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Everything posted by IMHAL

  1. Which has been my point all along - Brexit 'the specifics' was undefined (still is) - so everyone read what they wanted into it - it became an 'all things to all men', a cure all - Frankly, I am amazed that it only got 52% of the vote. I would guess that when Brexit does get defined and if we get a vote on the specifics 'vs' staying in the EU the result will be much closer to 70% remain vs 30% Leave.
  2. perhaps so.... but O'Brien did a great job of exposing Farage's casual racist slurs. He may not be your cup of tea but he did the job. Hackneyed you say? That is not an excuse to allow this type of attitude to go unchallenged, especially from a cheerleader who, in a public forum seems happy to make these types of comment, god knows what he says to his private audiences. I don't recall O'Brien calling all Leavers racist tho? If so, can you point out where that occurred? There is no denying that this level of immigration has been an issue. You draw the line at casting negative whole race stereotypes/blaming the immigrants tho - that is just plain wrong and dangerous.
  3. That is what I am saying, our government is the biggest problem, it is our first order issue - so not 180 degrees out at all. The EU is a 'second order issue' by comparison. By focusing all attention on the second order issue, effectively it is allowing the first order issue to perpetuate and go unaddressed. You may think that by solving 'the EU' it will allow us to solve our political system and it's accountability, but I doubt that very much. WHY? Because Brexit is a symptom and you do not solve the root cause problems by addressing the symptoms. As for blaming Brexit on economic bad news. It has more than a little bearing on our economy, even you must agree with this. From business's standpoint in general, Brexit has created uncertainty due to the 'deal' still being up in the air and, if and when it does happen, that may get better of worse - I don't see degrading our trading relationship with our biggest established partner as a positive tho. You may not be bothered about the economy, which provided jobs and a livelihood, but plenty are. Brexit: Car investment slumps as 'uncertainty bites' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-44609003 In the first six months of 2017, investment in new models and factory improvements stood at £647.4m. This year, the figure had fallen to £347.3m for the same period. The SMMT said this was lowest figure since the financial crisis. Project fear? No. This is not noise, it is a clear signal. Let's hope that we get a deal that means investment will increase - coz if it does not, there are going to be plenty who will be without a job and a livelihood. Then your same politicians will find another thing, or more of the same to rally the population around and so it goes.......
  4. Lol - some people think that the car crashed 2 years ago, others think there is still time to apply the brakes. For argments sake, lets assume that the crash did happen 2 years ago. Well in that case my suggestion would be to learn from your mistakes......the full consequences of which have yet to be felt. You can't really move on until that has happened. It may not be what you want to hear but that is my suggestion. My fear is that no learning will happen and we will just end up making the same mistakes to the tune played by the very politicians who made this one possible.
  5. Hold a referendum on the final deal, include the option to stay in. When you are headed ttowards a wall and are about to be involved in a car crash, the best option is to apply the brakes. If you have ruled out that option then you have limited choices.
  6. As theories go... it's kind of out there along with ET, flying saucers and big foot...... each to their own I guess.
  7. As you know, Remainers didn't vote for Brexit. You are a carry on.
  8. It's the leavers crutch.....blame the eu....the immigrants....the irish......the whatever. Soon to be replaced by......blame the eu even more....the immigrants even more....the irish even more... Totally predictable.
  9. When we have our own laws.... you are saying that our politicians will have nothing to hide behind and will take their failings on the chin? I can't wait to see how that plays out........ going by their form, i'd say I have a fair idea.
  10. You guys will always grab the wrong end of the stick... even if it's handed to you the right way around . I will repeat this so that you understand it. Our politicians will find another scapegoat..... and that scapegoat will be immigrants or the Irish or the EU or whatever is vexing the nation as it enters the economic doldrums post Brexit. That is a 100% certainty. So that you get the full message: We are in one of those scapegoat moments right here and right now. Our politicians have fckd up and they are blaming the EU and immigrants (see spyguy for a full on hook line and sinker rant). We are in great danger of going deeper into this cycle unless guys like you and other Leavers can be trusted to hold our politicians to account and STOP joining in, in blaming the EU and immigrants - from what I have seen here - I ain't holding my breath.
  11. This...... with knobs on. Brexit was a result of our politicians blaming the EU for their own incompetency..... the blame game will not stop because Brexit turns out bad, there will be no 'accountability'. Politicians understand that if you want to change the outcome and the game is impossible to win, you change the game and that involves finding another scapegoat. They make the rules, set the agenda, create the meme's. 'The system' will not change 'the system'.
  12. What do you mean by 'if'.... they fckd it up before the referendum was run matey.
  13. I think the EU have said (a number of times now) - you accept the conditions of the club or you don't get the benefits. What's so hard to understand about that RQ? You seem happy to bang on about the same thing, time after time. I don't think it has resulted in progress. Accept that leaving means no access or if you want access then you need to play be the rules. That's life buddy.
  14. This thread has become comedy central. CCC - has a 'new found' heritage that happens to entitle him to EU citizenship. Claims he voted to Leave for the good of the country and not himself .... absolute classic! Someone needs to redefine honesty.
  15. Yeh .........but he stuck him a good one. Maybe Farage can get away with his racial slurs elsewhere but the man took him to task and exposed him... and for that you should applaud him.....
  16. I love the bit about Romanians.....brilliant interview.....great expose of a total wnker. I do love it when these knobs are shown for what they are.
  17. 150k . Totally minted?.... don't pish it up the wall, get yourself a wee terrace...and stay out of trouble laddy.
  18. Apparently he has a degree... from a top uni no less.....could be worth a punt..
  19. This brexit is going to be brilliant. At this rate, everyone who voted Brexit will have fckd off to Germany or Ireland. At least that's a consolation.
  20. I love it. Far-f-in-arge, the swinging dick of brexiteers hedges his bets and makes sure his kids don't get to eat his own dog food.
  21. My real point is that remoaner is an insult, gammon is an insult. Insults are not pretty but they are are part of normal discourse, even in the highest seats of power. You do not have to apologize - I reserve the right to insult you at a later date as I may have in the past. I accept that you may insult me. I am not a saint and I do not expect you to be. Not that I want to make a habit of it - sometimes emotions get the better of you. Its called being human. I accept that intolerance is not right, on both sides, yet when two sides are so polarized as they are here, then intolerance becomes harder to avoid. Racism is clealry a red line for many of us here....for Hairy more so than most....for which he earns my respect.
  22. By coincidence, I'm 58, white and slightly red faced (spitfire). I voted remain. Gammon? No. But according to leavers here I'm a remoaner! Is that racist?
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