Sunday, June 30, 2013

Only policy which will keep lights and heat on in homes

Keeping the Lights On

Following recent revelations that the late great UK will have rolling blackouts in two years, yes this is relevant to houses, since we all have homes that use electricity and heat! UKIP want to reverse the closure of coal, I don't support their support for shale because of the toxins that can damage water courses, but this document, their official energy policy calmly shows how climate has changed over the past 10,000 years, showing that there truly is nothing to worry about, aside from the rolling blackouts. Truly, with this common sense approach they should win the next election, but it never gets any coverage, so, here, maybe this posting gives it some small bit of coverage?

Posted by libertas @ 09:43 AM (5083 views)
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18 thoughts on “Only policy which will keep lights and heat on in homes

  • I thought this website was about house price bubbles. This is just unsubstanciated propaganda from UKIP that has noting to do with house prices. I started to read document that you linked to, and UKIP have now gone further down in my estimation. It’s full of false claims. For example it totally missunderstands and/or missrepresents Prof Phil Jones’s views. Its refers to him like this:

    “Professor Phil Jones of the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia recognises that there has been no statistically significant warming for fifteen years. 6. In fact over the last century the temperature has increased by only about 0.7° C.”

    UKIP want you to think that Phil Jones has evidence that there is no global warming. If you bother to read the article Phil Jones actually says in answer to this question:

    Q: How confident are you that warming has taken place and that humans are mainly responsible?

    A: “I’m 100% confident that the climate has warmed. As to the second question, I would go along with IPCC Chapter 9 – there’s evidence that most of the warming since the 1950s is due to human activity.”

    Shameful twisting of the truth from UKIP. Don’t get me wrong, I’m skeptical of a whole bunch of EU “bureaucrats”, but at least they don’t engage in lying propoganda like this.

    This link has no place on this website.

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  • ” I don’t support their support for shale because of the toxins that can damage water courses”

    There isn’t any documented evidence of this happening .

    There is evidence of wells leaking methane where the cement between rocks and well casing has debonded but no evidence of frac fluids contaminating aquifers .

    The risk of contamination due to fracking is much lower than the risk due to surface spills which have happened in the US but are mainly due to lax regulations covering US style containment lagoons .

    The chemicals used are mostly benign and made of food industry grade additives and drinkable frac fluids are going through REACH certification at the moment .

    If you are concerned about water or chemicals it would make more sense to be concerned with the formation water which is already down which can contain heavy metals and low level radioactive compounds .
    The formation water will be produced along with frac-flowback .

    Millions of gallons of formation water are already produced from UK onshore wells every year and treated and disposed of safely .

    The low level radioactivy of drill cuttings would lower the naturally occuring background radiation if it was disposed of in a landfill in Cornwall .

    The chemicals used are covered in the EU by the REACH regulations and full disclosure will be required of composition on every well like it is in many US states and towns even though it isn’t on a Federal level .

    Water quality will be monitored before and during UK shale activities . Baseline samples will be taken before anything happens .

    Near real-time live microseismic will be captured by sensitive downhole arrays of geophones to track the propagation of fractures and see the stimulated reservoir volume and enable the pumps to be decouple if a frac goes further than expected .

    3d seismic will mean that drilling will not take place in proximity to a freshwater aquifer .

    Upwards of 200 wells have been frac’d onshore the UK in the the last 4 decades without incident , albeit lower volume than massive shale fracs ?

    The geology in Lancashire is suitable with a Manchester Marl seal which will prevent fractures from propagating and contain fluids .

    I’m all for doing this to the highest standard and very careful as I am sure it will be done .

    What gives you the impression that the risks are great and cant’ be managed ?

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  • Lib – if you think this is sufficiently relevant to house prices that it needs posting on here, then you should probably post it on every blog on the internet… get a job.

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  • Timmy. If you think British land and homes will a) have value and b) be worth living in if the EU shut down all our coal burning power plants and if British factories and offices are bribed with tax money to open just three to four days per week, well, I have some seafront property for sale in Arizona.

    Seriously, it should be universally achnowledged that this is idiotic national suicide and everybody should be outraged that the main parties have no policy to defend British energy production against EU diktats.

    If you are pro-europe, you would be their critical friend on this issue, because their bullying of us to implode ourselves will be the death knell to the union itself if they get their way.

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  • Then post it on the idiotic national suicide blog.

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  • Timmy, are you for shutting down the coal power stations paid for by yours and your parent’s taxes?

    How do you suggest we afford to heat and power our homes if this act doubles or more our utility bulls? What affect would that have on house prices?

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  • Lib – it’s not something I’ve spent much time thinking about so don’t have a well-researched response for you. There are probably blogs about this issue and I’m guessing their readers might be more interested… maybe you should find out.
    What I would say is that if we continue to take our planet’s natural resources out of the ground and consuming them as we have done historically, then we won’t survive – that’s just common sense and if you disagree then there’s no point in continuing the debate because you’re clearly mental.

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  • Timmy T, the UK Government’s own statistics show hundreds of years of provable supplies of coal in this country alone. If we allow that to be extracted, let the economy flourish, we will have clean, decentralised energy within a generation, if not before, with the rate of technology development. If CO2 is a nutrient to plants (that is a fact) and if it is not a key driver of climate, then it is literally mindless genocide to prohibit humanity from extracting resources that no other living being has capability to exploit, that have no benefit to any other living organism. Infact, extracting this and releasing carbon will actually fertilise the earth, because plant life will grow faster and require less water.

