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House Price Crash Forum

His Tonyness

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Everything posted by His Tonyness

  1. Thing is, I wasn't and still am not acting precious, unlike your good self. sigh
  2. Crikey, are you humping her or something???? Did she buy you your first, second or third house???? I would have a hard time defending life long friends as vociferously as you are defending her and you don't even know her, you have a 'mutual friend' who went to school with her for crying out loud!!!! Pull your head in, she's a glorified EA, not your mother!!!!! As for muppett, I don't appreciate being called that or any other derogatory comment. Also, I feel intelligent debate should be just that, not reduced to name calling. As for 'dry your eyes princess', where did that come from???? I'm a bloke for starters...
  3. Once again, personal attacks. This is meant to be a debate, I am not attacking you therefore I would appreciate the same in return.
  4. My Shack? You have no idea who I am, where I live or my personal circumstances. Methinks you're getting a mite personal about this, anyone would think I wrote the piece about you... Also, if you love Ms Allsopp that much, I would imagine you're typing fingers will be blistered by the end of today given the level of vitriol expressed toward her on this site. And on that bombshell, thank you and good night. ps. House of Lords... Definately Kirstie incognito.
  5. I don't know anything about Kirstie's personal dealings and I would be surprised if you knew much more than what you read about her unless you are a personal friend however I would imagine someone who makes a living out of ramping up property prices, has experienced first hand the monetary gains to be had from owning property and has the financial clout to invest would be just plain silly not to be the proud owner of a portfolio of properties. Which ever way you look at it, she's a glorified EA and it's in her interests to keep HPI at the current levels to sustain her wealth and TV career.
  6. My own opinion is that the reason Ms Allsopp has decided to add her (quite considerable) weight to this argument is because she is worried a housing crash will a) impact on her own personal wealth as I would maigine she has a considerable BTL portfolio given how much she touts this on TV and her (I use the term loosly) TV career would rapidly go down the u-bend in a falling market. I would also like to question her comment on how these packs will threaten the current stabilty in the housing market. WHAT STABILITY? Rampant HPI of 10 to 15% per year for at least 7 straight years and overall increases of perhaps 150% to 200% in the last decade is not any kind of stability I every heard of, more the opposite in fact (although I suppose constant 10% to 15% gains can be considered stable, just not in a good way...) Go away Ms Allsopp and dream up new ways of how you can persuade potential buyers to purchase properties in a falling or stagnating market without the promise of huge annual gains.
  7. Good afternoon all I found this site quite by accident however was enthralled by what I discovered and therefore have felt complelled to keep an eye on it since. It is only now, after quite some time, that I find myself taking the plunge and adding my voice, thougths and opinions to the myriad of topics which are created daily. I am looking forward to the debate offered by the members of this site and only hope I can keep up however I would ask that you to bear (no pun intended...) with me initially as I am new to this forum. Now a little about me. I do not yet own a house however I would like to. I have (what can be considered 'up north') to be a sizable deposit however I am not prepared to buy at present due to (what I consider) the ridiculous prices currently being placed on shoe box sized properties by estate agents. I feel I am being held to ransom by the sellers who, rightly or wrongly, are looking for the 'top end' price and will hold out regardless of how long they have to wait; it is, after all, still a sellers' market. I do feel a housing correction is just around the corner however I would only suspect the falls to be back to the pricing levels of late 2003 to mid 2004 at best which, at the time, I also considered to be ridiculously over priced so I am not gaining in any sense of the word. I also feel that both the BOE and the Government are to blame for this current housing crisis. Both have constantly ignored the rampant HPI (in the case of TB and GB, for obvious reasons, another term in office) as this has fuelled the economy for the past 6 or so years. Also, steps have not been taken, despite report after report, to address the supply shortage (which is clearly evident in some parts of the UK) which we are always being told is one of the main drivers behind this current (long lasting) boom. With regard to immigration, I am not against allowing migrant workers into the country however I expect the government to address the issue of a housing/school/doctor/hospital/police shortage which will come about as a result of this increased population. Anyhow, enough of my thoughts. This is, after all my first post and I would like to save some for another day. Have a nice day.
  8. I notice no mention of the BTL landlords who will be jumping ship as they can no longer afford to subsidise their tennants... that's the beeb for you.
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