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Everything posted by ruggerlad

  1. Oh Dear, Seem to have hit a raw nerve here! This is fine we can all do a bit of internet trolling and call people names from behind a PC screen. If that floats your boat get on with it i do not care at all. It seems that anyone who owns a property is a scumbag whilst anyone who rents is a pillar of society and should be admired!!!!! Again I accept that is one point of view to which anyone is entitled. Of course, it could be considered that the pea brain is the guy paying someone else's mortgage by renting. It seems that there is a lot of jealousy here at people who can afford to buy a property which manifests itself in anger and trolling. If that were not the case why all the anger? Why does it matter what other people do. Personally for instance I do not smoke and think any one who does is wasting their money, however it is their money and their choice what they do so i am not at all angry at their life choices. If someone wants to obtain a mortgage and buy a place to rent that is up to them. Why does it matter to anyone else? Do you hate everyone who does not do the same as you do in every other aspect of life or is it just because you cannot buy a property that you are so up-tight about others and what they do?
  2. "No Because they're brazen rentiers with no moral compulsions or intellectual engagement " Every on of them? You have met every landlord? Why is renting a house that someone wishes to live in immoral? I have met a few landlords who are very highly educated and decent in fact and I have been lucky to have them as a landlord when I have needed to rent. If there we no landlords what would people who need to rent do? Maybe state run tower blocks which were the norm in East Germany and the Soviet Union. ​I agree that some landlord are awful but not all and I do not condemn people who choose to use their money differently to the way I do . It is a free country. I guess I just do not understand the anger and aggression and vitriol for 1000's of people you have never even met. We are all different of course.
  3. " then what is your problem with me expecting a correction around 30%?!" Nothing at all. I would like to wi n £160M on the lottery I would like a 9 inch D++K I would like a date with a stunning blonde who is a great cook and loves ironing I would like an end to reality TV I would like an end to football on my TV the only sport I detest. None of that will happen same a s 30% reduction in house prices it is not just the govt that says there is an acute housing shortage it is also organisations such as Shelter
  4. Scum ? Why ? Just because they choose to use their money in a different way to you?
  5. My daughter has a C1 they are great cheap cars easy to drive you will love it
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