Saturday, October 25, 2008

Slightly off topic …


Can somebody explain why the underlying cause is global warming?

Posted by mark wadsworth @ 03:21 PM (2258 views)
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21 thoughts on “Slightly off topic …

  • Any unexpected weather or weather trend is now blamed on global warming. That is why the concept was renamed to ‘climate change’, so they could use it as a badge for any change in weather patterns. This same process has been cleverly used to move the reason for taxing modern clean, efficient cars from green issues to ‘congestion’.
    It may not be as off topic as you think MW. This adverse weather may cause the economy to slow down (people calling in ill, unable to transport goods, more home fuel usage, greater call on the NHS etc). Thereby increasing HPC.

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  • Who said the underlying cause is global warming? Not in the article as far as I could see.

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  • last_days_of_disco says:

    I couldn’t see any mention of it either. Global warming could be blamed because it is supposed to result in more extreme
    weather variations. But this is all theory. These guys can’t predict next month’s weather, to trust them about global warming seems
    utterly preposterous.

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  • Just as the underlying cause of every economic problem is those foolish Americans and their subprime mortgages. Nothing to do with our own debt excess, of course.

    MW, there’s nothing about Global Warming in the article. Unless you’re trying to make a subtle point? What on earth possessed you to read the Express in the first place?!

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  • > Can somebody explain why the underlying cause is global warming?

    Global warming causes the ice fields in the North Pole to melt.

    The cold melted water goes into the Atlantic Ocean.

    There is a global stream of water going through the world’s oceans, rather like the water system of a car in winter, it takes warmth from the engine (i.e. Mexico) to the inside of the car (England),

    The cold melted water from the North Pole goes into this stream and lowers the temperature of the warm water going from Mexico to England,

    Hence global warming will make things colder for England, which after all is in the same latitude as parts of Scandinavia, but doesn’t get so cold in the winter because of the nice warm water coming from Mexico

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  • planning4acrash says:

    Again, my cheeky round robin e-mail. This story will really wake people up when they learn about it. Literally everything we have been told is a BIG FAT LIE!

    Here is a great 10min podcast on climate change that is convenient to share and provides, towards the end, a refreshing solution to the crisis:

    This is a great movie on implications of using CFL lightbulbs:

    If you enjoyed the first podcast, have a listen to this:

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  • This story has clearly done what it was meant to.

    Get everyone talking about our cr@ppy weather instead of the R-word!

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  • mark wadsworth says:

    @ Drewster, I don’t read the Express, but the headline caught my eye when I was in the paper shop.

    @ SB, LDOD, yes of course the article doesn’t blame Global Warming – it’s The Express. I’m just wondering how the Groan and the Beeb will spin this – if it turns out to be true. It’s a bit chilly here down South but not Arctic.

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  • The change from “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” came about because the sort of people who read the Express forget every year that we have such a thing as “Winter”. Whenever it’s a bit cold in Autumn or snowy in Winter they come out to claim that we should carry on in our environmentally unsustainable ways because we have no effect on the climate. Thankfully they tend to shut up during Summer, presumably because the hot weather makes them doubt the maturity of their argument.

    Claiming winter as evidence against climate change is like claiming a house price crash as evidence that prices don’t rise in line with wages over the long term. It’s a mug’s game.

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  • planning4acrash says:

    No, Climate Change came about, because temperatures haven’t warmed since 1998, and are now falling, because, and it may be a shock to some of you to hear that the sun has anything to do with climate, but sun activity went to almost zero, with no sunspots this August. A situation never seen since sunspots were first measured in the 1600’s. The World Wildlife Fund, in a total panic about it, after lying about how Polar Bears are drowning, when their numbers have doubled since the 1970’s and they didn’t tell us that Polar Bears can swim 300 miles, well, after snow storms this year in South Africa and Ethiopia, came out blaming global cooling on carbon emissions, you can’t make this stuff up!

