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House Price Crash Forum


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Everything posted by CarbonBasedLifeform

  1. Eric thank you for posting this it is without doubt the best link i have ever read from this site and should be made compulsive reading for every citizen of the western world, makes me angry just realising how unnecessary, avoidable and unreal this whole financial crisis is, and if everyone was aware of the facts behind it i think we would see real change, however i fear that the sheeple prefer to remain blissfully unaware, believing that this complicated financial thingy (FRAUD) is nothing to do with them and doesn,t really affect their lives.It really is just a matter of time before total collapse imo.
  2. i would be happy to be "deluded" living my entire life in beutifull houses with superyachts and supercars at my disposal eating the finest foods and drinking champage whilst enjoying the company of the hottest women, whilst you have philosophy to nourish your life , the above comment could only come from a tw@t of the highest order.
  3. Agree 100% house prices will increase steadily, this time next year i will not be surprised to see house prices have doubled or tripled . However a loaf or bread will cost about £500 so its all relative isn,t it?
  4. Agree 100% house prices will increase steadily, this time next year i will not be surprised to see house prices have doubled or tripled . However a loaf or bread will cost about £500 so its all relative isn,t it?
  5. Maybe i was being nieve but i just expected to be able to stand outside houses that are supposed to be "worth" £1million plus and think that i would actually like to live there So when chelsea fans sing "in your liverpool slums" Yes we have plenty of them in the run down areas of our city but they cost peanuts, not millions and most of my friends earn around 40k here for similar type jobs that they want to pay 30k for in chelsea, living in central london is for mugs unless you earn at least £60k imo (and this is probably too low).
  6. no just a smarter area consdering the sky high prices, oh and could,t find a gruel shop for luv nor money cor blimey guvnor can i shine your shoes?
  7. Just been for a job interview in chelsea, only paying 30k and they appear to want superman, they informed me at the end of the interview that they want me to come back for a second stage interview wtf??? its 30k not 300k, i would have thought binmen in chelsea earn more than that.The company was based about 500m from stamford bridge in a side street off the kings road and to me the whole area could only be described as shabby, scruffy shops and bars, old run down pubs and lots of small stores/cafes that are falling to bits , most of the housing was terraced or should that be "mews" as its chelsea windowframes rotting and dirty but with a 100k car outside many of them not at all what i expected, the kings road was especially dissapointing just looked like the a normal street that could have been almost anywhere. My question is this, Why are people prepared to pay such a high premium to live in such a shabby looking area? and also how come chelsea fans have the fu***ing cheek to sing "in your liverpool slums" when they come to anfield when the houses they live in don,t look too much different? how many posts before the first "calm down" comment ?
  8. erm go shwartznegger on their asses with my mach 10. Thats what its for. I never said it was a career option for billy no balls did i?
  9. Just lie on the cv and say that you cannot divuldge your experience as it is a matter of national security, namedropping "the regiment" and having a postal address in hereford may also help.
  10. i think personal protection/security consultant will become increasingly in demand both private and corporate, as the bankstas et al will feel increasingly insecure as things continue to worsen economically for the masses.The govt will issue firearms permits to trained personell to protect them and their mates from angry marginalised plebs, could be a good well paid secure career for the future imo.
  11. Notice the abscence of absolute zero et al on this thread, They want this cash grab to fund their cushy public service jobs and unaffordable pension "rights" and they don,t care if it bankrupts the whole of the private sector as long as they are unaffected, apparently the relationship between the public and private sectors is "symbiotic" as some private sector companies do work for the public sector ie the public sector is acting like an employment agency and we could not possibly do without this extra layer of parasites to organise the work being done ffs. If you are taxed £100 and get £20 of it back for doing work for the taxer you have still been fooked over but apparently its "symbiotic". The state cannot take any more tax than they already do without decreasing total revenue due to the law of unintended consequences and diminishing returns .If they could take more tax they would have been doing it during the boom. The public sectors first response to budjet shortfalls is always to try to tax more, never to try and become more efficient or cut non jobs etc they do not live in the real world as they do not have to.
  12. Yes but dont forget the interest and the 75,000 £200k houses per month figure is only the MONTHLY INCREASE in govt debt. The total estimated debt of the uk is £6.4 trillion or 460% of gdp or 32.2 million £200k houses
  13. Ah it all becomes clear! you have just got home from your "numeracy for adults" night school class haven,t you? Maybe they,ll let you do th ECDL next
  14. Do you fancy swapping murders? i,ve never beent to thialand , have you ever been to italy? we both get rid of our exes and a holiday at the same time and apparently random killings by tourists from another country with no apparent links to the victim have a very low clear up rate i believe
  15. you are of course right, i probably just need to get drunk/laid and all will be good with the world
  16. I only used houses as an example purely because the average man in the street has not got a fooking clue what a £billion is (like i have no clue how to spell) but if you tell him its the equivalent of 5000 houses @200k each he will understand its alot of cash. How else do you think newsreaders can spout £18 billion to bail out such and such, trade defecit for january £9 billion, aig loses $45 billion in one quarter, govt borrowing £180 billion this year etc on an almost daily basis and yet there is almost no outcry/debate except on sites like this one??? because average joe public does not comprehend how much a £billion is let alone what it would take to pay back debts of 460% ie £6.4 trillion and how this is likely to affect his life in the future . Its like the george bush joke ,3 brazilian soldiers were killed today sir! he replies "god thats awful exactly how many is a brazillion?" They just dont have a fooking clue whats coming down the track, a fooking big freight train with globalisation debt and sefdom for the masses written all over it. STILL CHEER UP LETS HAVE A NICE CUP OF TEA AND GO BACK TO WATCHING BRITAINS GOT THE POP FACTOR AND POSSIBLY ANOTHER JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR STRICKTLY ON ICE .
