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Everything posted by jonb2

  1. I carefully explained why people don't admit they are a fascist. Then I asked you if you agreed? Do you not agree? Or maybe we should get some "I'm a fascist" tee-shirts printed?
  2. Ignore the result!!!! Westminster has been tearing itself apart on HOW to deliver Brexit non-stop for 2 years. Barely any other legislation has seen daylight. Or do you think after 40 years and a billion pages of rules, regulations, laws and agreements - you just ignore and burn it?
  3. Don't be a silly-billy ccc. Of course in your world, all Fascists talk about being Fascists - they have tattoos saying "Kiss me, I'm a fascist". You can't BE a fascist in public if you want people to listen to you. It's just not done. Hitler did not say let's kill all the Jews and be Fascists. Or maybe in ccc land he was more honest and came clean from the start. "Hey I'm a fascist - vote for me" he said. Le Pen, when she took over, decided to tame down her father's approach as it was too nakedly fascist. It's like coming out and saying you're a rapist and expect people to just accept it. Here's how it works. It's inferred by your behaviour. Like doing lunch with a guy whose hero is Mussolini and hates Jews, and Blacks and Arabs. Do you accept that being a fascist and not saying it is 'a thing' ? If not, I would not have you in my SS protectorate.
  4. https://spectator.us/2018/03/im-fascinated-by-mussolini-steve-bannon-on-fascism-populism-and-everything-in-between/ https://www.mondialisation.ca/steve-bannon-a-fascist-in-the-white-house/5557073 http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/can-world-unite-push-back-against-fascism-166651375 https://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-on-european-tour-steve-bannon-comes-out-as-a-proud-racist-1.5890885 https://www.nationalobserver.com/2017/11/17/opinion/steve-bannons-horribles-and-new-face-fascism https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/10/world/europe/bannon-vatican-julius-evola-fascism.html https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/heres-how-breitbart-and-milo-smuggled-white-nationalism https://www.thenation.com/article/is-steve-bannon-trumps-link-to-putin-and-the-european-far-right/ Not one BBC link among them. Happy now?
  5. There can be only one reason why the working class vote for the right wing. It certainly isn't money and a better standard of living, as right wing politicians vote against wealth distribution and usually ensure the money is voted directly into their own pockets. Ummm, I wonder what the right wing promises them? Ummm ......... is it something that I dare not say it's name?
  6. This came from someone saying that draw a moustache on Rees-Mogg, and he looks like Hitler. Which he does. You then conflated it with saying he was Hitler. I then said he has lunch with a Fascist and has some very far right wing views. You then asked me to prove he was a fascist by finding a quote where he said he was a fascist. Why would anybody admit they believe in a movement which killed 6 million Jews in WW2??? The fact that JRM had LUNCH with Bannon is a neon sign of where his thinking is. https://spectator.us/2018/03/im-fascinated-by-mussolini-steve-bannon-on-fascism-populism-and-everything-in-between/ https://www.mondialisation.ca/steve-bannon-a-fascist-in-the-white-house/5557073 No, of course not. http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/can-world-unite-push-back-against-fascism-166651375 If it quacks like a duck, and steps like a goose ...
  7. You don't have to 'say' anything - it really comes down to the company you keep. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/rees-mogg-s-defender-wore-nazi-uniform-dfmmqplr7
  8. I give up. This blind argument is the reason I pray for a hard Brexit. The hardest possible. I hope the EU don't touch us with a barge pole after Brexit, they don't deserve all the made up crap and b8llocks our so-called representatives use in their rhetoric. They WERE our friends and allies. We've been telling them to go feck themselves and their beliefs non-stop. Frack business. Hooray!! We will. In a year or two, I will walk past any homeless person I suspect of voting leave. Oh wait, I might give them a single 50 Cent Euro coin to remind them of their gullibility in believing the Tories. As they (you) put the final nail in this once great country's coffin. RIP.
  9. Bannon is a Fascist. JRM had lunch with him. Tell me, when you join the dots - why is it ridiculous?
  10. There was NO research done and no contingency. They said they just want to leave (?) - without doing ANY homework. 40 years of intricate relationship building dismantled and (and replaced) within 2 years ????????????????? They can't agree can they? Some Brexiteers say we should not leave the single market, some say we should. Some Brexiteers say we should have a a good deal with Europe, some say absolutely not. Some Brexiteers say we should pay the money, some say not.
  11. Thank you dugsbody ? So in short, shorting the pound from a multiple portfolio perspective. I can't leave. But I have advised my kids to. Doubt they will listen, but at least they are young enough and can get out at a later time.
  12. Why not? He's ultra wing ring and loves those that would impose fascism on the state. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/dec/01/jacob-rees-mogg-held-meeting-with-steve-bannon-in-london
  13. It's the hard Brexiteers moving over as they have lost all faith in May and her merry men.
  14. This is another thing that's bubbling underneath. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/07/steve-bannon-planning-foundation-boost-europe-180721191340230.html Fascism seems to swell when times get hard. Like Germany and Italy between the wars.
  15. My limited travels around the world makes me think there is simply no better place to live than Europe. On the positioning thing - I am never very good with doing this sort of thing. Some people on this board seem to be light years ahead with their knowledge than me. I don't have disaster capitalism on my CV. Can you hint at your plan?
  16. He's not very bright is he? You don't negotiate with empty threats and antagonising those you have counted as your friends in the past do you? Each time this happens, it will alienate the EU further. All the Brexit cheer-leaders use their ego's as fuel. Raab wants a pat on the back, great chap stuff and to see his name in lights in the right wing media. Unfortunately, the fuel they use will simply make the bonfire of the vanities bigger.
  17. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/jun/26/brexit-uk-economy-june-trade
  18. First hand, I know businesses in the EU are losing interest in doing business here. They have become more expensive to us. They are not sure what sort of relationship we will have after Brexit, so they are concentrating on EU countries.
  19. No deal is 8% apparently http://uk.businessinsider.com/how-government-leaked-brexit-economics-paper-compares-to-other-forecasts-2018-1
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