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Mrs Doyle

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Everything posted by Mrs Doyle

  1. There's this strange thing, you night have heard about it, where words put together and contextualised can mean things. I know, it's amazing, isn't it! 🤣
  2. I actually said nothing you say offends me, it makes not a jot of difference to my life. You really need to pay more attention when reading.
  3. I am very familiar with the reasoning behind trying to negatively profile opponents with absolutely no personal knowledge what so ever. It's a common tactic on the right.
  4. Look, this is the last time I'll explain this to you then, on this, I'm done. I'm using common refrains used by the right when attacking those they perceive as being on the left to mock the right. One you refer to is actually a commonly used and recognised mocking phrase to suggest the subject it's aimed at is sad and lonely. And just to head you off at the pass, it's aimed solely at the poster involved whatever bizarre way you try to reframe it. They are rhetorical tools. Now over to you for the psychoanalysis. 👍
  5. It's clear many right wingers struggle with our beautiful language. I'm not offended by anything you've posted. It makes not a jot of difference to my life. I merely pointed out that those you are talking about were defined by you as 'leftists'. I would opine that your definition of a 'leftist' might be a tad different to what is commonly considered left wing in academic political discourse.
  6. The bit about how how the length of time I've been on these boards qualifies or disqualifies me from commenting on your opinion.
  7. I can question your opinion without having gone through your personal experiences. You're not making any sense. And let's not forget, it's mostly your application of the label 'leftist'.
  8. Gotta love your crude attempts at building a profile for me, which, absolutely coincidentally of course, places you above me. 🤣
  9. My opinion is that you haven't spoken to many people on the left. How do you know the political leanings of 'most people arriving'? Students, footballers, academics, business owners, global corporate company staff, scientists? Ah, no, of course, you think all immigrants are poor brown people.
  10. It was a direct response to a prod actually, but yes, I do voluntary work with vulnerable people who suffer poverty and in many cases SEND. Given my politics on display in these threads I'm surprised you don't get what's going on.
  11. No I did not say that. I made a salient point about being able to support something on principle without personally housing anybody. I'm sorry you don't understand this simple concept.
  12. I don't care what you think of my principles. It's pretty clear from my posts I'm arguing on principle.
  13. I'm trying to remember, it might have been more than one due to log in difficulties. I use lots of different names on lots of different sites but I'll try to track it down.
  14. Thank you. To answer your point. I believe in the right to asylum as a human right therefore it is a matter of principle for me. I'm sorry if you hadn't understood that from me.
  15. I see you've edited in how long I've been a member so I'll correct you. I've only been under my present name since February after a hiatus of activity in which I forgot my log in details. I've been around a long time but mostly just to read interesting stuff about the housing market.
  16. All I'm asking is for you to explain what your comment means and your thinking behind it. You question about voters is a little strange unless you don't realise refugees can't vote in General Elections or that it takes years to gain citizenship. Anyways, I support the principle of asylum on, strangely enough, principle. I'm sorry that wasn't clear to you.
  17. I've read loads of posts in here but I'm particularly interested in yours. So, can you qualify your own statement? It should be easy, just give us your reasoning for making the statement.
  18. My own words were a direct response to the nonsense about pro refugee people not housing refugees and a question about whether I was the same as them. Do you understand context and chronology or is everything in your world isolated and context free?
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