Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just set Greece free..

Euro Finance Chiefs Race to Avert Greek Default

Surely everyone knows that if Greece stays in the eurozone AND is deemed to have defaulted, the cost of sovereign debt funding will rise right across the eurozone for years to come. Moreover, the default won't solve Greece's fundamental problems. So let them leave the eurozone - now..!

Posted by uncle tom @ 11:18 AM (2443 views)
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11 thoughts on “Just set Greece free..

  • Terrorist, terror, terrorism.

    Soft terrorism is far more deadlier than hard, as it can destroy countries instead of vapourising select buildings.

    Le Brunch.

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  • it’s been when Greece defaults, rather than if for quite some time now.

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  • it’s been when Greece defaults, rather than if for quite some time now.

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  • general congreve says:

    Please go Lehman, please go Lehman, please go Lehman…

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  • A major problem is that Greece just can’t collect taxes. From a recent Guardian report:

    “It also emerged that fewer than 15,000 Greeks declare incomes of over €100,000, despite tens of thousands living in opulent wealth on the outskirts of the capital. A new drive by the Socialists to track down swimming pool owners by deploying Google Earth was met with a virulent response as Greeks invested in fake grass, camouflage and asphalt to hide the tax liabilities from the spies in space”.

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  • 5. icarus said…Google Earth was met with a virulent response as Greeks invested in fake grass, camouflage and asphalt to hide the tax liabilities from the spies in space”.

    ~ Being a nutter somehow always pays. I wonder who originally funded Google and why they only pay 2.4% tax.

    Shut it, nutter!!!

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  • 2. tudorian

    I’ll have some of what you’re on if there’s any left.

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  • In or out the Euro they will not like living within their means.

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  • @7

    A little off-topic referring to Britain, isn’t it? 😉

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  • Icarus,

    The opulently wealthy are often people who have retired, and with everything paid for, get by with relatively little taxable income.

    If you look at the population of Greece, and their relative prosperity; having only 15,000 declare over 100,000 euros for tax does not indicate wholesale evasion.

    It looks more like an exercise in scape-goating..

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