  17. "Nobody could have seen this coming, This budjet giveaway just before an election was so unexpected" said top global economist multiple miggs from hpc.
  18. Yes you are all right of course there are 55 miilion uk citizens out of 60.5 million with 35 years of work ahead of them. of course non of them will be unemployed. of course non of them will be sick/disabled. of course non will choose to be housewives. of course they will all choose to stay in the uk and pay an extra £3.5k pa in taxes every year for 35 years. of course the debt will not get bigger. What was i thinking? it is clearly not a problem, its clearly sustainable and repayable, we are so not underwater in fact i can now see that the future is bright
  19. I,M CONFUSED NOW???? So are you going with the 55million people all with 35 years of work left out of a population of 60.5 million theory then?
  20. yep every one of the 55million is employed and they are all infact a max of 30 years old (presuming retirement @ 65). The fact that the government is running up debt at the rate of the 2007 value of the housing stock of a small city EVERY MONTH (75,000 houses worth) does not seem to bother him THE UK IS NOT UNDERWATER HONEST
  21. according to a 2008 breakdown of population by the MOD in 2008 the uk population in 2008 was 60.5 million with 50.8 million under the age of 65. How on earth do you calculate that 55 million of the uk have an average of 35 years of work left? are you assuming that everyone under 65 is infact 25 or 30?, in fact 20.8 million of these under 65,s are in the 30-64 age range so your, maths is well out. What is it about the fact that we have been accumulating the biggest personal debt per head of population in europe that makes you believe we can each turn this around and repay £3,345 per year for 35 years (remember this is based on your 55 million workers all with 35 years of work, (no housewives,no sick people ,no unemployed) This population demographic that only exists in your head and not in reality . Even if these 55 million workers did exist, you presume they would choose to stay and repay £3,345 per year on top of all the normal taxes rather than fook off somewhere else. are you are also presuming the debt of the uk will not be getting any BIGGER in this calculation? are you 1.) an economist 2.) a banksta 3.) politician 4.) just plain stupid?
  22. Northern rock the first bailout that caused a massive outcry etc was £18 billion, and everyone was talking about collapse of the financial system like it was some kind of big deal, and recently there has been some fuss about some bankers getting a couple of billion on bouses when they lost alot less than they did the year before. Govt borrowing is currently £180 billion a year, thats 10 northern rock bailouts per year, nearly one Northern rock bailout crisis a month, so obviously these bank bailouts are not that big a deal , also the trade imbalance figure for jan was £9 billion and thats half a northern rock crisis and yet nobody bats an eyelid at these sums,therefore everything must be ok, everything is under control Sometimes i think that the general public do not comprehend what a billion is to put it into perspective if there are any sheeple reading this. average uk salary circa 25 thousand/year 1 million = a thousand thousands, OR approx 5 HOUSES at uk national average peak house prices 2007 @200k each. 1 billion = a thousand millions. OR 5,000 average uk peak price houses. YES THATS RIGHT sheeple the uk government debt is increasing at the rate of £15 billion OR 75,0000 peak price £200k houses EVERY MONTH oh and i forgot to mention that uk GDP is 1.4 trillion 1 trillion is (yes you guessed it ) a thousand billions OR 5 million houses and thats alot of money/houses so gdp is 1.4 trillion or 7 million houses a year so whats the problem? the problem is that the total debt of the uk is currently 460% of gdp second only to japan. So our total debt as a nation is £6.44 billion Or 32million and 200 thousand houses I think the uk has approx 23 million housholds and our debt is well erm 32.2million houses, i think its safe to say that uk plc is underwater on this loan. WHAT COULD POSSIBLES GO WRONG green shoots ,recovery dont make me ******ing laugh.
  23. says we both have good jobs and a net income of 9k per month. wants a 270k mortgage at £1500 a month and a 45k loan for the deposit/stamp duty/ legal fees at £450 a month so total outgoings for house buying £1950 per month. that leaves £7050 pm to live on, yet mysteriously he says that if they had to save the £45k deposit/stamp duty/legal fee chunk, he says it would take them more than 4 years something does not add up here, if they save the £45k BEFORE buying with an net income of 9k per month and they save 4.5k per month, they have 4.5k a month to spend on rent and living costs and it will only take them 10 months to save the deposit, WTF are they renting? are they driving leased farraris and having champagne and coke parties every night? OR IS THE 9K A LOAD OF TOSH AND WHAT THEY'RE REALLY AFTER IS A LIAR LOAN????
  24. erm ........ the fact that you do research on tax and suicide "JUST FOR FUN" could be a factor imo you must be a fun guy to have around.
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