    Of course, British houses did have wells and communal toilets, sewers running down the streets, but we also had cholera. Is that where our politicians desire us to be? Were all the inventions and progress of the 20th Century for nothing?

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  • Has anyone ever suggested you have paranoid schizophrenia?

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  • Timmy T, did anybody tell you that it is childish to resort to insults when you don’t understand an argument or feel like you are losing it?

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  • Lib – yes that would have been childish, but actually my question was serious. I would never expect to “win” an argument with you because you say things which are absolutely not accurate and state them as fact. You do it a lot about all sorts of things. You would therefore never admit to having been beaten, because you genuinely think you are right. Combine that with the fact that you appear utterly convinced that there are dark forces busily plotting to take over the world and paranoid schizophrenia is the first thing that comes to mind.

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  • You are giving yourself away here a little lIbertas, your ignorance is simply astounding.

    The first point I would like to make is that proven reserves do not equate to recoverable reserves. The reason we do not extract coal any more is because the quality of what is left (low grade brown lignite in the main) is not economical. It is cheaper to import LNG from Qatar than attempt to burn low-grade coal. If UKIPs policies were adopted they would bankrupt the country.

    Coal, Oil, Gas etc are globally traded commodities. The price is set by the global market.

    It is all in-material anyway. We are touching Peak Oil. This physical inevitability will sink us long before Global Warming has a chance to do its worse.

    Anyone who quotes, references or promotes UKIP propoganda is a loon or ignorant of reality, or both.

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  • Timmy T. You claim that I am mentally ill for believing that bankers and politicians sometimes act in their self interest, which may oppose my interest, that criminals exist at all levels of society, I claim that white collar crime exists. I do not claim it exists everywhere, but do believe some laws have been changed to legalise what would in prior generations have been considered fraud.

    You on the other hand, claim that dark forces and criminality do not exist in your statement. That dark forces do not wish to take over the world. I may ask, did you ever read a history book? Did you ever hear of the countless dictators who have tried to rule the world or at least their part of it? Do you somehow believe that evil has been wiped off the face of the earth? Now, that is a crazy point of view.

    In light of recent revelations that security forces are hacking every single e-mail and phone call, with revelations that Britain and USA are arming Al Qaeda in Syria and Lybia, given that MI5 and CIA are openly shipping over 90% of the world’s heroin from Afghanistan, Given that trillions of dollars were transferred to top bankers in recent bailouts, and on, and on, and on, given that our tax money is now paying welfare to any European who wants to live here, are you willing to recant?

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  • ” EU shut down all our coal burning power plants and if British factories and offices”

    Libertas , like you I am very worried about the EU and whole NWO thing .

    However , it isn’t really the EU shutting down coal power stations as I’ll explain .

    Coal powerstations emit too much oxides of nitrogen , sulphur and sulphur compounds and mercury and consequently fall foul of the large scale combustion directive (which has nothing to do with CO2) .

    In Germany companies have responded to this by building new coal power stations which emit less of the aforementioned and burn coal much more efficiently . Given that they produce more net electricity per unit mass of coal their CO2 emissions are around 770g CO2/Kwh .

    UK producers would probably similarly have invested in improved coal power stations except for the fact that Ed Millibands climate change act which was supported by all parties specified a limit for CO2 emissions for all new electricity generation of 380g CO2/Kwh – specifically to prevent any new coal powered electricity generation .

    As you can see the blame for this lies firmly with Westminster rather than Brussels .

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  • Lib – you’ve gone from accusing these people of genocide to saying they sometimes act in their own self-interest. The former makes me think you’re mental, whereas I’d agree with you on the latter.
    I have no doubt that there are wicked little people out there trying to figure out how to gain world dominance. The difference is I don’t talk about it on a blog which is about house prices. This is really quite simple for anyone who isn’t mental to understand Lib so if you’re struggling then maybe that should tell you something… This is a blog about house prices, not coal, not CO2 emissions and not wannabe dictators. If I started posting stuff about Barbie dolls I’d expect to get some flack for it, because it’s irrelevant. People don’t come here to read it so just post it on a site where the readers care. That’s all I’m asking.

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  • Libertas,
    I’m afraid you just haven’t taken a dispassionate look at the science of climatology. The rate of change in global climate along several dimenstions since the industrial revolution is totally out of synch with natural climate change and the only plausible explanation is anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. The burden of proof should be on the other foot though. Since it is known from fundamental physics how those gases operate, why on earth would a massive increase in their concentration because of fossil fuel burning NOT affect the climate? Of course dealing with this will be economically very difficult or even cause great hardships, but let’s not pretend that therefore there is not a problem.
    What has this got to do with house prices? Well for one thing, if you take the climate problem seriously, then you will be less enthusiastic about the proposal to counter high prices by a building bonanza, because of the associated emissions from construction.

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  • Striebs
    Here is an example of the kind of scientific evidence on some of the contaminating effects of fracking on water supplies that your post denies:
    Anyone who is against wind turbines near their house because it spoils the view is just going to love fracking – not.

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  • Not sure if UKIP have a grab of maths. 1154 / 2 = 577, not 2077. It did make me chuckle though.

    @libertas; where does all the nuclear waste go & how much does it cost ?

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