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  1. again i ask as no one has commented - what about individual dwelling aka houses/bungalows, not tower blocks, hospitals etc - that have been retrospectively clad with external insulation that is then rendered over? Are they too living in a tinder box??? I saw no gaps ie fire breaks in the insulation blocks added next door to their house. I caught tail end of a Kingspan interview on news earlier but didnt get the full gist. Bearing in mind most new builds or extensions have kingspan in the internal walls one assumes not flammable?! If i am posting in wrong forum please advise but I have been following this thread since the start and the question still stands unanswered and no-one else seems to have raised it in public or on forums so I assume i am wrong and there is no risk - but would be great to hear it said! Thanks
  2. A lot of the issues appear to lie with the combustibility of the insulation blocks themselves - with this in mind does this mean there may well be serious issues with retro fitted external insulation to normal single/double storey houses that seems to be a currently popular way to insulate older dwellings that don't have cavity walls to fill (which brings its own issues i know)? My friend had theirs done last year - and to me it looked quite simply like blocks of grey polystyerene type material being glued, then drilled onto to the existing render and then simply rendered over. Not sure what the fire safety regs are on such things but even if they do "appear" to be compliant....as now seems to be coming out with the cladding on towers, they may actually not be! A typical brick and timber dwelling is more combustible than concrete preformed flats (designed to self contain fires) - so the thought that my neighbours have clad their house in an external wick, is a tad worrying! and again - could this be a major issue in the domestic housing market too or does anyway know if such external insulation is completely different to those on tower blocks that are then cladded over??
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