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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by NatterJackToad

  1. this escalated quickly....sniper fire. and... http://www.radiosvoboda.org/media/video/25270710.html
  2. in the videos you can see the "protesters" are more organised than the riot police. what kind of riot police move in the other direction as their colleagues are being dragged away, unconscious into the protesting masses?
  3. and Thailand (i thought it was a rock!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjV3CVo_O5M
  4. and a live stream which sets the scene expect a mad night
  5. If I had more money to play with, I’d consider a punt on buying some coins from Gox.. I am pretty sure that as soon as they enable withdrawals again, you will be nearly tripling your money overnight as it catches up with the other exchanges. However, as I haven’t got money to gamble with right now, I’ll sit and watch.
  6. Bitstamp and BTCE are holding up at around $600 Gox is a corpse. Silk Road 2 has been “hacked” which has resulted in 4500 coins gone missing. So that’s affected confidence too. Bitstamp have just announced they have a fix on the issue which is going to be implemented shortly.
  7. This forum was electric once upon a time. Obviously it helped the excitement factor when the financial crises was starting, and this forum always seemed to be 2 steps ahead of what was being announced. And that’s what made CGNAO and others interesting to listen to. And if the banksters hadn’t changed the rules you never know what might have happened. Realist Bear was another good poster, as was Injin and Longtime Lurker (was that his name?). The forum is boring these days (of course the banksters are playing the slow game now which adds to it). Only thing I check in for is the bitcoin thread (and if you want to smash this system, bitcoin will do that).
  8. yep, 2013 was an epic year for BTC with increases of 6,000%. i think we'll be lucky to get a 100% increase this year - which would take is near to $2000 per coin. it all depends on infrastructure and the ebay's, google's and amazon's of this world plans on using it. also, a good crash in italy, spain or portugal could send it rocketing. watch out for more "bail ins". look what the price did after the Cyprus robbery. but only invest what you are willing to lose... have a bit of fun, and be a part of an experiment using groundbreaking tech which could potentially take massive power away from bankers and governments (in other words, make the world a much, much better place - humanity for the win!).
  9. This is all caused by MtGox turmoil, which will sort itself out soon enough. Expect prices to go back up to $800 sharpish soon enough This is deffo a good buying time. Especially if it goes under $500. Just wish I could time the sells!
  10. This is all caused by MtGox turmoil, which will sort itself out soon enough. Expect prices to go back up to $800 sharpish soon enough This is deffo a good buying time. Especially if it goes under $500. Just wish I could time the sells!
  11. Bitcoin threatens cleptocracy and through that bitcoin saves capitalism Andreas Antonopoulos nails it again:
  12. Apple used to think like this: “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward.” – Apple, Inc. Now they ban things from their networks that might threaten their ability to screw every customer as hard as they possibly can. Again, if you have any “I” products, why don’t you save yourself some money whilst buying a better product and go Android (obviously, you’ll need a top level equivalent, ie. the top Samsung product or HTC… my slightly dim iphone friend (arent they all?) changed from an Iphone and went with a HTC Hero and then complains that it isn’t as good as his Iphone, well obviously. The HTC One or Samsung 4 on the other hand….).
  13. I agree The war with the banksters may be long and painful but BTC certainly isn’t going away, unless they shut the internet. BTC China has re-opened up bank transfers to fund customers accounts, which is a good sign. But I suppose you never know with the Chinese authorities.
  14. Bitcoin Limited in supply. 6000% increase in value in 2013. Future looks potentially earth shatteringly revolutionary. I wouldnt put £10k+ in it, but surely worth a percentage of your pot?
  15. there's a long, long way to go before general take up. right now it's been an extremely positive investment and depending on a few key factors, it should remain that way. for me personally, i am holding my coins until mass adoption (this could take a decade -- a decade of strong growth!). if i can buy products on the net in BTC, i do, but then top up my account immediately so I am back to where I started (everyone who wants BTC to succeed should do this! if you are buying something online, first see if you can buy it in BTC).
  16. price has been consistent for a while now (as far as BTC is). the good news has been consistent now for a few weeks, but i think the market is waiting on the Chinese decision on allowing funding into the exchanges. on the 31st Jan, 3rd party funding options will no longer be available. but they haven't been using them for a while anyway - BTC China uses a voucher system and Houbi uses their own personal accounts to get money into the system. so, depending what happens on the 31st, it should either plummet to the $750 region, or push past $1000, never to be below that again. anyone got any plans around this date? i think it would be a good time for new people to enter. if it's good news - get in, if its bad news, try and time the bottom before the inevitable rebound?
  17. Doge is impressing me. The value obviously will be mega volatile for a long time but they have a community (stupid though they are) that is extremely passionate about using these coins. Compare that to PPC and Namecoin (and even LTC to a point), which don’t seem to have that same community spirit and passion behind them. Plus, there’s something that sits easier with people owning 500,000 Doge than 0.00001 BTC. Don’t get me wrong, I am a BTC supporter through and through, but Doge is definitely one to follow.
  18. if all they had to do to kill BTC was to knock down Satoshi's door and arrest him they would. however, the key is de-centralisation. makes violence useless. like bittorrent, they can't close it down. the next thing on the list is a de-centralised internet.
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