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About curiositycat

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  1. Forgive me for thinking that "BTL as a Business" sounds basically like a landlord / investor forum. So what forum do you suggest then for N Ireland landlords?
  2. As for students increasingly commuting, i heard stories about that already too, trains being packed on mornings on way in, students only having classes 3 /4 days a week anyway. However if i was a student able to get even a single room at 175 a month, surely the fuel / public transport ticket costs over a month would come to near that figure! And then no "proper" student life. Wouldn't want to have missed that experience, the fun and the banter for anything myself... Is it usual that students club together for a proper shared tenancy? Given the solvency issues, are solvent parents worried about guaranteeing a tenancy /. lease for potentially insolvent families? What levels of maintenance is common, i imagine that's very high in student lets?
  3. Where are these discounts on London prime sales? I'm not seeing it despite a lot of supply in for example Greenwich and Deptford riverside. I go to auctions, there are more viewers than ever, 1to 3 bed properties are selling faster than i've seen since 2009, I think you lot are blinkered by your own bias as i see the evidence out there that the statistics show. (South london especially) I've wondered for a while if we would see a fall off from the substantial mark ups that rents had over the last 3 years, however is your 15% reduction cited from a starting point of overvaluation compared to last yr / local comparibles?
  4. Just wondering if any of you have insight into Belfast student rents as i'm getting contradictory information. Seems that some are still renewing / paying 2007/08 levels of rent, whereas i can find examples 20% maybe 25% lower. What is the experience here and word on the street? How much does a 5 bed in Agincourt, or in Stranmillis rent for in reality? And for a 12 month AST, "joint and severally liable".
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