only that we started to notice that our children started to base their personality on material things and "look what I've got". Other kids would visit and many would say "this is a paradise" It probably was for a visiting child. This made us, the parents feel great - we are providing for our children etc. However, its an empty feeling when you see your kids growing up with plenty but in a controlled environment. I don't think its too healthy for a child's development. Relook at the reasons why you are moving. IMO, for kids of that age, being near to a playground and being near to other kids is much more important. Playground toys will always be better than anything you can put in your garden and its more of an adventure for the child to go there on their bikes. Part of growing up is getting to the playground on your own etc. Be warned, the "big garden for kids" thing is not a real prize for a young child. Its only after we downtraded that we found that out. IMO, What makes kids happy is this - Happy parents who are involved with them and other kids to play with. Don't confuse that with financial considerations.
  16. Abuse is deplorable but I take that report as highly unbalanced and a slur on those that don't abuse. Of the people I know, I would say that the majority of chldren want to ensure that their parents are looked after well. Also, without a living will, the NHS have the right to take over the financial affairs of elderly people if they regard them as vulnerable. If this happens, the children have no rights here whatsoever as to the care they receive. The care is no different than for those that p@ssed it up the wall. Unless people are clued up about this, I see this becoming the norm. After all, Blunkett did say that people should sell their homes to fund retirement and care. OK, it hasn't happened but IMO, this is a portent for very bad news in a few years - preparing to legislate for more control over people's assets if they fail some sort of convoluted "independancy" test. Put it this way, the BBC report just goes on about the nasty children trying to get their hands on daddies money and at the same time being cruel to them. First, the sheeple have to be convinced that it is for their own good.....
  17. Hmmmmmm, a littery equivalent of knock door run perhaps? Or are you just hiding behind pieces of paper It says a lot, that you carry cards like these. It says even more that you have to use them
  18. Seek out and marry someone wealthy. Set him up to stray with a prostitute and divorce with a large lump sum. Hey, it could take only 2 years!
  19. As we all know, there has been a large step change in costs for everyone and I don't see that reversing back to how it was 2 years ago. IMO, no bull trap, Few people are buying full stop. No only that, but like last time, there will be a huge backlog of houses to be sold before we get "shortages" again. Nominal house prices today, are going to be the highest we will all see for at least 7 years. Not only that. but it will be the 4 bed (less than 10 years old) "Wimply" type houses that will suffer the most.
  20. At work, I think you'll find that its wiser NOT to participate. You can never prove you're "right".
  21. IIRC, the OP wasn't advocating being a Landlord by choice. He's a home owner already. It could be considered feasible that a houseowner hangs on the property until the nominal NE is covered (lets say 15 years). With rental almost covering costs, a leftover debt could be avoided (and the banks saved). I still think it is madness though - I'd sell and move on but Hey ho, the government has to convince people to keep faith. This is the fly in the HPC ointment - Will the UK government successfully stop huge numbers of sellers defaulting if its based on mortgage payments? I think we already know the answer - look at NR and what the US are already doing. Which ever way you look at it, this will have a dragging effect on HPC. Doesn't look good for savings though.
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