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Everything posted by Laura

  1. Pardon me for bursting out laughing on such a serious issue. 'Kicks in' ..... honestly? I've just done some scrying of my own & here is a headline from the summer of 2025:-
  2. JM&J, this is getting worse!!!! In a recent spontaneous blind test between Jamesons & ALDI's cheapest (called 'Statesman' over here), guess which came out top unanimously? Maybe the Jameson's dumped on us in Portugal isn't the real deal? ................................................... Despite having completed Property Guru's 'Extreme Forum Etiquette' part1 I still feel I am being too polite?
  3. What an awful thought. Might be good in an emergency if one runs out of petrol for the mower, but Jesus who wants to drink that stuff?
  4. Chandeliers outbidding the fire extinguishers. Inanimate bidders have much to answer for.
  5. Just in case anyone missed the site newsletter, it's double points for killing a thread this month
  6. Add another 15 years & PWC have reached Martin Armstrong territory. Shh, maybe that's where they got it from? I'm wrong; add another two as the UK is always behind the USA.
  7. Halfway seems a criminal waste of precious fuel if one's intention (not mine) is for the plane never to arrive; & the biggest usage as we all know is getting the thing in the air, so that can be eliminated too. One of my teacher daughters has just been sworn at again in school, so my anti-chav-o-meter is reading high today.
  8. I suddenly feel a one-way 'assisted' package for UK chavs to 'start a new life' would be wise & welcome. Standing room only on an ageing 747. How many could be levered in sans baggage?
  9. Sorry. My pc just went bananas before I even typed my reply! -- I was going to suggest that now was the time to put away our 'selfish' desires for a reasonably priced home & thought of the national interest, & did our bit.
  10. & if you double the speed it sounds like Pinky & Perky. I understand they were revived in recent years? - I trust this will not be the case with mandy & fellow pigs!
  11. That's easily solved .................................. Question:- This mere £5 tril or so, are the LA pension liabilities a part of it??
  12. Tom Paine ('the most useful Englishman ever') was against the head removal policy, but he may have made an exception if Mandy had been around
  13. No chance ToW, I have less idea than you, I am sure of that. I just thought the unintended washing machine analogy highly appropriate - Lather, rinse, & the optional, but ever more popular, repeat. There could be a problem with top loaders though?
  14. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2010/07/14/285511/wednesday-front-loading-reservations/
  15. Last sentence but one. I wonder if the error is deliberate? - Or was someone watching the office debt clock as they typed?
  16. The All-New Instant Recovery Monster Machine? - I'm starting to think resistance is useless/futile In Portugal, yes.
  17. The European Central Sponge fixes everything http://www.zerohedge.com/article/latest-stress-test-rumor-23-haircut-greek-debt-held-trading-books
  18. Press release:- I've just downgraded my plum jam making to zero. I know I should have considered the effect on the local community, but I couldn't be a***d this year. There is a chance of recovery next year.
  19. Now isn't that good to hear? - No stress RB now the recovery is locked-in even here, ......... as I sit by my (banana republic approved) pool. Who'd a thought it possible. All hail the amazing EZ (& EU). How do these geniuses do it? To think only a few days ago it was game over. Can I now give up my emergency back-up country?
  20. The whole article is very encouraging purely because, unless I missed it, that 'recovery' word is missing!! However, we do have the contender for 'Gem of the decade':-
  21. Some of us who were involved in those dull CND marches are now wondering why we bothered; (& not because the Paris student riots were much more fun)
  22. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I remember my feelings about this goon last time. I live in a pseud-free zone & I'm prepared to kill to keep it that way! ................................ I understand that despite this setback, they are still going ahead with their new business:- reviving the ultimate pseudmobile, the Vanden-Plas Allegro. Ideal for barristers on benefit.
  23. Practice makes perfect. - How long can you watch & wait boys & girls?
  24. OP, may I make a minor alteration? "ARROGANCE and STUPIDITY is still alive and kicking" Only a loathsome creature would suggest shared ownership.
  25. No1 Tip:- Jump ship soon if you are able. Why do folk seem to be thinking 'Recovery' means 'Things can only get better'. ? - It doesn't. Hence No 1 Tip. No2 Tip:- Take a quick look (from a distance) in thirty years time, there might be a green shoot or two worth noting. No3 Tip:- Don't get too hung up. This is just another lifetime, go experience it any/everywhere you can.
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