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Everything posted by Shell_

  1. Just those who serve in the military have one. And the ammunition is stored separately (I think at an official site, but I could be wrong about this). Many, if not most, young men manage to avoid military service these days and just pay a military tax instead.
  2. Not all of the country is mountainous. Certainly not here in the northwest. I live in Switzerland, on the borders of France and Germany - I can walk to France in about 15 minutes and drive to Germany in about 10. Also, not all homes do have bomb shelters. I live in a building built around the 50s, and while we have a basement, it is well ventilated, has windows and doors to the outside and is used for laundry and storage - not a bomb shelter.
  3. Actually, I have some knowledge in the area - I'm a foreigner. Eligible to come under EEA rules and work in the UK, however, even then getting a job isn't so simple as many of you make it sound. For non-EEA or non-EEA family members, the chances of legitimately getting in and getting a job are virtually nil unless you make it under the points scheme. Take a look at the points scheme and see how easy it is to get enough points to qualify. It isn't. http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/pointscalculator I come from the US originally, and people there also think it is easy to come in as an immigrant and that immigrants are taking away American jobs from American workers. This is also not true, particularly in IT. Several years ago, it was easier to get in than it is now - but it was never by any means easy. (I know this from personal experience with a friend who managed to come in on a temporary visa to work for a few years, which took him several years to even be granted).
  4. Not sure, but the droves seem to be dwindling http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecont...m-stats-release
  5. I don't think that a lot of you understand just how difficult it is to get a visa and emigrate to the UK legally. For those born outside of the EU, you've got to be highly skilled and qualified, unless you're a migrant worker (fruit picker, etc. - and let's face it, most British don't want to do this kind of work) or have been working as a domestic worker for your current employer for at least a year and that employer now wants you in the UK. More info on visas, how to qualify, etc.: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/workingintheuk/
  6. I'm well aware of that, however, gun ownership by private citizens is something of a right (a disputed one, as the constitution on that matter is vague and is interpreted different ways, but private gun ownership is a right) in America. Guns are in many homes, even in non-carry states - it is perfectly legal to have them.
  7. Take a look at the US and crime figures there. http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/guns.htm
  8. I keep waiting for one of those people who bought property from one of those property pron shows to show up on one of these misery aftermath shows...
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