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Posts posted by PropertyGuru

  1. No idea why anyone is surprised by this. it;s no different to what happens with a *country* - an area of disparate zones sharing the same currency (eg the UK). For example, the richer overproducing southern zones of the UK have been subsidising the profligate lacksadaisical workshy north and Scotland for generations.

    I see no reason why Germany can't subsidize the PIIGs for the next 50 years. It's the price they pay for 'being in control' and 'feeling superior'.

  2. best way to overhaul the system - remove all the tax law. Replace with a flat 25% tax on ANY income/cap gains.

    Once per year, everyone gets a sheet of paper.

    It says:


    x 0.25 =

    Tax due.....

    Make cheques payable...

    Add swinging penalties for understating income, up to 100% for deliberate fraud, result,

    no incentive to taxdodeg, no army of tax beurocrats, tax take goes UP.

    Not an original idea, btw, this is how it's done 'elsewhere'.

  3. My parents trained race horses for many years, they knew a lot of owners... It's an expensive hobby done more for ego than anything else.

    what you do is you borrow the money to buy the first horse. Then when the value of that horse goes up, you use your 'winnings' to buy a second horse.

    After a while, both horses have gone up, so you can extract your initial deposit from the first horse and now you own 2 free horses.

    Eventually, you can have 700 horses.

    If each horse wins you £10 a month at the races, you're quids in.

    And then you can buy a cheap suit made out of a deckchair, and stuff your face with chips and pasties till you look like a florid 'jabba the hut' clone.

    And if it all goes titsup, no worries, you can always offload the horse to winalot, or some knackers yard somewhere (or Hugh Fernlywhittingless' restaurant).

  4. Why are people so rude on the 'net? Yet another fully paid up graduate of charm school.

    The point is that poor people spend a much higher percentage of their income than the rich. So they effectively pay out a higher proportion of their income in VAT. If you spend 95% of your income and 60% of this is taxed at 17.5% (other 35% assumed on zero-rated items), then you are effectively taxed at a higher rate than someone who spends perhaps 50% of their income on vat-rated goods and services.

    In different terms, it is akin to the poor paying income tax at say 60% while the rich pay at say 40%. It is to do with whether taxation is regressive (you pay less proportionately as your income rises) or progressive (you pay more as your income rises).

    they're so rude because there are so many idiots like you around.

    presumably you want people with extra good eyesight to be made to wear special 'corrective' glasses so they can't see better than others.

    and people with particularly robust immune systems should be injected on a weekly basis with stronger and stronger virii until they have the same level of health as everyone else.

    and the tall should be forced to walk around in special trenches.

    if we all lived on a desert island and i worked my bleeding socks off to catch plenty of fish, why in hell should I hand ANY of it over to chavvy dole-scroungers like you who just want to lie around on the beach all day, working on the tan, and setting the world to rights using schoolboy 70's didactic ******** that ignores almost every facet of human personality? You can all ******ing starve for all I care.

    cue 'but who's going to look after yuo when you're old and sick, deliver the mail, pull pints in pubs.. blah blah blah...'

    work it out. hardly the science of rockets now, is it.


  5. Do you have a problem with people who have a vested interest? The reason I ask is becasue you have one too and you seem to be a rather stupid looking pot calling a rather bemused kettle black.

    You want prices to go down so you can buy.......speculators and home owners would rather that prices went up. I draw one conclusion....both camps want the same things...........yes....the same things.....what it is you ask? I will tell you. Both camps want what they percieve to be the best outcome for themselves.

    It's hypocritical to shout vested interest on this forum as this forum has a vested interest in HPC and all who sail her too!

    Side note: Im also PMSL at you asking if we can all see the spin. You yourself turn anything postive into a basket case to suit your own needs and jump all over anything negative and crank up the heat on it. You really are a tool!

    what a dickweed.

    the VIs are lying about whats happening.

    that's the difference.

    as you should know, tinytroll.

  6. Japan is held up as a shining beacon of what to do to fight deflation - ********.

    What it is, is a shining beacon of how not to pervert your economy with interest rate policies and asinine asset bubbles, particularly real estate ones which rot your economy from the bottom preventing everything above it form being able to function - particularly in a global, competitive market. All they have done since the 1980's is run monetary policy to hide and obscure that huge screw-up, central bankers this side of the world learnt NOTHING from it, in fact quite the reverse they emulated it and are now undergoing the same ****-covering actions to hide their stupidity and mendacity in creating the same situation.

    Japan were lucky - they had a lot left of their manufacturing and technical power base, without it they would have fallen already.

    We are at the point where we can't manufacture competitively, increasingly we can't farm, process food, make clothes, manufacture goods whole ranges of goods, large parts of the service sector and even technology which generally has a low land use footprint; all thanks to the financial tumour foisted on us by the banking system revolving round debt and speculation in just one sector of the economy.

    We still have idiot proponents arguing for the spending (borrowing) ourselves to prosperity. Most of them have never run a business in their lives or done anything productive or worthwhile.

    post of the week.

    read it, everyone. VERY eloquently put!

  7. A rather interesting viewpoint - that we all owe whatever amounts some bloke in an office somewhere says we do and if we don't pay him we are evil.

    It becomes easy to see why totalitarian regimes are so easy to set up with such terribly low self esteem in the general population.

    you've got him there, Inj.

    the world is full of lazy little tosspots who think they're owed a living. Instead of getting on and doing something useful, or trying to contribute, they form little gangs in the playground and use their weight of numbers to steal dinner money from other kids.

    Humans by evolution aint altruistic to strangers. It has to be forced on them. Push too hard, and all the kids with dinner money ****** off down the chippie leaving the lazy bullies to starve.

  8. china's model has so far been based on selling exports to the future

    By buying their crap with debt, the west has basically hocked its future to them. Which is why the default/devalue will come, sooner rather than later. Get out of jail free, if you will.

    The model itself is deeply flawed, as all models based on trusting beggars are - when do you decide 'enough... he'll never pay that back', because that's where we are right now.

    There's a limit to how far into the future you can 'pull money back from'.

    It's reminiscent of the German economy. Gosh, how glorious, a MANUFACTURING economy! Wish we had one. Then bang - global recession - who do the krauts sell to? No one.

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