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Everything posted by lowrentyieldmakessense(honest!)

  1. aint going to happen without alot of kicking and screeming - when austerity really starts the government will collapse ed balls will print money and more freedoms will be lost and an even bigger collapse later
  2. if they were sent home, who decides where home is and food prices would rise due to the shortages and who is deciding they are illegal and that they are invaders and someone who has looked at this before
  3. hes wrong on the illegal invaders though - well wrong but that card is going to be used by those in power
  4. how about they abolish the legal tender laws and allow competing currencies so that the population can choose whether they want to transact in the bankers paper
  5. do they think price fixing works history shows it doesnt then what is the supposed reason for the monkeys at the MPC price fixing of interest rates and do they realise that eventually they will fail and interest rates will go up fast - then what are they going to do
  6. helps if you know the rules of the game and you see to it that most of the population dont but that aint capitalism
  7. we aint going to get positive real rates for a long time but the base rate is going up before the year end
  8. where does money come from what is capital how come theft is legal if its done by the bankers and government
  9. of course in a free market goldman would have been bust a long time ago - problem solved food bull market yep - the powers that be may nul and void your futures contracts though
  10. dont worry his theories are going to die - the market will succeed as it always does - maybe quite a bit of pain and unrest first though - its a shame because it doesnt have to be this way
  11. Bought and paid for and wrong re paper money - sorry replace wrong with liar - as he knew the answer from an early age given his Father
  12. Hoover followed keynes ideas and so did FDR they could have listened to some that actually predicted the depression instead rather than the central planners that didnt
  13. that he will have to brainwash a few people to swap them for something of real value
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