    Here’s a bit from the Sydney Morning Herald, from the article above:

    Conservation group World Wildlife Fund has blamed human carbon emissions for the fact that the coldest August has been recorded in Australia for more than 60 years.
    The Sydney Morning Herald reports:
    The freezing temperatures are proof of the urgent need to cut carbon pollution, according to WWF development and sustainability program manager Paul Toni.
    “We can expect more extremes in climate,” Mr Toni said.
    Mr Toni said if action was not taken, more volatile weather would be on the radar.
    So now carbon emissions are not only responsible for the rapid heating of the Earth, but at the same time are the prime cause of global cooling, according to the WWF.
    Which is it to be?

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  • planning4acrash says:

    If you haven’t already, for your children’s sake, please listen to the podcasts I posted, where you hear a DOCTOR who was a member of over 20 UN IPCC Climate Change meetings

    Lew Rockwell and Dr Floy Lilley, Climate and the State (10min podcast)

    Dr Floy Lilley on a short 20min lecture

    Remember that they gave us WMD’s, Never ending HousePriceBoom, Henry Paulston and Bush, yet we always get sucked into the next SCAM!! We have been tought to behave like children and not think for ourselves!

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  • gosh p4ac thinks climate change is a conspiracy wot a surprise

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  • Not only sun spot activity. How about HAARP? (although it is too far away for us to really know.)
    BTW I wonder if this financial crisis is detracting from some other big news such as CERN?

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  • Good excuse for HIPS though.

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  • last_days_of_disco says:

    Polluting less is good, I think cleaning up after yourself is the right thing to do (TM).

    The fact is that when you have shared ownership companies they tend to become “unaccountable monsters” because
    there is no one in charge but a bunch of people trying to “maximize shareholder value”. All the stuff about
    social/eco responsibility is just window dressing. If families owned companies then you would see them
    being more ethical automatically because they want to leave a legacy to their kids. Its also easier to get
    them to embrace a moral code. Whereas huge numbers of random shareholders feel on average somewhere
    near zero about anything but the dividend or the increase in the share price.

    We should outlaw stock markets, Adam Smith thought that would be an excellent idea. So don’t tell me I am anti-capitalist.

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  • Yes, I can.

    We are further north than Moscow, and about the same distance north as Hudson Bay on the north coast of Canada. The main reason it isn’t as cold here as it is in these places is because of the Gulf Stream. The polar ice caps in places like Greenland are melting, and the molten ice (ie cold water) is interfering with the gulf stream and stopping the warm weather from getting to us. As a result, our weather can end up more like the weather in Moscow and Hudson Bay.

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  • last_days_of_disco says:


    Thanks, that is interesting. I think that global warming is like a lot of things. By the time you can measure it, it has already happened.
    The rest is history. The biggest contributor to global warming is methane content in the atmosphere. And from what I have read, the change in the amount of methane in the atmosphere is leveling off. However the effects are only felt after the event.

    I suppose this is because gases respond much more quickly to changes in temperature than liquids do. Carbon dioxide emissions make up a tiny component of the effect of retaining heat. Methane is carbon too, but in a much more reactive form CH4. Its all got confused in the media and the governments have picked up on it and turned it into a dogma, etc, etc.

    The thing about a Carbon tax is just soooo, manipulative and silly. They should just tell the truth. We are stuffed financially and you
    need to cut back your consumption, instead of “save he planet from global warming”. Hey its a self regulating system after all.

    Locally unstable, globally stable (oho, I am getting into chaos theory again).

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  • Big freeze? It’s England, it’s winter, it’ll be over in a day or so if it happens at all. Whatever, I thought everyone agreed that the Daily Express was on another planet.

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  • Nobody knows wether this global warming is a long term trend or not. Some scientists argue we are instead going towards another ice age. Some winters are warm, some summers are cold. It is nothing new. We ve only had about 200 years of statistics anyway and the world is 4.5Bn years old. Complete waste of time.

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  • Mark Wadsworth says:

    @ Jimmy Joe Claiming winter as evidence against climate change is like claiming a house price crash as evidence that prices don’t rise in line with wages over the long term

    Nobody is claiming ‘winter’ as evidence against MMGW, nobody claims that house prices don’t rise with wages in the long run (but no faster than that).

    I don’t see what point you are trying to make.

    @ P4AC, that link is awesome, especially the first comment.

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