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  1. All factually correct but not many people are aware of this which obviously has an impact on house prices in frontalier areas.
  2. The International Organisations have already announced some role reductions in Geneva -WHO 300 and the ILO were trying but have been blocked by the Unions/works councils at the moment. It will be interesting once the budget contribution rules are renegotiated - currently the UK pays more than twice as much as China!! Its fair to say that the BRICS will not likely agree to increase their contributions to support hundreds, if not thousands of roles, in one of the most expensive locations in the world that could easily be relocated. The current spate of tax agreements and banking confidentiality changes will also probably begin to impact on Geneva.
  3. I can't see anything but a big readjustment for Geneva:- bank secrecy/taxation rules changing making the location less attractive, commodities trading centres moving eastwards, some multinationals slimming down or pulling out, IO's facing tough budgets (in their perception of course!), crime rising (although still low). Add into that mix that Paris is a long way from the frontalier areas and it will be a double whammy there.
  4. Just been to look at some land on the French side and mentioned the CMU - cue some sheepish looks and a few "well nobody really knows and with Geneva being so close it wont effect prices". Made up my mind to sit tight renting for a while yet.
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