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House Price Crash Forum

ollie plimsolls

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Everything posted by ollie plimsolls

  1. Daily Mail Suprised not to have seen this here today, perhaps it was posted and I never noticed. I will wait and see how much teeth the OFT has. Anyway...
  2. I know new builds can be small but the couple in the picture in this link seem to have bought a wendy house. BBC- wendy house
  3. Thought I'd bump this up for all those who don't read the bottom of the page. Interesting quote here about wage settlements.
  4. Very hawkish article saying there could be another two IR rises by the summer. Seems the inflation cat is well out of the bag. The Times
  5. Daily Mail Oh the irony. Haven't noticed this reported anywhere, so read the story if you want a chuckle. edited for wrong link
  6. Britain sets global speed record for cost of living increases
  7. Intertesting article about how people aren't experiencing inflation at the same level as CPI so the ONS are launching a "personal inflation calculator". Some hope. Daily Telegraph
  8. Some big drops reported in this article. Colorado Market
  9. A bit hyperbolic but could cause a few problems if true. China to dump 1 trillion dollars
  10. Haven't seen this posted here yet. Could the cat be finally escaping from the bag? Daily Mail
  11. Perhaps they're questioning the inflation rate because they need to justify this. MPs demand 66 per cent pay rise
  12. Here's a story in todays DM which should have very important bearing on the inflation figures. Some of the rise is said to be caused by fuel costs, so this could be the secondary round effects coming through. Daily Mail
  13. Interesting looking graph on the BBC showing how the oil price has shot up since last weeks US election. I wonder if how much there is in the theories of manipulation beforehand? Look at the twelve month graph and the rise is almost vertical. Oil price since US elections _ BBC link
  14. If we were restricted to 3x income (say 3x 30000) and 10% interest rates then houses would be a lot more affordable than now. You would be paying around 700 for a 90000 mortgage instead of around 1100 for a 200000 mortgage. How is that less affordable?
  15. Here's some more info on this matter. I thought the following quote was quite worrying. Does anyone know what % of the total have ARM's?
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