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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by Dal

  1. Can anyone advise on PLC trading on either the London Stock Exchange or Alternative Investment Market (AIM)?
  2. IMF stated they were 50% over-priced & that was quite some time ago. They quickly revised to 35% (for obvious reason). Everyone keeps banging on about demand, but it is the availability of credit which affects house prices more. 2008 demand did not die; credit did. The market has been artificially inflated; way above it's mean; usually things correct themselves; things need to be affordable to the average Joe.
  3. I'm not sure She was not voted in; so we did not get the politician we chose. I don't know how they're getting away with jumping parties etc... I read a manifesto the other day. There was nothing of any sustenance in there whatsoever. No mention in how they plan to achieve their goals, or what structures/ procedures they plan on implementing. It was as if it was written for children.
  4. Winkie - agree completely; sadly we are a country in massive decline. Every country had it's day. The Roman Empire, Egyptians, British empire... Since the privatization of the financial markets we have seen rampant corruption & fraud in the UK with the countries structure & design of the legal system to attract the very worse of the world with it's money-laundering structure/ loopholes. None of which has been retributed. The govt focused on the short-buck - rewarding rent-seeking behaviour (not a long-term benefit). Brexit happened because the people were tired of under-reported immigration statistics & feeling out of place in their own country. I'm not racist btw; this is the simple fact. That is what the people wanted from Brexit. The politicians want immigrants because it lowers wages & increases the benefit to corporations whilst depreciating worker's wages. This will upset some here but this is simple Economics 101. People arriving in the UK hours not contributing anything to the NHS & benefiting of hundreds of thousands of free healthcare & they wonder why the NHS is so expensive. Yet they continue to depreciate the quality of life in the UK by over-populating. Nature-Deprivation & rampant anti-social behaviour, not to mention working long-hard hours for pittance is all contributing to depression & a declining quality of life with almost the worst in all of Europe.
  5. She certainly is compounding it & making it worse though. Debt ontop of more debt.
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