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Everything posted by jonb2

  1. Here you go. https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-eu-bundles/uk-to-warn-public-every-week-over-no-deal-brexit-the-times-idUKKBN1KA0MW I bet this 'campaign' is going to cost us more than £9 million. Jesus wept, he really did.
  2. That's what we are told. It's whether it's true? - particularly these days. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/18/the-cheating-of-jo-swinson-has-exposed-the-uk-parliaments-rotten-core
  3. So say 15 years? Thank God the pensioners have something to look forward to.
  4. I keep hearing 'short term' or even 'medium term' - can anybody tell me how long it is please? Man has been on earth for about 200 million years - so maybe it's 1% of this time?
  5. Hopefully they will drop ... so foreign buyers like the Chinese, Russians and Saudi Arabians can buy them for a song.
  6. I am convinced of this Nick. They are sh*tting themselves about aggro in the streets and their own safety. Particularly May with her snooper's charter.
  7. Well, not entirely sure of your point HY, but I will put my scrappy thoughts down anyway. Ramble mode on. We don't have a 'representative' democracy now. Started with Blair and the Iraq war to the pairing scandal. I am not even sure that we can 'do' democracy in this country any more as everything is so broken. The most representative politics lie in Europe - not every country I agree. But the bedrock is there. We seem to be lurching towards America, which is turning into a basket case. My own belief is that the more advanced economies of Europe (although far from perfect) have better democracy than we do. Wealth distribution is better too. The ethos of the EU is a conglomerate of these values and is a lot more imperfect than the singletons. But it's a damn sight better than what is happening here. So my warranted mistrust of the Tories suggests to me a land grab of our prosperity and in order to do it, a deliberate disabling of the democratic system. Just look at the tricks they are pulling in the voting at the moment - and the fact that half the country has been ignored in the 'will of the people' rhetoric.
  8. I think it comes down to whether they watch re-runs of Rising Damp or Till Death Us Do Part ~ or they prefer something like Wild China on BBC4. Take from this the obvious inference.
  9. Young people were over 70% remain. https://yougov.co.uk/news/2016/06/27/how-britain-voted/
  10. I have said before I think this argument is wrong. The layer we end up with is the most dangerous to our well being. For example. Raab et al wants to strip out EU legislation and supports (among other things): 1) Reduction of workers rights 2) Lowering regulation 3) Lowering corporate tax 4) Privatisation 5) Anti climate change https://kittysjones.wordpress.com/2018/07/09/an-introduction-to-dominic-raab-the-new-brexit-sectarian/ https://evolvepolitics.com/new-brexit-secretary-dominic-raab-uk-should-abolish-paid-holiday-and-scrap-minimum-wage-for-young-people/ The vision is summed up here https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/brexit-david-davis-thatcher-deregulation-free-trade-tory-party-conservatives-a8219576.html Now, tell me - with the great number of people that believe in Brexit. There are an awful lot of the same people who will vote for this lot.
  11. I think the mistake those that believe in Brexit are making is that they still have trust in the competence of the Tories. It's clear that those making the claims of unicorn-ism are saying it because: a) They are as think as mince b) They have vested interests - Legatum stuff etc c) Both Let's not forget Redwood advised his clients NOT to put money into the UK because of Brexit.
  12. Do you think there will be more - or less - foodbanks after Brexit?
  13. Edited for accuracy. The government ARE NOT working in the interest of the country. The whole Brexit fiasco was to solve their infighting.
  14. I agree that the boomers were lucky. Certainly luckier than most before and after with education and property. I have advised both my kids to leave, and if possible learn new languages. Doubt they will - but after Brexit - this country is not going to be a very nice place any more. I for one will not forgive the Tories for what they have done - ever. They have wrecked the country over the decades and Brexit is the last straw. The divisions between leavers and remainers run very deep and will do for many years. Almost certainly the Jacob Rees Moggs' and their ilk will be stripping off the good parts of this island and selling them to the highest bidder. Hatred, already on the rise will become the norm. All our essential services will whither on the vine. But, most of all, it's the politicians, the media and the bankers that should all be hung, drawn and quartered. Their heads mounted on poles outside our city walls. Let's keep our real anger for those that really deserve it.
  15. ... and that's why I advocate a hard Brexit. As hard as they come ?
  16. I thought you might say that Octopus - which is why I edited the point the leaflet has not been published yet. I am not sure anybody said the leaflet *would* advise food stockpiling. Just that it was being published - which in itself is worrying don't you think?
  17. http://www.theweek.co.uk/brexit/94957/brexit-government-to-stockpile-processed-food-in-case-of-no-deal https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/the-government-is-about-to-start-stockpiling-processed-food-in-case-of-no-deal-brexit/ BTW. The 'leaflet' has not been published yet. Let's hope it does cost £9 million - it would be yet another bill to add to this fiasco.
  18. Oh come on KZB. The BBC aren't saying boo to a goose these days. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/news/new-analysis-reveals-shocking-tory-bias-from-bbc-in-run-up-to-local-elections/14/05/ What about the Murdoch press? What about the Torygraph? What about the psych-ops proven use by CA? I call b*ll*o*ks on this claim.
  19. How do you know for certain? We import 2 thirds of our food. Inflation on food is projected to hit 20% extra. 4 million are using food banks. Which JRM thinks is glorious, showing how well his finger is on the pulse of Joe Public. Currently the country cannot feed itself without importing food.
  20. Let's get this straight, the same government that enabled Brexit has NO contingency for a hard one - the warnings are real. https://www.newfoodmagazine.com/news/43163/hard-brexit-make-food-22-expensive/ https://www.fwi.co.uk/news/eu-referendum/uk-is-sleepwalking-into-brexit-food-crisis-warn-experts http://www.eureferendum.com/blogview.aspx?blogno=86769 Medicine is another problem.
  21. Well the Conservatives have form on this too. http://www.itv.com/news/meridian/update/2017-03-16/conservative-party-fined-70-000-for-overspending/ I agree that the leaflet was a contentious spend - despite technically being a different budget. Just shows you how bad our so-called democracy has got. It also shows the remain campaign was negligent in its communication. We should still be worried by the motives of those behind the leave campaign. They don't seem to be considering the outcome for the voters.
  22. Just been reading the comments here: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6813899/theresa-may-tells-ministers-to-start-giving-out-no-deal-brexit-advice/ Apparently most of the blame for a hard Brexit is down to Philip Hammond and May. This is what the hard leavers will do as they lose their jobs and see the country broken. Blame the remainers.
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